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Everything / SoapUI



Great Reads

by Bert O Neill
Validate your Restful Service Methods using SoapUI (which can then be integrated into TFS build CI)
by sore_ron
How to automate SoapUI using Groovy
by dharrison_ch
A pattern of solution for automating the testing of Web Service-based components.
by Peri Venkatesh
A closer look at test suites and assertions

Latest Articles

by dharrison_ch
A pattern of solution for automating the testing of Web Service-based components.
by Abhishek Shrotriya
This tip gives the very basic/simple implementation to interact with SAP PI webservice for authorized recipients.
by Bert O Neill
Validate your Restful Service Methods using SoapUI (which can then be integrated into TFS build CI)
by Peri Venkatesh
A closer look at test suites and assertions

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16 Oct 2015 by Bert O Neill
Validate your Restful Service Methods using SoapUI (which can then be integrated into TFS build CI)
18 Sep 2014 by sore_ron
How to automate SoapUI using Groovy
7 Jul 2016 by dharrison_ch
A pattern of solution for automating the testing of Web Service-based components.