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by Bernhard Nebel
How does asynchronous serial communication work, what Arduino libraries are there to support it, and what can go wrong?
by debashishPaul
How to Get 'serial' value of the Inserted Record and Use with a Variable in PostgreSQL
by ToughDev
In my previous article I provided some information on the Tektronix TDS 340 100 MHz digital storage oscilloscope and instructions
by Vedat Ozan Oner
Arduino.SerialLcd library

Latest Articles

by ToughDev
Emulate parallel port printer to capture data from Tektronix 1230 Logic Analyzer
by ToughDev
How to interface Nokia 3510i and 5110 LCD with PIC Microcontroller
by Minh Danh Nguyen (ToughDev)
Developing vintage 68K Macintosh apps with CodeLite IDE, Retro68 and pce-macplus emulator
by ToughDev
Interesting findings about GSM SIEMENS TC35

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10 Mar 2016 by Marco Bertschi
Serial communication with an Arduino Board via C# and the SerialPort class from the System.IO.Ports namespace
26 Mar 2021 by Jochen Arndt
Using the Setup API to enumerate serial ports for selection with list boxes and drop-down combo boxes
4 Sep 2014 by Andres Cassagnes
wxWidgets resources examples and COM port communication.