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Great Reads

by tugrulGtx
A small tool for writing various algorithms as if they were CUDA/OpenCL kernels
by Zuoliu Ding
A discussion on optimization using SIMD instructions including MMX, SSE, and AVX in x86 Assembly Language Programming

Latest Articles

by tugrulGtx
A small tool for writing various algorithms as if they were CUDA/OpenCL kernels
by Zuoliu Ding
A discussion on optimization using SIMD instructions including MMX, SSE, and AVX in x86 Assembly Language Programming

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25 Apr 2022 by tugrulGtx
A small tool for writing various algorithms as if they were CUDA/OpenCL kernels
26 Mar 2021 by Zuoliu Ding
A discussion on optimization using SIMD instructions including MMX, SSE, and AVX in x86 Assembly Language Programming