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Great Reads

by Beavis Killer
Salesforce is not a good CRM platform. In case you have to use it, here is how to highlight fields based on their contents.
by Michael Breeden
How to make an API connection (GET, POST) using Salesforce Apex language (very like Java) to a FHIR (Electronic Medical Records) Server
by SRS(The Coder)
This article describes with code examples how to integrate salesforce with .net application.

Latest Articles

by Michael Breeden
How to make an API connection (GET, POST) using Salesforce Apex language (very like Java) to a FHIR (Electronic Medical Records) Server
by Beavis Killer
Salesforce is not a good CRM platform. In case you have to use it, here is how to highlight fields based on their contents.
by SRS(The Coder)
This article describes with code examples how to integrate salesforce with .net application.

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13 Mar 2023 by Michael Breeden
How to make an API connection (GET, POST) using Salesforce Apex language (very like Java) to a FHIR (Electronic Medical Records) Server
16 Mar 2015 by SRS(The Coder)
This article describes with code examples how to integrate salesforce with .net application.