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by Jawahar Suresh Babu
The article describes how to implement Rubberband behavior for WPF Listbox. Also it describes how to add the behavior using Expression Blend.
by Vahe Karamian
This article will cover the basics of Leap Motion integration into your Unity 3D project. We will look at the basic setup and implementation of the basics to get you started. In order for you to try the code, you will need to have the Leap Motion hardware.
by ASP.NET Community
The ListBox control is used to create a list control that allows single or multiple item selection. Use the Rows property to specify the height of
by Greg Dennis
How to implement a single selection set across as many ItemsControls as your app needs.

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by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
How to select all text in a textbox on focus
by Vahe Karamian
This article will cover the basics of Leap Motion integration into your Unity 3D project. We will look at the basic setup and implementation of the basics to get you started. In order for you to try the code, you will need to have the Leap Motion hardware.
by Jamie Highfield
WinForms .NET Time Chooser grid control.
by Menci Lucio
This is a control that lets you select an item from a list with a single gesture

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16 Jun 2012 by Jawahar Suresh Babu
The article describes how to implement Rubberband behavior for WPF Listbox. Also it describes how to add the behavior using Expression Blend.
8 Jul 2015 by Vahe Karamian
This article will cover the basics of Leap Motion integration into your Unity 3D project. We will look at the basic setup and implementation of the basics to get you started. In order for you to try the code, you will need to have the Leap Motion hardware.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The ListBox control is used to create a list control that allows single or multiple item selection. Use the Rows property to specify the height of
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Every time user’s complaints me about page scroll issues. For example: If a lengthy page having a dropdown list with AutoPostBack = true at bottom of
1 Sep 2014 by Menci Lucio
This is a control that lets you select an item from a list with a single gesture
18 Aug 2012 by Dan Randolph
C# interop using platform invoke and C++ vectors to implement fast searching and selection on index keys
23 Jul 2014 by davekahn
An easy way to control the lists of options in multiple related SELECT controls
12 Dec 2013 by Mehmet Murat TANDOĞAN
How to use jQuery mobile autocomplete in ASP.NET using generic handler(.ashx) file with database connection.
1 Nov 2012 by Kailas Mane
Create a multiple clolumn combox/autocomplete/dropdownlist in ASP.NET MVC3.
3 Dec 2013 by Sal Razzaq
How to fairly pick items from a list
24 Mar 2010 by Alishah Novin
Currently, ComboBoxItems cannot be selected using the keyboard - only the mouse. This is an attempt to resolve that.