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Back end


Great Reads

by Danny Chu
Learn how to detect if client has JavaScript enabled or disabled at your backend webserver
by Leszek Koc
Auto subscription of Azure functions to Event Grid
by Wessel Beulink
IPv6 support enhances Azure Gateway, vital for efficient network management
by stevemk14ebr
A modern, universal, c++ hooking library.

Latest Articles

by Wessel Beulink
IPv6 support enhances Azure Gateway, vital for efficient network management
by Leszek Koc
Auto subscription of Azure functions to Event Grid
by ferdrodrigues
Implementation of a folder tree in front-end and back-end
by Danny Chu
Learn how to detect if client has JavaScript enabled or disabled at your backend webserver

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Back end 

14 Jun 2023 by Leszek Koc
Auto subscription of Azure functions to Event Grid
17 May 2016 by stevemk14ebr
A modern, universal, c++ hooking library.
5 Oct 2016 by Vladyslav Chernysh
Simple library that parses a string according to custom patterns.
28 Mar 2017 by DotNetCraft
This article describes one of the easiest ways to read configurations from the App.config.