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Great Reads

by Michael Chourdakis
C++, Direct2D, one function and you got a nice picker
by Michael Haephrati
SG_PNG is a custom MFC control for displaying PNG resources with transparency
by veen_rp
A small JavaScript module to create a modal dialog box or user input box in the familiar .NET style
by Howard 9448490
Windows Forms Print Dialog for rich text with accurate page preview and zooming

Latest Articles

by Michael Haephrati
SG_PNG is a custom MFC control for displaying PNG resources with transparency
by Member 16179004
Capture Enter key in edit control with no dialog box and no subclass.
by ToughDev
Retro68 GCC-based SDK for 68K Mac
by Roger65
How to type text into a static control, change the font used and then save it into a bitmap

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2 Jun 2020 by Michael Chourdakis
C++, Direct2D, one function and you got a nice picker
2 Jun 2024 by Michael Haephrati
SG_PNG is a custom MFC control for displaying PNG resources with transparency
13 Aug 2020 by Howard 9448490
Windows Forms Print Dialog for rich text with accurate page preview and zooming
18 Jul 2016 by Andy Point
Android Alert Dialog Tutorial : Working with Time Picker, Date Picker and List Dialogs In this tutorial we will discuss how to use dialogs and alerts in Android Apps. A Dialog is a small popup shown to the user to get some additional information from the user or ask him to make some decision. Alert
28 Mar 2017 by Shenwei Liu
Update for the modal dialog which is compatible with Angular 1.5x and TypeScript
19 Dec 2014 by JReichert
Use FlexibleMessageBox.Show to seamlessly replace your usages of MessageBox.Show and get more features in a single class you can easily add to your project
18 Jun 2016 by Patrik Mlekuž
Image Control for viewing most common image formats with advanced features included (Import Image, Preview, Resize, Position, Pan, Zoom, Export Image, Extract Resource Icon).
17 Jun 2012 by Apemania
C# Forms RichTextEditor with custom hyperlink with Outlook address like text entities, custom popup listbox, and a screen tip.
19 Oct 2010 by "Fish" (David B. Trout)
Simple parsing of VS_VERSIONINFO version information strings displayed in an XP-style file-properties "Version" tab
10 Aug 2012 by Dirk Bahle
This article samples a MVVM conform implementation of startup and shutdown sequences for an application and its dialogs.
7 Apr 2014 by FIorian Schneidereit
A free and open source library for XAML-based task dialogs.
23 Mar 2001 by Wolfram Steinke
An entry level tutorial on using one of the Windows Common Controls in a dialog.