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Great Reads

by SimbirSoft
C++: love and intrigue
by David A. Gray
Beware the abandoned stack frame, for it can be plundered at will.
by Aram Tchekrekjian
Easily secure ASP.NET Core Web API using API Key Authentication - just follow a few steps and secure your endpoints
by Suraj Pant
In this post we will discuss a quickest way to create a secure website with self signed certificate.

Latest Articles

by Aram Tchekrekjian
Easily secure ASP.NET Core Web API using API Key Authentication - just follow a few steps and secure your endpoints
by SimbirSoft
C++: love and intrigue
by David A. Gray
Beware the abandoned stack frame, for it can be plundered at will.
by Lucas Ontivero
A Bitcoin traffic sniffer that intercepts bitcoin protocol messages and analyzes them in order to check if bitcoin addresses in transactions are vulnerable.

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15 Aug 2019 by SimbirSoft
C++: love and intrigue
4 Aug 2018 by David A. Gray
Beware the abandoned stack frame, for it can be plundered at will.
17 Jul 2016 by Suraj Pant
In this post we will discuss a quickest way to create a secure website with self signed certificate.
9 Sep 2016 by Lucas Ontivero
A Bitcoin traffic sniffer that intercepts bitcoin protocol messages and analyzes them in order to check if bitcoin addresses in transactions are vulnerable.