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Entity Framework 6.0


Great Reads

by MarkLTX
Automatically implement INotifyPropertyChanged for every property in Entity Framework 6.0 entity classes
by DiponRoy
How to manage Entity Framework Code First in Real Time Projects
by Emiliano Musso
In this article, we will see how to use entity framework in our Applications, developed through the various languages that Visual Studio allows us to use. The examples in this article and probably in the next, will be C # used under WinForms, but - as mentioned - this choice is not going to affect a
by Vahid_N
It's easy to forget not disposing object contexts, which leads to memory leaks and also leaves too many related connection objects not disposed as well.

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by Herman.Instance
Migrations does not apply to T-SQL rules for ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN
by Akhil Mittal
Code First Approach and Migrations in Microsoft .NET Entity Framework
by MukeshKumarTech
This article will explain how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations in ASP.NET Core Web API using Entity Framework Core.
by Vincent Maverick Durano
This article is part 1 of the series for building a simple web application in ASP.NET MVC 5.

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Entity Framework 6.0 

28 Jul 2014 by DiponRoy
How to manage Entity Framework Code First in Real Time Projects
10 Jun 2016 by Emiliano Musso
In this article, we will see how to use entity framework in our Applications, developed through the various languages that Visual Studio allows us to use. The examples in this article and probably in the next, will be C # used under WinForms, but - as mentioned - this choice is not going to affect a
7 Dec 2016 by Kuv Patel
Convert a class library of POCO classes to datacontracts for use with WCF without having to write DataContract and DataMember attributes directly to the POCO classes.
6 Mar 2017 by Michael Doleman
A simple DAL with an integrated, lightweight model for database seeding from a JSON source, using the code-first method in Entity Framework.
21 Nov 2015 by KK Kod
Designing and Development of a simple ASP.NET Web API.
19 Sep 2017 by SlavaUtesinov
Practical guidance how to use Effort library in your unit tests including workaround with views and triggers and some pitfalls
7 Nov 2014 by Adriaan Booysen
An example of a nearly complete unknown type being used accross EF, WCF and consumed client side
15 Nov 2015 by Rahul Pawar LogicMonk
Simple Demo Entity Framework - a tutorial explaining Code First!
6 Aug 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
This article explains how to create a Login page and create a custom role-based page authorization in ASP.NET MVC 5 application.
2 Apr 2017 by Wendelius
This is an alternative for "What You See Is What You Update"
3 May 2018 by Måns Tånneryd
How to extend the Entity Framework with bulk insert functionality, using DbContext
20 Jun 2016 by Toan Manh Nguyen
In this article you will learn about ASP.NET Core RC2 using WEB API and AngularJS.
4 Sep 2014 by Dukhabandhu Sahoo
Explore the Entity Framework Code First convention and configuration for creating primary key
31 Oct 2016 by Mercede
Generic data manager provides thread specific IUnitOfWork repository tailored for your entities and takes care of all the plumbing and cleaning in a thread safe way.
30 Apr 2017 by Wendelius
This article explains the problem, when another transaction (concurrent or not) accidentally overwrites previously modified data and how to prevent this from happening.
4 Mar 2015 by MatthewThomas
In this article, we'll build an ASP.Net MVC 5 web app which will search your Yammer feed for a hashtag, and display the poster's home town on a Bing map
15 Dec 2015 by databaseobjectmodel
A sample infrastructure project such as erp, mrp, crm, admin panel.
20 Jun 2016 by Toan Manh Nguyen
In this article, you will learn about ASP.NET Core RC2 using WEB API and AngularJS.
3 Jul 2018 by Vincent Maverick Durano
This article is part 1 of the series for building a simple web application in ASP.NET MVC 5.
13 May 2014 by Rahul Rajat Singh
In this article we will try understand the basics of Repository and Unit of Work Pattern and will also create small ASP.NET MVC sample application to implement a generic repository and unit of work class using entity framework.
11 Sep 2018 by MukeshKumarTech
This article will explain how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations in ASP.NET Core Web API using Entity Framework Core.
7 Sep 2016 by Emanuel Santos
In this article i will show how to create a basic application to detect and recognize faces using EmugCV.
10 Nov 2016 by MammadovAdil
Automatically define state of entity graph for EntityFramework Code-First using a single line of code.
1 Oct 2014 by Dukhabandhu Sahoo
Handle optimistic concurrency using Entity Framework Code First.
5 Aug 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
This is part four of the series on Building Web Applications in ASP.NET MVC 5.
3 May 2018 by Måns Tånneryd
Extending the entity framework with bulk operations for both inserts and updates
24 Apr 2017 by SlavaUtesinov
Implementation of "insert" repository with dynamic database table (re)creation, if it not exists. It is possible to specify which migrations will be used for that otherwise will be used default creation logic. Usage example - dynamic logging and archivation or manual table creation for some purposes
1 May 2017 by Roshan Choudhary
Handling data concurrency in Entity Framework 6 with Database First Approach.
7 Oct 2016 by Shamim Uddin
In this article, we are going to learn how to get geolocation address by using Google geolocation API in ASP.NET Web API.