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Great Reads

by Ben Hall (
Most articles and documentation about the 'out of the box' C# Debug and Release build configurations were written prior to Roslyn. I take a fresh look at what you now get under the covers in 2018.
by Ben M Watson
Get into the details of .NET array access optimization and how you can pattern your code for efficiency.
by saleemy2ks
This Article discusses on Memory allocation in .Net and how JIT compiler optimizes non-volatile code. It also talk about Value Type, Reference type, Stack, Heap, Boxing, Unboxing, Ref, Out and Volatile.

Latest Articles

by Ben Hall (
Most articles and documentation about the 'out of the box' C# Debug and Release build configurations were written prior to Roslyn. I take a fresh look at what you now get under the covers in 2018.
by saleemy2ks
This Article discusses on Memory allocation in .Net and how JIT compiler optimizes non-volatile code. It also talk about Value Type, Reference type, Stack, Heap, Boxing, Unboxing, Ref, Out and Volatile.
by Ben M Watson
Get into the details of .NET array access optimization and how you can pattern your code for efficiency.

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19 Apr 2018 by Ben Hall (
Most articles and documentation about the 'out of the box' C# Debug and Release build configurations were written prior to Roslyn. I take a fresh look at what you now get under the covers in 2018.
20 Nov 2014 by Ben M Watson
Get into the details of .NET array access optimization and how you can pattern your code for efficiency.
22 Nov 2015 by saleemy2ks
This Article discusses on Memory allocation in .Net and how JIT compiler optimizes non-volatile code. It also talk about Value Type, Reference type, Stack, Heap, Boxing, Unboxing, Ref, Out and Volatile.