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Great Reads

by Colin Vella
This article presents an algorithm and data structures to implement auto-tiling as seen in RPG Maker, the Starcraft level editor, etc.
by bbirajdar
How to embed an image in email body
by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
A simple way to build a wide family of fractals
by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
An infinite set of biological shape fractals in the complex plain

Latest Articles

by Christian Specht
Overlay gallery images with logo using one of Hugo's available image filters
by Christian Specht
Looking at two solutions of how to create an image gallery with Hugo and Lightbox2, one with Hugo’s EXIF feature, one without.
by Michael Haephrati
SG_PNG is a custom MFC control for displaying PNG resources with transparency
by honey the codewitch
Image Resizer automatically resizes images you drop in a monitored folder based on criteria you give it. It can also change image formats.

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7 Sep 2010 by Colin Vella
This article presents an algorithm and data structures to implement auto-tiling as seen in RPG Maker, the Starcraft level editor, etc.
22 Jan 2017 by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
A simple way to build a wide family of fractals
27 Nov 2017 by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
An infinite set of biological shape fractals in the complex plain
9 Oct 2016 by Midi_Mick
Alleviate issues with Image objects created from streams and files.
25 Sep 2012 by Grasshopper.iics
Easy Image Inpainting using Local Binary Pattern
2 Jun 2024 by Michael Haephrati
SG_PNG is a custom MFC control for displaying PNG resources with transparency
12 Apr 2013 by Jonathan Nethercott
Describes an algorithm for calculating the equation of a line in an image using orthogonal linear regression.
21 May 2017 by Emiliano Musso
In the present article, we'll analyze some functionalities offered by Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, and in particular that part of Cognitive Services dedicated to facial recognition (Face API). At the end of the article, the reader will be able to develop a simple C# application to detect face
8 Apr 2016 by V.
Convert FITS file to known image formats and use those images for a "zooming" functionality (image transparency)
4 May 2021 by honey the codewitch
Use an ILI9341 display efficiently from an ESP32 without the Arduino framework. Load JPEGs.
22 Apr 2022 by ADMGNS
A very simple method to resampling points from a digital image and drawing it as antique mosaics, dots (stippling) and Voronoi cells
27 Jun 2017 by Azim Zahir
This is a demonstration of an Image Gallery App in Android.
4 Apr 2019 by Apriorit Inc, Semyon Boyko
Find out an easy way to use the pretrained Inception V3 neural network for video classification.
24 May 2023 by Peter Huber SG
Let the user import, adjust and view images
16 Jan 2015 by Emiliano Musso
Definitions and examples of a genetic algorithm; Visual Basic sample for an icon generation through a model and a random initial range of solutions.
1 Sep 2015 by Android on Intel
This article introduces software developers to the key mechanisms used by Intel® RealSense™ technology to implement depth perception in enhanced digital photography.
23 Oct 2015 by Intel
Intel® RealSense™ Depth Enabled Photography (DEP) is a transformative approach to enabling artistic photography through new optical and processing technology.
1 Apr 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
6 Mar 2016 by Jakub Szymanowski
The article presents idea and implementation of Fourier Transform (DFT and FFT algorithms) in Digital Signal Processing.
23 Apr 2013 by HoshiKata
How to teach a program to recognize something within a video stream.
10 Jan 2017 by Jakub Szymanowski
The article presents idea and implementation of fundamental algorithms in image processing.
26 Jun 2012 by isaks
A WPF Image control that understands multi frame images (like .ico files) and renders the appropriate frame inside them based on its current size.
23 Jan 2012 by Stef Cas
A VB.NET project showing how to build a simple magnifying glass.
30 Aug 2017 by Ravimal Bandara
An implementation of Bag-Of-Feature descriptor based on SIFT features using OpenCV and C++ for content based image retrieval applications.
25 May 2016 by Johannes Bildstein
A tutorial about the Canon SDK to remotely control DSLR cameras. From taking photos to using the LiveView.
19 Aug 2019 by Anurag Gandhi
An HTML 2D game to describe some basic game development tips in HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
13 May 2019 by Daniele Fontani
A tool for managing CNN training built on django helps to understand image classification
15 Jun 2011 by isaks
Shows how to create a nice looking photo frame control in WPF and animate it using the Ken Burns effect
26 May 2014 by C_Johnson
Using EMGU to perform Principle Component Analysis (PCA) multiple face recognition is achieved. Using .NET Parallel toolbox real time analysis and optimisation is introduced in a user friendly application.
25 Jun 2016 by Will J Miller
This article describes the implementation of a custom class called MMSCropImageView. The class gives the feature of drawing and moving a rectangle over an image to identify the crop region and return it in an UIImage. It explains the considerations and solutions for cropping a bitmap.
4 Nov 2013 by Vitaliy Sytnik
On the Internet you can find a lot of different information about creating drawings in SVG format. Often an editor is used to open an DXF and export as SVG. Looking through the SVG code it is immediately obvious that there is a lot of excess. An SVG file created in one editor may not always be corre
19 May 2012 by Ed Nutting
Fading multiple images using jQuery in JavaScript.
15 May 2011 by kribo
How to insert images / binary data into a database.
30 Mar 2021 by Mohammad Elsheimy
Matrix multiplication in C# and its usage for basic image transformations.
7 Feb 2014 by SOHAM_GANDHI
How to capture video from webcam and video file (*.AVI)
2 Nov 2011 by C_Johnson
A complete step by step guide to show newcomers to EMGUcv how to set up their project
7 Mar 2012 by C_Johnson
An intermediate example of signal processing using EMGU Image Processing Libraries
5 Aug 2010 by venugopalm
Image download indicator for providing rich look in Silverlight application
29 Jun 2011 by Ed Gadziemski
An updated version of the WTL BmpView sample application using an OLE Picture object to handle multiple image types
28 Nov 2013 by James Coleman
Leveraging Selenium and Image Magick to perform screenshot comparisons for UI regression testing.
18 May 2012 by mibxue
I support a group methods to load the image to double[,]/double[][,]/T[][,], that could help to manipulate the image
30 Apr 2022 by Petrov Vladimir
Simple solution for PDF performance from Image files of any kind
12 Jan 2017 by Dean Feng
Use common panel and GDI+ to achieve a magnifier effect of image in winform.
7 Jul 2011 by Prabu ram
This article explains how to take a snapshot of a Silverlight page and convert it into a PowerPoint slide.
5 Mar 2023 by spidergeuse
Manipulate WinForms controls to make a simple jigsaw puzzle
16 May 2011 by Gil Fink
The Image Optimizer extension is a promising extension if you are looking to optimize your application.
22 Dec 2017 by frenettej
How to layout and lazy load images in a flexible grid similar to how facebook displays them in a post. Selected images open a lightbox for previewing within a carousel. Image alt text is converted into a caption below the image.
9 Apr 2011 by charles henington
Using System.Convert namespace to convert between base64 and images
4 Apr 2012 by gregtheross
How to do third party image processing in new Metro style apps.
31 Oct 2010 by After2050
This article demonstrates how to use images in web and the things you have to take care on using them.
20 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Two simple examples to create an Image rotator in JavaScript