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by Steve Marsh
The classes in this project allow you to parse text expressions entered by a user and compile them to a .NET assembly. This assembly can be executed on the fly, or saved to a DLL.
by Jason R. Fruit
Implement a compiling calculator to learn about .NET CIL compilation
by Jonathan de Halleux, Nikolai Tillmann
Pex is a new tool that helps in understanding the behavior of .NET code, debugging issues, and in creating a test suite that covers all corner cases -- fully automatically.
by jconwell
Part 2 of an introduction to creating dynamic types. This article shows how to actually generate the methods in a dynamic type and how to call them.

Latest Articles

by Mark Pelf
Overview of 5 free .NET Decompilers
by Higty
Design mapping rule by test case and write IL code for good performance
by Alexandre Bencz
DotNetPELib is a library which abstracts managed information such as namespaces, classes, fields, methods, and instructions. The information can then be used to generate assembly language source files, or PE executables or DLLs.
by Alexandre Bencz
With this new OrangeC/C++ compiler back-end, you can compile your C code to .NET

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6 Jan 2009 by Steve Marsh
The classes in this project allow you to parse text expressions entered by a user and compile them to a .NET assembly. This assembly can be executed on the fly, or saved to a DLL.
26 Jan 2018 by Jason R. Fruit
Implement a compiling calculator to learn about .NET CIL compilation
28 Jan 2009 by Jonathan de Halleux, Nikolai Tillmann
Pex is a new tool that helps in understanding the behavior of .NET code, debugging issues, and in creating a test suite that covers all corner cases -- fully automatically.
1 May 2006 by jconwell
Part 2 of an introduction to creating dynamic types. This article shows how to actually generate the methods in a dynamic type and how to call them.
9 Aug 2013 by Dennis C. Dietrich
Clarifying how the .NET GC identifies objects to collect once and for all... hopefully...
11 Jan 2016 by Den367
Using System.Windows.Media library to create embroidery design of a glyph from true type font file
15 May 2018 by Eric Lynch
Extends .NET reflection to decode the byte array returned by System.Reflection.MethodBody.GetILByteArray(), discusses the techniques to achieve this, and provides a brief primer on .NET reflection.
31 May 2012 by rcarlson-cayen, Cayen Systems
This article details how to make a legacy code base more maintainable by utilizing a JSON architecture.
14 Sep 2018 by wmjordan
Circumventing language obstacles and optimizing performance with Dynamic Methods, Dynamic Assemblies.
16 Jun 2007 by NineRays, Mark Sochan
Most .NET software projects can easily be tampered, exposing your software to security risks and theft of intellectual property. This article shows different techniques used to protect .NET code and determine the best protection for you. 9rays.Net offers you Spices.Obfuscator to these ends.
10 Jul 2016 by Florian Rappl
This article introduces MAGES - a very simple, yet powerful, expression parser and interpreter.
23 Jun 2009 by Ziad Elmalki
Replace any method with another method at runtime. Updated for 3.5 SP1.
22 Jun 2014 by Nathaniel Moschkin
Topics and methods on programming in .NET and performance considerations
7 Aug 2014 by Jerry.Wang
Modify methods' IL codes on runtime even if they have been JIT-compiled, supports release mode / x64 & x86, and variants of .NET versions, from 2.0 to 4.5.
16 Sep 2015 by Ed Nutting
In this article I discuss the innovative approach, taken by FlingOS, to teaching OS and low-level development to high-level developers using C#.
1 Mar 2015 by mbarbac
The seventh version of the dynamic, configuration-less and self-adaptive Kerosene ORM library, that provides full real support for POCO objects, natural SQL-like syntax from C#, and advanced capabilities while being extremely easy to use.
16 Dec 2013 by Florian Rappl
A close look at some powerful features of C# that are less known but sometimes come in very handy
2 Mar 2023 by Mark Pelf
Overview of 5 free .NET Decompilers
1 Sep 2006 by jconwell
This tool analyses the IL of a list of assemblies, looking for types, methods, and fields that are not used by another list of assemblies. This lets you see if you have unused legacy code lying around that should be cleaned up.
