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Great Reads

by Bert O Neill
Query Hadoop using Microsoft oriented technologies (C#, SSIS, SQL Server, Excel etc.)
by vic_ch2000
A nullable datetime column in .NET DataGrid with DateTimePicker.
by Espen Harlinn
Proven techniques for fast Oracle Database access using .NET 5.0 and native C++
Technique to extend capability of standard SQL by adding the Aggregate Product Function

Latest Articles

by Frédéric -lefred- Descamps
How to install WordPress on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using always free tier
by Frédéric -lefred- Descamps
How to deploy Arm instances on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using Terraform
by Alexey Shtykov
Lot of fancy languages were born and have died since I started working in IT, but a few of them continue their pitiful existance.
by DiponRoy
Run Raw SQL Query - Entity Framework Core 6

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29 Dec 2015 by Bert O Neill
Query Hadoop using Microsoft oriented technologies (C#, SSIS, SQL Server, Excel etc.)
17 Aug 2009 by vic_ch2000
A nullable datetime column in .NET DataGrid with DateTimePicker.
23 Mar 2021 by Espen Harlinn
Proven techniques for fast Oracle Database access using .NET 5.0 and native C++
6 Dec 2016 by _Asif_
This article helps in identifying database design issues like certain fields missing, nullable fields, Primary key not found issues in production environment using SQL Server schema views.
31 Oct 2016 by SlavaUtesinov
EF implementation of BulkInsert operation and "Arrays in a Bind" solution at case of absence of EF.
22 May 2014 by djc2032
A three-part series demonstrating how to develop an Oracle Call Interface (OCI) custom data source for Ultimate Grid
30 Apr 2012 by Wendelius
This article describes techniques such as autonomous transactions and action information that can be used when logging information about operations in Oracle database.
19 Sep 2013 by G3Coder
Details using an ORM model to provide a common facade to multiple disparate databases.
22 Nov 2011 by Srivalsalakumar
Oracle 11g Report Installation on RedHat Linux 5x
13 Feb 2012 by Chinthala Upender
Bouncy Castle provide encrypt/decrypt your personal data such as password, SSN, credit card numbers etc. using Simple JASYPT framework.
29 Sep 2014 by Omar Al Zabir
Oracle Performance Dashboard (OPD) is a small ASP.NET website that shows you performance & problems of one or more Oracle instances in near real-time. It uses the Dynamic Performance Views (DPV) and runs some popular DBA scripts in order to get meaningful, easy to understand information out of the s
7 Oct 2016 by Paulo Uechi
Uechi APM Web is an APM (Application Performance Management) Open Source Server Performance Monitor written and developed in Java and C # for all Linux and Windows platforms. The Uechi.APM.Web offers a complete resource for unlimited monitoring servers in real time. Have full control of the CPU cons
26 Sep 2018 by MattiLindroth
An example on how to call Oracle stored procedures with UDTs from ASP.NET MVC / REST API
24 Apr 2019 by Azim Zahir
This article demonstrates Data Visualization using Matplotlib library of Python.
5 Sep 2015 by Sadique KT
How to Install Oracle 12c, How to create listener, How to create TablesSpaces and How to restore database
27 May 2019 by DiponRoy
Creating or using cursor in SQL-Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL databases
6 Mar 2012 by nguyenannhon
This article introduces the steps to create a report with a custom search area.
8 Aug 2013 by h_wiedey
An approach using updatable views with check option and deferred constraint checking.
18 Jan 2014 by Petr Ivankov
Application of abstract approach to database domain
19 Apr 2017 by Intel
This article introduces BigDL, shows you how to build the library on a variety of platforms, and provides examples of BigDL in action.
5 Jan 2018 by Brien M. Posey
In this article, we compare the object storage offerings of each of these cloud providers.
16 Aug 2019 by Marijan Nikic
An HTML tool written in JavaScript to convert a regular Oracle SQL query into a spooling script
11 Apr 2024 by Frédéric -lefred- Descamps
How to deploy Arm instances on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using Terraform
12 Apr 2024 by Frédéric -lefred- Descamps
How to install WordPress on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using always free tier
8 Nov 2005 by fstrahberger
How to do full text search with Oracle Text
10 Nov 2011 by Phani Krishna Kollapur Gandla
How to solve performance issues in data migration to SQL Server.
