Hi,Here is an alternative for your solutionSELECT CAST(DATEADD(MILLISECOND,SUM(DATEDIFF(MILLISECOND,0,CAST(TMP.TotalTime as DATETIME))),0) as TIME)FROM( SELECT CAST(timeduration AS TIME) TotalTime FROM mytable) TMP
select aday, code, convert(varchar(5), min(atime), (108))MinTime, convert(varchar(5), max(atime),(108)) MaxTime from testgroup by aday,codeorder by aday asc
By analyzing log-in attempts on SQL server, admins can build the complete picture out of the sequence of events that led to compliance failure or unauthorized access.
Building hirarchy in the sense of hirarchy of manager, employee though both are an employee of an enterprise but both are related or depend on hierarchical level.
The root cause why the transaction log file grows so big is the wrong recovery model.The recovery model is set to full by default.99 percent of all SQL Servers never make use of this model because there is no backup of the transaction log file.So the great majority of all databases should...
Problem : - During project development I got the requirement that I have to modified the column name of the table which is used in the no of procedure i.e i have to found all procedure related to that table and modify it For the above problem following are the solution that i used First ...
SSMS also provides the option to generate SQL script file which contains both schema and data.Right click the database and select Generate Scripts under Tasks Menu.Click Set Scripting Options on the left hand menu (in SQL Server 2008 R2) then click Advanced button, there is an option under...
@dt is a datetime valuederive the first of this month, add a month to itthen subtract 1 day to get the last day of this monthselect days_of_month=day( dateadd(d,-1, dateadd(m,1, dateadd(d,1-day(@dt), @dt) ) ) )
This is a very simple use of SQL Server global variables. Microsoft SQL Server provides a massive number of global variables, which are very effective to use in our regular Transact-SQL. Global variables represent a special type of variable. The server always maintain the values of these...
Understrading sys.objectsSys.objects is a system VIEW in SQL Server 2005, for each SQL database there is a separate sys.object view which gets stored within databse itself.Using Sys.objects returns list of all database objects and its types, type can be either of given below:DB OBJECT...
1) You cann't drop any object in schemas other than dbo, so you MUST use sys.schemas system view properly.2) You cann't drop tables even in dbo schema if they are referenced by other ones, not dropped so far. Drop all FKs before tables.dva
For Ravi LVS,The way you have suggested to Empty the database by just deleting and recreating it, is not at all smarter way when you are about to empty a remote database located on live database server, There are times when you don't hold such rights of deleting database on Live...
Here is another solution:IF OBJECT_ID( 'tempdb..#TestTable' ) IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #TestTable ENDCREATE TABLE #TestTable ( Column1 varchar(1), Column2 int )INSERT INTO #TestTable VALUES ('A', 1);INSERT INTO #TestTable VALUES ('A', 1); --...
It is a common issue of many of the guys on how we can fetch a record based on its record number. It is really easy to get first 10 records usingSELECT TOP 10 * FROM EMPBut when we want to fetch records in such a way say I need to fetch record from 40 to 50. This comes very handy when...
I was facing the problem of inserting a default value on single column table and I have achieved via this way.insert into > default valuesAlso this could be used for many columns in a table defining with default constraints.ThanksMehul Thakkar
SELECT TOP 1 salaryFROM (SELECT DISTINCT TOP n salaryFROM employeeORDER BY salary DESC) aORDER BY salarywhere n > 1SQL SERVER – Find Nth Highest Salary of Employee – Query to Retrieve the Nth Maximum value[^]
The original solution has some issues. Check the following script:IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#salary') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #salary ENDCREATE TABLE #salary ( Salary INT )INSERT INTO #salary(Salary) VALUES(5) -- 1INSERT INTO #salary(Salary)...
Sometimes it is necessary to have the schema name included as well. I concatenate with the table name for my convenience, but it is not vital to do so.SELECT sys.sysindexes.rows, sys.schemas.name + '.' + sys.objects.nameFROM sys.objectsINNER JOIN sys.schemasON ...
How to use Group By clause when joining to table Let's consider one scenario where I have two table employees (contains employee detail) and sales (contains infomation about sales done by employee).Structure of...
Backup and then restore of a database is a normal job for developers and DBAs. This script will be helpfull to findout, from which path, and which backup file a database was restored.
A stored procedure can be called from another stored procedure as nested stored procedure. How to get a list of these stored procedures with their nested one
The TOP clause is commonly used to get the top required rows from a result set. The beauty of this clause is that it can be used with the WITH TIES clause to retrieve all similar rows to a base result set.
There is a little inconsistence in this function, because the @Tokens Elements and the @Delimiter parameter are of data type NVARCHAR (=Unicode) while the @String parameter is of data type VARCHAR (=ANSI). If the @String parameter can be Unicode, it must be declared as NVARCHAR. If the @String...
The SELECT TOP N query always returns exactly N records, and randomly drops any record that have the same value as the last record in the group.SELECT TOP 5 price, Booktitle FROM BookTitles ORDER BY price DESCThis query will give 5 records from table BookTitles in descending order by price. ProblemS
select * from(SELECT l.Prepared_Date as Prepared_Date , m.Material_Code as Material_Code ,n.Name as Name,n.Description as Description , m.Quantity as Quantity,n.Unit_Of_Measure as Unit_Of_Measure , m.Status as Status...
select ExDate, SUM(case when Dept='A' then expense else 0 end)[Store A Expense],SUM(case when Dept='B' then expense else 0 end)[Store B Expense],SUM(case when Dept='C' then expense else 0 end)[Store C Expense]from expenseTable where Dept in ('A','B','C') group by ExDate
While using stored procedures, we need to pass SQL parameteres to those stored procedures. When there are large numbers of parameters then it is become boring task or tedious job to debug and check what values passed with. Here I have created a function that will check the values passed to...