4 May 2008 by Sasha Goldshtein
In this article, we will look into JIT optimizations, with specific focus on inlining.
4 Dec 2006 by Alexey A. Popov
This article is dedicated to the observable property design pattern, a very nice pattern used in the Microsoft .NET Framework, a possible memory leak problem with it, and gives a couple of ways to solve it.
17 Dec 2019 by Alexandre Bencz
With this new OrangeC/C++ compiler back-end, you can compile your C code to .NET
2 Jan 2020 by Alexandre Bencz
DotNetPELib is a library which abstracts managed information such as namespaces, classes, fields, methods, and instructions. The information can then be used to generate assembly language source files, or PE executables or DLLs.
11 Feb 2013 by Sander Rossel
Journey to the center of the .NET Framework with a chance of IL along the way!
18 Apr 2003 by Sameers Javed
Start using IL Assembly Language to debug your code at low level and understand how .NET deals with your high level code
26 Apr 2013 by Sebastien Lebreton
Reflexil is an assembly editor and runs as a plug-in for Reflector or JustDecompile. Reflexil is able to manipulate IL code and save the modified assemblies to disk. Reflexil also supports "on-the-fly" C#/VB.NET code injection.
16 Oct 2013 by tcassisi
Generating typed field accessors and applying them to object mapping and SQL Stored Procedures
30 May 2008 by Daniel Pistelli
An article about .NET internals and native compiling.
3 Apr 2014 by Kemeny Attila
Generate proxy class dynamically which implements interface
4 Nov 2015 by Pedro Benevides
It is important to know how things work behind the scenes in .NET.
24 Nov 2014 by Jeremy Falcon
A beginner's guide to talking like a computer.
10 Aug 2009 by Stefan Simek
RunSharp (or Run#) is a high-level wrapper around the Reflection.Emit API, allowing you to generate code at runtime quickly and easily.
14 Mar 2017 by Vikas Sharma
In this article we will make a Visual Studio extension(Visual Studio VSIX Package) that would notify us for our emails in VisualStudio Status bar
14 May 2008 by Daniel Pistelli
An article about .NET internals and code injection
1 Mar 2015 by mbarbac
A deep dive tutorial on Kerosene ORM Dynamic Records and other core concepts of the library
28 Jun 2007 by Sorin Serban
This article shows how to get a readable and programmable result from the IL array provided by the MethodBody.GetILAsByteArray() method.
2 Nov 2011 by Rene Pally
Advanced .NET Debugging Extracting Information from Memory
16 Aug 2011 by Reto Ravasio
A WPF app that uses dynamic types and databinding for displaying MSI files.
22 Mar 2005 by James Nies
Reflecting on Properties is nice, but often it can be too slow. This article describes an alternative method for dynamic property access.
7 May 2019 by Florian Rappl
Want to modernize your C# codebase? Let's continue with methods.
18 Jun 2005 by Simon McEnlly
An article on editing an assembly's manifest and some other IL attributes.
4 Jul 2011 by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
Introduction to writing plugs in Cosmos in C#, Assembly, or X#
1 Feb 2011 by asheesh goja
A high performance binary serializer using Microsoft Common Intermediate Language
6 Mar 2006 by jconwell
Introduction to creating dynamic types with Reflection.Emit.
31 Jul 2008 by Anton Ponomarev
By following steps outlined in this article, you will be able to get Report Viewer to generate reports in Microsoft Word formats (DOC, RTF, WordprocessingML, and OOXML) when working in the local mode.
4 Apr 2006 by Salvatore Vetro
The art of swap from a database to another changing a flag
23 Jun 2002 by Richard Birkby
Demonstrates the use of Windows Forms, GDI+ from CIL
13 Nov 2008 by Buu Nguyen
Discusses the new features of C# 4.0 including dynamic lookup, covariance/contravariance generics, named and optional paramters
9 Aug 2009 by Buu Nguyen
Examine the implementation, API, and performance for Fasterflect, an alternative to the .NET Reflection API.
30 Sep 2013 by Florian Rosmann
COM Interop using a little post compiler. As a result, it is possible to use multithreading in combination with COM interfaces.
