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Everything / Reflection



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by matt warren
Why is Reflection slow?
by n.podbielski
If you want to optimize code, which is based on Reflection, delegates may be the thing you are looking for. In this part are explained generic methods and events.
by Eric Lynch
Extends .NET reflection to decode the byte array returned by System.Reflection.MethodBody.GetILByteArray(), discusses the techniques to achieve this, and provides a brief primer on .NET reflection.
by Dev Leader
In this article, I’ll provide you with 4 simple code examples illustrating how reflection works in C#.

Latest Articles

by Dev Leader
In this article, I’ll provide you with 4 simple code examples illustrating how reflection works in C#.
by JBartlau
This article provides an overview of Visual Studio's integration of combit's report generator List & Label.
by Jaume González
Solution using reflection to dynamically load and execute C# code in a workflow context
by Bill Menees
Use .NET's TypeToTypeInfoMarshaler to get a full .NET type with member information from an IDispatch-based COM object.

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15 May 2018 by Eric Lynch
Extends .NET reflection to decode the byte array returned by System.Reflection.MethodBody.GetILByteArray(), discusses the techniques to achieve this, and provides a brief primer on .NET reflection.
2 Feb 2012 by Dean Oliver
How we can harness the power of MEF and extend it by way of generics.
4 Nov 2021 by #realJSOP
A tool to generate model and viewmodel classes directly from your selected database
30 Jun 2016 by Simon Gulliver
Really? Then why is so much effort wasted writing boilerplate which can be more accurately and efficiently automated?
6 Mar 2017 by Michael Doleman
A simple DAL with an integrated, lightweight model for database seeding from a JSON source, using the code-first method in Entity Framework.
26 Feb 2016 by Pavel Sinkevich
How to programmatically change schema name in database project before deployment
1 Jul 2014 by JIANGWilliam
This article introduces a handy way to get the calling Testing Assembly from a called Assembly
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Reflection is the ability of the .NET framework to gather information (metadata) about assemblies, modules and types at runtime. It allows you also
8 Feb 2016 by Pavel Evgenjevich Timoshenko
In this article I would like to discuss about “nameof” operator supported by C# 6. It allows to map strings to named code elements.
5 Sep 2012 by Marius Bancila
In this article, I'm generalizing and extending "Loading Assemblies in pearate Directories" with some helper functionality.
29 May 2013 by Jain, Ajay
The article presents some .NET techniques for using Reflection optimally and efficiently.
11 Mar 2014 by John Atten
I have a general distaste for decorating my code with Attributes and Annotations. Most of the time, I can't help but feel like there must be a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do, and/or that I have somewhere sprung a leak in what should be a helpful abstraction. Other times, though, c
11 Mar 2014 by mbarbac
Implementing the Repository and Unit of Work Patterns dynamically using Kerosene ORM
2 May 2019 by Valerii Tereshchenko
Objects Comparer framework provides mechanism to recursively compare complex objects by properties (supports arrays, lists, different types of dynamic objects and more), allows to override comparison rules for specific properties and types.
26 May 2014 by Dolinka Márk Gergely
First one of a series of tutorials about C# code reweacing using Mono.Cecil
26 Sep 2012 by Vitaly Zhukov
This article describes how to create and use configurable plug-ins in your application.
21 Jun 2021 by Shivprasad koirala
Understanding two terminologies - reflection and dynamic keyword
4 Dec 2014 by saddam abu ghaida
Creating Object relation mapping from scratch
24 Mar 2022 by Bill Menees
Use .NET's TypeToTypeInfoMarshaler to get a full .NET type with member information from an IDispatch-based COM object.
26 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Reflection is one of the very nice features of .net, with Reflection one can take out lotsa information about the type. When I say type that means it
16 Dec 2014 by #realJSOP
Eliminate the tedium of generating model and viewmodel classes for your WPF projects, and save a butt-load of time in the process.
27 Apr 2011 by Scott Bentley
This article describes why you may want to load an assembly at runtime and how to accomplish it.
18 Jul 2014 by Bjørn
A custom Json state machine parser, viewer and serializer for Json data
27 Jul 2015 by Manuele Finocchiaro
Reflection for C++ made easy
1 Jan 2015 by Emre Ataseven
This article demonstrates a method to create message structures, casting byte array to message and vice versa.
6 Feb 2023 by JBartlau
This article provides an overview of Visual Studio's integration of combit's report generator List & Label.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Reflection is an important capability of the .NET framework and enables you to get information about objects at runtime. In this article, we will
3 Dec 2016 by Member 12883374
Gaining extra control of an application's UI through accessing the visual tree
6 Mar 2012 by m0rdred
Tired of generating your command line parsing interface to your apps? Here is yet another CLI tool for helping you do just that.
26 Sep 2017 by Nicolas Kogler
This article will take a look at the benefits of code generators, the .NET reflection and external files to reduce code maintenance in industries with a lot of data.
15 Aug 2017 by Vaibhav M Nalwad
Resolving Dependencies via Attributes and Reflection