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Great Reads

by Christian Specht
In this post I migrate my blog from Jekyll to Hugo and share what I learned.
by Christian Specht
Structured system organizing blog post series visually with YAML and code
by Christian Specht
How to build and deploy a Jekyll site via GitHub actions
by Christian Specht
After auto-deploying Jekyll sites via Bitbucket Pipelines and GitHub Actions, I wanted to try the same thing via GitLab CI as well

Latest Articles

by Christian Specht
After years of executing a “build and upload per FTP” batch on my machine, I now have a GitHub Pages-like experience when updating this site..
by Christian Specht
In this post, we look at the creation of a dynamic tree menu with Jekyll. Specifically we're looking at printing all links from a menu file to create a categorized archive.
by Christian Specht
After auto-deploying Jekyll sites via Bitbucket Pipelines and GitHub Actions, I wanted to try the same thing via GitLab CI as well
by Christian Specht
Structured system organizing blog post series visually with YAML and code

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