11 Jul 2005 by Alessandro Febretti
This article describes a way to achieve fast late-bound invocation through the generation of custom MSIL code at runtime.
27 Nov 2007 by Philip Liebscher
An examination of dynamic object instantiation and runtime machines to boost performance.
14 Feb 2006 by Johannes Hansen
Dynamically sorting a list by using dynamic methods and delegates.
31 Oct 2004 by Chua Wen Ching
Building Security Awareness in .NET Assemblies : Part 3 of 3
4 Jul 2011 by Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
Several users have written to me requesting information on the new Cosmos X86 assembly level debugger. Because of the great interest I have written this short preview article.
24 Oct 2002 by Valer BOCAN
Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) may be improved by adding a few new instructions
3 Mar 2006 by Peter Rilling
Implement support for broadcasting events to all ancestors in a control hierarchy for Win Forms applications.
21 Sep 2012 by icemanind
A program to compile C# code into MSIL code
26 Feb 2005 by Fatih KIHTIR
Modifying CAPICOM Runtime Callable Wrapper (RCW) generated by TlbImp.exe to enable CAPICOM to process digital signatures with UTF8/ASCII content (mostly signed by Java).
7 Feb 2005 by Giancarlo Aguilera
A discussion of some differences between VB and C# MSIL code.
28 Aug 2004 by Emilio Reale
Exporting methods for the .NET class inside VB6 or unmanaged C++.
27 Sep 2012 by Mattias Högström
Runtime IL-Rewriting can be used to add behavior such as logging to applications, or redirect calls from one API to another. This article and accompanying source code explains how to substitute a method call at runtime.
4 Apr 2005 by Giancarlo Aguilera
A hack that enables C# 2.0 Iterators with .NET 1.1.
28 Aug 2013 by Software Developer's Journal
The .NET platform contains no extensions which would allow for the use of advanced aspect oriented programming. But it does contain mechanisms which makes it possible to build components which provide similar functionality. We will find out how to achieve this in this article.
22 Dec 2005 by Mainak Saha
An article on using the __cdecl callback from C#, changing compiler service.
19 Feb 2007 by ronnyek
Experimentation with Mono.Cecil, the IL Manipulation library
6 May 2007 by Piyush S Bhatnagar
This article explains how Reflection.Emit classes can be used to dynamically generate .NET assemblies.
18 Apr 2007 by Dave Curylo, MCAD
How to expose legacy or third party assemblies over WCF with simple modifications to the MSIL.
29 May 2008 by Unknown Narrator
A GetOpt implementation for .NET.
8 May 2010 by Thiago de Arruda
Shows how to extend the proxy generated by this framework by using Reflection.Emit.
26 Jun 2007 by venom00
In this article, we'll talk about VB6-.NET interoperation without involving COM. How? Making C-like exports of some functions from a VB.NET DLL. First, I'll introduce the technique used with a very simple sample and then it will be explained how to set a global hook just using VB (6 and .NET).
10 Feb 2006 by Chris Stefano
Generate loader classes for faster operation using Reflection.Emit
29 Sep 2005 by Simon McEnlly
Attach performance hooks to an assembly through a command line utility.
25 Aug 2005 by Krishna Prasad V.R.
This article focuses on the problems you might face and the probable solution when using .NET custom assemblies. This article also gives in-depth details of modifying .NET assemblies for which you do not have the source code.
21 Feb 2008 by Fady Anwar
An article demonstrating why you should not rely on obfuscation to protect your .NET applications.
10 Jan 2009 by Adnan Aman
This is my very humble effort to reply Mr. Scott Henselman's Interview questions with great respect for him.
22 Feb 2009 by Theraot
What Microsoft didn't want you to know
3 Sep 2004 by Hugo Pais Batista
Avoid unnecessary variable declaration and redundant instructions. Analyzing and understanding the compiler and generated IL instructions in a simple example, saving your performance.
22 Jun 2005 by ediazc
Describes how to generate a WebForm using reflection from a class.
30 Mar 2007 by GaryWoodfine
Analysis of the CIL generated by the .net compiler for 4 Languages in VS 2005