3 Dec 2011 by Srivalsalakumar
Oracle database 11g release 2 installation on suse and Enterprise Linux
3 Jan 2013 by hevesir
Alternative tnsping for Oracle Instant Client.
17 Apr 2016 by Alex_2979
A lot of modern Business Intelligence solutions offer to transfer work of analysts to developers or rise technical level of business analysts, make them closer to developers. Instead of it, I advise to consider a solution, which takes information from Database and gives it to business analysts.
30 Jan 2018 by Quest Software
If you wanted to ramp up database DevOps, which development tasks would be most important for you?
20 Dec 2018 by Benktesh Sharma
An illustration of working with Map/Reduce paradigm in the NetSuite cloud.
1 Oct 2013 by Espen Harlinn
A reflection based wrapper for the Oracle Data Provider for .NET – allows your application to dynamically load the Oracle.DataAccess.dll assembly installed on your client’s computer.
1 Mar 2015 by mbarbac
The seventh version of the dynamic, configuration-less and self-adaptive Kerosene ORM library, that provides full real support for POCO objects, natural SQL-like syntax from C#, and advanced capabilities while being extremely easy to use.
1 Mar 2015 by mbarbac
A deep dive into the Kerosene ORM Entity Maps operational mode that provides full real support for POCO objects.
3 Feb 2009 by C.L. Moffatt
This article describes SQL Joins in a visual manner, and also the most efficient way to write the visualized Joins.
18 Oct 2013 by Brian C Hart
To save you from hunting through the docs and locating downloads, we gather both databases here and walk you through installing them using SQL Server Management Studio Express -- updated for SQL Server 2008 Express Edition!
2 Jun 2014 by Chris La
This is an alternative project of "OraLib - a lightweight C++ wrapper over Oracle's OCI library"
11 Mar 2014 by mbarbac
Implementing the Repository and Unit of Work Patterns dynamically using Kerosene ORM
8 Jan 2012 by Wendelius
This article describes how to use a sequence to mimic the SQL Server identity column in Oracle.
1 Dec 2009 by Murali Manohar Pareek
ASP.NET Gridview with Default and Custom Paging, Sorting, Export Data, Freeze Header, Column Resizing, Row Hover, Row Selection, Grid Cell Tooltip features for better Performance, functionality and GUI with Oracle Database
15 Mar 2013 by Jeremy Todd
Using the right approach can make GUIDs nearly as fast as integer primary keys on almost any database system.
13 Apr 2014 by Espen Harlinn
Enhance productivity and reliability, write your own tools.
9 Dec 2010 by AnupKumarYadav
Can be used in Multilevel Marketing with binary tree (can be modified accordingly to be used for n Tree)
9 May 2012 by Petr Ivankov
Long time strategy of software design and development
26 Jan 2016 by Jörgen Andersson
A propertymapping extension for DataReaders
19 Mar 2011 by Wendelius
How to create custom aggregates in Oracle using PL/SQL
5 Apr 2020 by DiponRoy
Select data as DataTable object for a database using Entity Framework
1 Mar 2015 by mbarbac
A deep dive tutorial on Kerosene ORM Dynamic Records and other core concepts of the library
24 Apr 2019 by QxOrm
QxOrm C++ library: Persistence (based on QtSql Qt library) - Serialization (based on boost::serialization library) - Reflection (introspection)
2 Mar 2015 by mbarbac
Kerosene ORM support for complete database-alike WCF services and connections
1 Mar 2016 by Jörgen Andersson
19 Apr 2013 by Girish Yerzal
This article will definitely give you a brief idea about cursor with examples.
27 Jan 2010 by Bibhas Paul
ADO.NET DataTable as an XML parameter to an Oracle/SQL Server database Stored Procedure.
5 Feb 2014 by V.
First article on creating a reusable framework
3 Apr 2013 by Pierre Kellerman
Explaining different ways to join tables
30 Aug 2010 by Petr Kozelek
Logging of data changes in relational databases
22 May 2014 by djc2032
A three-part series demonstrating how to develop an Oracle Call Interface (OCI) custom data source for Ultimate Grid
25 Apr 2013 by In the Face of God
Unmanaged code application accessing data in a database via Web Services without a database provider.
25 Feb 2014 by Shivprasad koirala
This article will discuss about 11 important database designing rules.
1 Jan 2011 by Bibhas Paul
Interaction between C# application and Oracle through custom Object
2 May 2013 by Koray Dakan, PMP
DBMapper - A new ORM tool for vendor-neutral solutions
30 Oct 2014 by Vaclav Naydenov
How C++ library YB.ORM can help manipulate the data stored in RDBMS using domain classes. Basic concepts of ORM are explained by examples.
