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by Piyush Manharlal
Using integer instead of Enum for ComboBox and Radio Button in XAML
by Abu_yanal
Adding Splash screen
by Vangos
Kinect is dead! Now what?
by Android on Intel
Recently, Intel UX Innovation Manager Dr. Daria Loi and her team conducted a study to determine how technology users around the world feel about their computing devices. This article discusses the study’s findings in detail and suggests numerous opportunities for developers to create software that c

Latest Articles

by essentialSQL
SQLite3 is a compact free database you can use easily to create and use a database. Learn more about it in this blog post.
by Vangos
Kinect is dead! Now what?
by Perfectial
A practical guide to business applications for augmented reality
by Abu_yanal
Adding Splash screen

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27 Jan 2019 by Vangos
14 Jan 2016 by Android on Intel
Recently, Intel UX Innovation Manager Dr. Daria Loi and her team conducted a study to determine how technology users around the world feel about their computing devices. This article discusses the study’s findings in detail and suggests numerous opportunities for developers to create software that c
24 Feb 2017 by Ebenezar John Paul
An Ideal Code Review Checklist that applies for most programming languages
18 Aug 2004 by Sprotty
An introduction to XML Data Binding, and a review of a number of leading products.
21 Aug 2005 by Arik Poznanski
This article will develop a Sudoku game based on a web service, while presenting useful development techniques of Smart Client applications.
11 May 2018 by Perfectial
A practical guide to business applications for augmented reality
27 Dec 2016 by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Create Google Material based HTML5 apps using B4J ABMaterial
8 Nov 2004 by Logu Krishnan
A simple application that illustrates how to use MapPoint SDK using C# and render the maps on a SmartPhone.
18 May 2007 by Liam Cavanagh
The purpose of this article is to help get a user started in building a mobile database application using Visual Studio .NET (C#).
18 Apr 2007 by Liam Cavanagh
The purpose of this article is to show how to add data replication to a mobile application through the use of .NET (C#).
6 Jul 2007 by nguyenthanhtungtinbk
This article shows you the advantage of PNG images with alpha-blending feature in creating animation and demonstates how to use PNG images in Framework.NET application by calling API
20 Sep 2005 by Hemant koppikar, Vinay Pingale, kadampravin, suresh s. nair, APradosh, parul dixit
An article on integration of Smart Client applications with existing Web applications.
17 Jun 2004 by Remon Zakaria
Very fast Split function that has the ability to treat a multi-character separator as a single separator or the regular multi separator characters.
17 Nov 2007 by Mehran Ghanizadeh
This lite calculator, written in VB.NET, not only can be useful for installing on your smartphone as a real powerful scientific calculator, but also, can be used for learning some good ideas which I've learnt while developing it.