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Everything / Operators



Great Reads

by Muraad Nofal
A haskell monad/(applicative)functor like interface in C# that extends IEnumerable.
by Coral Kashri
Fold-expressions in extreme cases
by Thomas Daniels
This article explains how bitwise operators work and this article explains also several purposes of them with examples in C# and VB.NET.
by Yvan Rodrigues
Maybe writing a tip will mean the last time I fall for this.

Latest Articles

by Coral Kashri
Fold-expressions in extreme cases
by Thomas Daniels
This article explains how bitwise operators work and this article explains also several purposes of them with examples in C# and VB.NET.
by yash soman
The tip is about using Elvis operator which is introduced in C# 6.0 for Null Reference Checks. It gives an example of how to use it.
by Yvan Rodrigues
Maybe writing a tip will mean the last time I fall for this.

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18 Sep 2013 by Muraad Nofal
A haskell monad/(applicative)functor like interface in C# that extends IEnumerable.
8 Sep 2016 by Thomas Daniels
This article explains how bitwise operators work and this article explains also several purposes of them with examples in C# and VB.NET.
31 Oct 2013 by Lee Reid
How to create 'generic' classes and methods which use operators such as +,-, / and *