25 Oct 2008 by Guy Haim
A Graphic tool for Oracle developers and DBAs
1 Apr 2012 by Wendelius
The article starts with building a simple toolkit package using basic PL/SQL but also covers some more advanced techniques, such as pipeline.
9 Oct 2016 by Farhad Jabiyev
One of the most popular questions is whether there exists a method which will automatically decide whether to insert, update or delete entity in the Entity-Framework. Now it is possible with EntityGraphOperations library.
19 Sep 2009 by Paul Rony
A Programmer's Guide to Starting a Software Company and Building an Enterprise Application
13 May 2011 by J Chandra Sekhar Achary
Useful tips for Oracle import/export to address constraint issues.
1 Feb 2012 by Ashish Tripathi
DALC4NET is an Open Source data access layer built for Microsoft .NET projects. It enables us to access data from databases including SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, MS Access, and MS Excel.
11 Apr 2015 by Database Star
This article explains how to download and install Oracle Express and SQL Developer on your own computer, to get started with running SQL queries.
14 Sep 2011 by Wendelius
This article briefly describes basic information about installing the Oracle 11g XE database on Windows and few Developer tools such as SQL Developer
4 Dec 2013 by Alexander Iskhakov
A comparison Entity Framework 5 and NHibernate 3.3 on a real-world .NET application with Oracle 11g.
3 Mar 2011 by sandip_bhadane
This article briefs about different types of PL/SQL collections, their advantages, how to pass an array to stored procedure from ASP.NET application, etc.
9 Aug 2022 by DiponRoy
Run Raw SQL Query - Entity Framework Core 6
18 Apr 2011 by Manuel Vidigal
An implementation of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) diff algorithm in PL/SQL.
3 Jul 2012 by Muammar©
Dynamic data retrieval from Oracle database to Excel sheet based on a parameter from Excel cell value
15 Jun 2007 by dmihailescu
Take a snapshot of the main Window of any UI application
10 Nov 2011 by Phani Krishna Kollapur Gandla
Migration of Relational Data structure to Cassandra (No SQL) Data structure
20 Aug 2010 by Vivek Johari
This article is written to describe all the different types of Sql Joins
13 May 2009 by Mohammad Al Hoss
Passing an array as parameter to SQL server Procedure
18 Jul 2021 by Rednet Software
Rednet.DataAccess is yet another component to work with data that simplifies your use.
22 Feb 2011 by
The article is to introduce a utility to generate cascading delete script for an Oracle table.
20 Dec 2010 by Albin Abel
Simple Pattern Matching Technique for Search Suggest Boxes
29 Oct 2013 by Ogwara Rowland
NW.ORM, a helper framework for working Hibernate.
21 Dec 2017 by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
A database tool for search text in procedures, views and tables using regular expressions
28 Jun 2022 by DiponRoy
How to use MERGE statements in different databases
29 Jul 2013 by h_wiedey
The article treats the differences between triggers in Oracle and MS SQL and demonstrates the mutating table problem.
5 Apr 2009 by Tarek Najem
How to delete duplicate entries from a data store, while leaving a single copy.
30 Jan 2018 by Member 11127135
Oracle materialized views under ETL processes
9 Jun 2009 by himanshu2561
How to return multiple ref cursors from Oracle using DAAB
30 Apr 2009 by zhongzf
An open source Data Access Component
11 Jul 2008 by Syed M Hussain
This is a very simple tool, to query an Oracle XE database
20 Mar 2012 by Shivprasad koirala
Ado Dot Net Interview Question Part 1
24 Apr 2014 by FaizanMubasher
This article helps developer to start working with new mobile application development framework Oracle ADF Mobile.
29 Mar 2009 by Steve MunLeeuw
Embedding the content of a PDF document is not supported, but we can add this feature with a SQL CLR function to parse the PDF into a list of images.
16 Jun 2009 by Mike Lang
A data abstraction layer for .NET applications. Write your application code to be database neutral. Swap out the type of database your application uses without updating or even recompiling your business components.
18 Oct 2010 by carl.b.anderson
This article gives you an overview of how you can quickly develop .NET applications using the pragmatic CodeFluent Entities software factory. This tool generates ready-to-use components from a simple model and provides you multiple out-of-the box architecture options.