In this tutorial, I am going to discuss how ngResource works. I will demo all 4 HTTP verbs (or methods), and multiple ways request input data can be packaged. It will be a very fun tutorial.
This article shows how to view the workflow status with Rest API, how to navigate to workflow approval page, how to approve and reject the task with SharePoint REST API
This article will talk about how to implement a custom wrapper for your ASP.NET Core and Web API applications for managing exceptions, providing meaningful and consistent responses to consumers.
Highlights the detail about what's new in AutoWrapper Version 2. AutoWrapper is a simple, yet customizable global exception handler and response wrapper for ASP.NET Core APIs
This article is an attempt at splitting out the controller layer to reduce its complexity and improve quality and maintainability of the resulting code.
Here are few things to keep in mind when creating your analytics using Predix Analytics Services, starting with prepping the data itself through deploying the analytic in a production environment.
In this article, I’ll show you how to build a simple REST API in PHP from scratch. We’ll make the API secure by using Okta as our authorization provider and implementing the Client Credentials Flow.
Using Spec Driven Development and tools like RAML, Swagger, or API Blueprint you can be sure to build an API that your users will love while also saving time, energy, and money down the road.
Spring.NET Social helps you to simplify authentication (OAuth) and API binding with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers such as Facebook and Twitter.
Using lightweight server and database components, the article builds a REST server that returns serialised JSON objects to a single-page web application written in JQuery or AngularJS.
In this first episode we'll tackle the first thing, security. We are at the start of a journey. We'll learn about many Predix services and components. We'll find the good, the bad and the ugly, and we'll complain the whole way. After security we'll hit Asset and Analytics.
This article explains the main parts of Cloudant HTTP API. This is an essential part that developers and architects need to know before to start work on solutions using IBM Cloudant.
Basic concepts of creating pure JavaScript applications using jQuery, JavaScript View Engines, and web services that provide JSON results that are accessed by JavaScript code via AJAX calls.
Use JsonPath, and builtin RPC support to easily communicate with all the JSON / REST services out there, or otherwise manipulate JSON with this little library.
In this article, we will talk about what web security related configuration parameters help protect the transfer data in the REST API and how to configure them.
The article discusses a RESTful WCF based mechanism for server-to-client asynchronous (Push) notifications in web applications. Execution of WCF service notification method is suspended until either server event or timeout lapse.
An article that explain hows to expose SignalR feature through an ASP.NET Web API, which helps applications that can use REST service and to broadcast a real-time message to their clients.
This article briefly introduces how to use Zipkin to perform service analysis on Spring Cloud applications. In practical application, Zipkin can be used in combination with stress testing tools to analyze the availability and performance of systems under high stress.
Taking the great advantage of two way data binding of AngularJS in SharePoint 2013. AngularJS can be used in Content Editor Web Part or SharePoint Apps.
This top 5 list is to help equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to analyze how a vendor implements OAuth2.0, how to interface with RESTful APIs, and ultimately gain access to end user data.
You can build async REST API using WCF but due to some bug in WCF implementation it does not scale as you would want it to. Here's my journey with Microsoft's WCF team to explore the problem and find the right fix.
A walkthrough of building a JSON based transparent caching entity framework with branch reuse that intelligently minimizes the amount of server requests, against the use case scenario of accessing TMDb's API
This article explores how to define a model, solve a problem, and generate a visual graph within a single page web application using HTML, JavaScript, the D3.js library, and the RASON REST API.
ASP.NET Web API related projects. It touches most parts of the technology through the articles on Data Streaming, Working with HTTPS and Extending Web API Documentation.