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by PavPS
.NET C# TrayBalloon component with hyper-links and fading.
by The Zakies
we will build an outline line around the drawn lines so we would test the mouse click on this outline to know which line is selected. and we would in the coming update build a select function inside the move tool
by The Zakies
in this tut we will create a technique to enable the user to control points within a drawn line, by drawing circles around points of the line , when the user clicks a circle he would control the corresponding point.
by The Zakies
we would create Hand_tool to pan through the drawing form, and we would use a custom cursor of open and closed hands

Latest Articles

by PavPS
.NET C# TrayBalloon component with hyper-links and fading.
by The Zakies
we will build an outline line around the drawn lines so we would test the mouse click on this outline to know which line is selected. and we would in the coming update build a select function inside the move tool
by The Zakies
in this tut we will create a technique to enable the user to control points within a drawn line, by drawing circles around points of the line , when the user clicks a circle he would control the corresponding point.
by The Zakies
we would create Hand_tool to pan through the drawing form, and we would use a custom cursor of open and closed hands

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by PavPS
.NET C# TrayBalloon component with hyper-links and fading.
by Raj Lal
Chapter 11 of "Fun with Silverlight 4" More information at
by A. Ganzer
Validation of input made as easy as possible for Windows.Forms, WPF, console-applications or any other purposes
by honey the codewitch
Add a flexible knob control to your .NET projects
by Lewis Liu L
A Graphics Drawing Tool by using C# and Winforms
CheckGroupBox, RadioGroupBox, CollapsibleGroupBox controls
by JamesHurst
Walks through the creation of an on-screen virtual keyboard for entering non-ASCII chars
by Steffen Ploetz
Give an brief overview of text rendering options for OpenGL/OpenTK especially for MONO/.NET.
by Matt Scarpino
Developing Low-Level Linux Applications with XCB (X protocol C-language Binding)
by Florian Rappl
An introduction to async / await, popular mistakes and solutions for asynchronous programming, as well as usages and benefits from using asynchronous programming. We will also discuss interesting patterns based on concurrency.
by Adam Zgagacz
Simple WinForms auto-repeat button in a few lines
by Gerald Gomes
This article will make an attempt to describe a basic way to start implementing animation in WPF.
by Stuart Wheelwright
Step-by-step explanation of building a Task Timer app using web technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery Mobile.
by User 6744868
I have been a fan of the Windows Aero styled windows since Aero was first introduced in Windows Vista. However, there is little to no Aero inclusion in the .NET Framework, so I set out to create my own Windows Aero themed form.
by Charles Ju
This is a C# wrapper for Diablo III API. The project include the wrapper API file and a GDI+ ownerdraw panel and a Winform demo. You can add any Diablo III tag to the left combobox.
by Cinchoo
Yet another RoboCopy GUI tool
by Super Lloyd
A much simpler composite application library.
by Android on Intel
With some of the new features available in Intel® VTune™ Amplifier 2016 Update 1 it is now relatively easy to obtain simultaneous capture of power and performance data on an unplugged Android device.
by Michael Haephrati
This article will show how to selectively add a Console window to Win32 or even MFC programs for debugging purposes.
by Azim Zahir
This article demonstrates creating user-interfaces using PySimpleGUI.
by Bart Dubois
Describe how to create list of items with custom defined layout resource
by Chrene91
An article on how to write your own textbox with the option to use a watermark.
by Peter Huber SG
Covers in depth all WPF color related issues from Color Models, ColorPickers, Colors to helpful methods for mixing colors and making them brighter and darker.
by Rubén Hinojosa Chapel
Prototype for a plugin architecture based on the Prism Library and the Modern UI for WPF (MUI) toolkit
by Alan Burkhart
Quick and dirty Accordion control for WinForms in about 50 lines of code.
