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by Don Hoang
This post describes implementing ASP.NET Editable Gridview using Bootstrap 4
by Eduardo Mozart de Oliveira
Any project can use a cut-down version of the platform to provide professional, easy-to-use, and searchable documentation
by Anton Angelov
A detailed overview with examples how to utilize the Observer Design Pattern in automated tests to create an extendable test execution.
by Maxim Komlev
Task Scheduler JavaScript library

Latest Articles

by NewPast
PHP contact-us script runs without modification. It detects the domain and emails all the contact-us form-data
by Evoluteur
A web color picker which looks like the one in Microsoft Office 2010
by Florian Rappl
Microfrontends present the latest addition to the decoupling efforts of architects - are they worth the struggle?
by Jeremy Likness
Generate a thumbnail for your Hugo posts on the fly, then create a custom short code that uses thumbnails and page data like title and description to embed a post preview to interlink documents.

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30 Jul 2019 by Don Hoang
This post describes implementing ASP.NET Editable Gridview using Bootstrap 4
30 Aug 2018 by Eduardo Mozart de Oliveira
Any project can use a cut-down version of the platform to provide professional, easy-to-use, and searchable documentation
26 Feb 2016 by Max R McCarty
How are you storing that sensitive application data and should you be?
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
If it is required to add a facility on the webpage that users can click a button on the website and it will open up bookmark option. Following is
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
suppose your url is some hacker try for hacking the website so type some script text on url
20 Aug 2017 by Yaseer Mumtaz
MEAN Stack, Development Environment Setup, Expressjs APIs Development & Testing
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Papal Integration·         Create PayPal sandbox account (·         Chose Test accounts To test a merchant
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
A typical request from a customer or user of your website is to enable the upload and download of documents. The could be spreadsheets, presentations
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Hello all,When we use Custom error pages in our website, and when we load our pages inside iframes, if an error occurs the custom error page loads
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
step1. drag create use wizard and drop on design window on your web page(default1.aspx).step2. go to website tab and click on
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
You need to create another App_LocalResources inside this sub folder, and put your user control resources files inside it . look at this structure
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
It seems to be very common that menu control is not to be properly displayed in IE8.I have developed a website which contains a master page
7 Dec 2019 by Florian Rappl
Microfrontends present the latest addition to the decoupling efforts of architects - are they worth the struggle?
26 Apr 2013 by Girish Nama
This article describes using web modelpop extender as Windows model popup dialogbox.
7 May 2021 by NewPast
PHP contact-us script runs without modification. It detects the domain and emails all the contact-us form-data
13 Jun 2018 by madeas
A cross-browser collection of CSS box-shadow + Generator the file box-shadows.min.css + Box-shadow CSS Generator
18 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Improve the scalability of a website and efficient design for time consuming processes.