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Everything / Enum



Great Reads

by slavik57
Have you ever wanted to enumerate all the names and values of an enum? Now you can.
by Matteo Prosperi
This is the third post in the .NET libraries and the art of backward compatibility series.
by kb-boxer
Where enum does not work !!!
by ShlomiO
Dynamic 'Enum' like solution.

Latest Articles

by Matteo Prosperi
This is the third post in the .NET libraries and the art of backward compatibility series.
by Mike-MadBadger
What responses to expect from the enum.IsDefined method in .NET given a variety of inputs
by robsosno
Replacement for standard enums with additional functionality.
by slavik57
Have you ever wanted to enumerate all the names and values of an enum? Now you can.

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12 Mar 2014 by Henrik Jonsson
Presents a helper class to easily display user-friendly enum value representations including customizable and localizable text, images, and arbitrary XAML content. This class can also be used as a general XAML switch statement for enum and non-enum classes.
7 Aug 2014 by JIANGWilliam
Exploit Enum typename and member definitions, as well as Method Extension of Enum.
8 Jan 2014 by Mark Regal
It is the intention of this article to add a measure of detail to all user defined enumerations through the creation of an enumeration database.
6 Nov 2011 by ideafixxxer
A generic version of Enum, which provides much more faster formatting
23 Apr 2016 by Ehsan Sajjad
Better approach to bind dropdownlist with enum in MVC
3 Nov 2012 by Ronen Rabinovitz
Using T4 template an easy one-click synchronization between the enum in the code and the database values
6 Aug 2017 by robsosno
Replacement for standard enums with additional functionality.