by Adam Zgagacz
WinForms Scrollbar with enhanced properties, graphical bookmarks and value tooltips.
by Stas Wolski
The article explains how to integrate dhtmlxScheduler, an AJAX-based, interactive event calendar, in your ASP.NET MVC application.
by Steffen Ploetz
My way to have a first sample program running with "Texus' Graphical User Interface" (TGUI) - a cross-platform modern C++ immediate GUI, on which I use "Simple and Fast Multimedia Library" (SFML) as backend.
by Steffen Ploetz
Check OpenGL as a basis for appealing applications, that are not necessarily games.
by Mark Pelf
We are giving an overview of 6 free Git GUI clients
by Mark Pelf
Comparison of Git functionality of Visual Studio 2022 to some other Git Gui clients
by Anupam Banerji
Explains the .NET approach towards globalization, and introduces the tools and methods to successfully implement globalization.
by gggustafson
This article presents a tool that provides developers with the ability to pick colors from a linear color gradient.
by Mojtaba Hosseini
A graphical binary tree. Features: add, remove, or search for a node. Recursive algorithm has been used
by guidebee
Code example on how to draw enhanced graphics 2D pictures on Windows Mobile
by Xomega Team
A design pattern and implementation example for building advanced search forms
by Tomáš Růt
This article describes how to create a test project that allows you to both write and fully debug in TypeScript source files.
by YevheniyK
The article describes a general approach to using Cocos2d-x on top of native components and relevant coding specifics for Cocos2d-x, iOS and Android.
by Ashley Davis
Documents my experiment building a flowchart with web technologies.
by Colin Vella
This article presents an algorithm and data structures to implement auto-tiling as seen in RPG Maker, the Starcraft level editor, etc.
by Andres Cassagnes
A basic guideline to start with GUI designing with wxWidgets
by Dor Alon
iPhone Safari like ComboBox
by Dennis Dykstra
Enabling font and formatting changes in the MFC hyperlink control
by Super Lloyd
Introduction to MVVM for absolute beginners
by Nick Polyak
This article gives an overview of MVVM pattern, its usage and advantages
by Nitin Kunte
Online Rich Text Editor with Mail Merge and download file as Word option
by Samuel Teixeira
Why simple if we can be complex?
by honey the codewitch
PianoBox is a customizable musical keyboard control for Windows Forms. This is the first part of MidiUI.
by Mark Babayev
This article describes advanced techniques for programming user interface in pure InstallScript projects.
by Steffen Ploetz
How to call native X11 API from Mono Develop C# ending up in a very little application.
by Steffen Ploetz
How to call native Xt API from Mono Develop C# ending up in a very little Athena widget application.
by Zehaie M. Hailu
Python lends itself to the development of multi-threaded GUI and network applications.
by wborgsm
MouseWheelRedirector redirects mouse wheel events to the control under the mouse pointer in Windows Forms applications, regardless of the control being clicked/focused. Just attach the control to the Redirector, no additional coding is required.
by Steffen Ploetz
Check OpenGL as a basis for appealing applications, that are not necessarily games.
by Mark Kruger
API which shows a Selection Overlay and notifies the caller when it's resizing and notifies the final rectangle.
by TimMackey
A simple demonstration of public key cryptography and a character substitution encryption method.
by Jaxon7
Restoring UI Responsiveness FromContinuations (Asynch file IO)
by honey the codewitch
Diving into some of the core plumbing behind the Windows operating system
by Andres Cassagnes
wxWidgets resources examples and COM port communication.
by Ingo A. Kubbilun
This article shows how to deal with controls that do not properly paint their background when using custom background bitmaps.
by alexy.shelest
This project is a real-time multi-threaded trading application framework developed with WPF / MVVM
by gbahns
Create fully functional windows with custom chrome and caption buttons in WPF
by amr azab
Simple animated loading text, like last MSN messenger, show animation and transparent mask in WPF
by Tim Bomgardner
There are lots of reasons why you might want an interface for your Windows Service. Here's how!