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by Igor Sukhov
The ATL and MFC versions of the class that implements a dialog for selecting users(computers) within the Windows Network.
by Ryan Binns
An implementation of synchronous .NET style delegates in non - .NET VC++ 6.
by AssemblySoft
A trivial business logic layer from scratch with a TDD approach.
by ZhaoRuFei
This article provides a macro + template solution to support .NET-like Reflection for enums such as ToString, IsDefined, Parse, GetValues, GetNames.

Latest Articles

by Igor Sukhov
The ATL and MFC versions of the class that implements a dialog for selecting users(computers) within the Windows Network.
by Ryan Binns
An implementation of synchronous .NET style delegates in non - .NET VC++ 6.
by AssemblySoft
A trivial business logic layer from scratch with a TDD approach.
by ZhaoRuFei
This article provides a macro + template solution to support .NET-like Reflection for enums such as ToString, IsDefined, Parse, GetValues, GetNames.

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by cocaf
How to show progress in a Boost test application.
by Stephane Capo
C++ optimization for map using string key among others
by CalicoSkies
How to use istream_iterator and the copy algorithm to populate an STL collection from a text file with very little code
by honey the codewitch
std::chrono doesn't work on the Teensy? Oh no! Here's how to fix it.
by trident99
CalcStar is an expandable, fast C++ function evaluator that gives the user the same computational power as a scientific calculator.
by Karl Tarbet
Complex math library for C# and VB.NET
by PJ Arends
A small command line utility to convert a binary file to hex encoded text file
by Doc Lobster
String conversion using the C++ Standard Library only
by Shvetsov Evgeniy
Using C++ templates? Wish your template algorithm will be versatile and ready to work with the classes, which do not fully support the required interface? Want more functional programming with C++? Get it now!
by Shvetsov Evgeniy
How to generate a random sequence of chars with the specified parameters (e.g., length, char sets, char count per set, etc.)
by Shvetsov Evgeniy
Type tricks (above described and other)
by trident99
GT is a compact, efficient, and customizable graphical user interface (GUI) library for the Windows environment.
by Dharmateja Challa
Using parallel_for_each which is part of Parallel Pattern Library ( PPL )
by trident99
The HPC Template Library is a supplement to the Standard Template Library providing threadsafe containers.
by AlexZakharenko
A more efficient way to create objects for usage with shared_ptr
by ratah_
This tip discusses about a solution to allow us to use any class as a C-like 2-dimension array.
by Orjan Westin
Function and supporting class to write a memory dump with hex values and characters to an output stream
by lagos_fernando
A C++ template to encrypt strings at compile time with template metaprogramming.
by Martin Vorbrodt
Parsing Command Line Options
by schollii
Classes that provide simple Pythonic enumeration of STL container items using range-for loop in C++11
by Orjan Westin
Reading an input of any type, or simply enter, from the command line
by steveb
A simple Sci-Fi plot compiler
by Martin Vorbrodt
How to serialize data to XML
by mzdude
shared_ptr and the class factory
by ThatsAlok
This tip will demonstrate std::function in various avatars, with function pointers and std::bind.
by Basil_2
How to choose an STL sorting algorithm.
by Steffen Ploetz
Why replacing std::vector with std::set sped up my UndoRedoAction class by about 20x
by Lakamraju Raghuram
A glance around vector of bool-type
by trident99
An STL based simple XML serialization and de-serialization engine