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Everything / Serial port

Serial port


Great Reads

by ToughDev
In my previous article I provided some information on the Tektronix TDS 340 100 MHz digital storage oscilloscope and instructions
by ToughDev
How to interface NEO-6M GPS module to PIC
by Marco Bertschi
Serial communication with an Arduino Board via C# and the SerialPort class from the System.IO.Ports namespace
by NewPast
Using serial or paraller port to control a machine

Latest Articles

by ToughDev
Ultimate 68K Macintosh emulator
by ToughDev
In my previous article I provided some information on the Tektronix TDS 340 100 MHz digital storage oscilloscope and instructions
by ToughDev
How to interface NEO-6M GPS module to PIC
by NewPast
Using serial or paraller port to control a machine

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Serial port 

10 Mar 2016 by Marco Bertschi
Serial communication with an Arduino Board via C# and the SerialPort class from the System.IO.Ports namespace
10 Feb 2018 by NewPast
Using serial or paraller port to control a machine