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Everything / FileStream



Great Reads

by Varun Sriram
This article explains how to develop a custom Java utility to find and replace strings in multiple files in one go
by Pavel Durov
Uploading large files from Android to ASP.NET
by Matthew Givens
Showing how to decrypt files in memory in order to maintain data security.
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This article uses the MVC framework for building Java-based applications for desktop or for enterprise solutions.

Latest Articles

by Varun Sriram
This article explains how to develop a custom Java utility to find and replace strings in multiple files in one go
by Sarathi Balakrishnan
Remove duplicate files with same file content, even with different file name using FILETABLE with simple CTE.
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This article uses the MVC framework for building Java-based applications for desktop or for enterprise solutions.
by Pavel Durov
Uploading large files from Android to ASP.NET

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16 Oct 2014 by Pavel Durov
Uploading large files from Android to ASP.NET
2 Sep 2014 by Matthew Givens
Showing how to decrypt files in memory in order to maintain data security.
24 Feb 2015 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This article uses the MVC framework for building Java-based applications for desktop or for enterprise solutions.