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Great Reads

by NewPast
Using serial or paraller port to control a machine
by grilialex
Decoding Serial Busses from Digital Oscilloscope
by Mahdi Mansouri
This program shows you how to control, give set-point and get feedback from Hua YI made Power Supplies

Latest Articles

by NewPast
Using serial or paraller port to control a machine
by grilialex
Decoding Serial Busses from Digital Oscilloscope
by Mahdi Mansouri
This program shows you how to control, give set-point and get feedback from Hua YI made Power Supplies

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10 Feb 2018 by NewPast
Using serial or paraller port to control a machine
5 Apr 2010 by Mahdi Mansouri
This program shows you how to control, give set-point and get feedback from Hua YI made Power Supplies