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Web Development


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by Christoph Buenger
Describes PHP application development with the free Scavix Web Development Framework (Scavix-WDF).
by Kel_
Presents a real-time gauge implementation that can be used for building dashboards
by Evoluteur
A generic Web User Interface for CRUD applications generating all screens at run-time based on external metadata. It comes with sample applications for address book, memo pad, to do list, restaurants list, wine cellar, and database structure documentation that are easily customizable.
by Espen Harlinn
Release the random artist inside you

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by Oats~i
Learn how to set up an Oats~i web app project in two commands
by Oats~i
Oats~i allows you to build powerful web apps in an open eco system
by Yahya Mohammed Ammouri
Allowing Hijri and Gregorian date fields to work together on your Dynamic CRM form and updating them simultaneously according to the user entry.
by Evoluteur
A web color picker which looks like the one in Microsoft Office 2010

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Web Development 

31 Oct 2014 by Christoph Buenger
Describes PHP application development with the free Scavix Web Development Framework (Scavix-WDF).
23 Jun 2015 by Kel_
Presents a real-time gauge implementation that can be used for building dashboards
11 Jun 2010 by Evoluteur
A generic Web User Interface for CRUD applications generating all screens at run-time based on external metadata. It comes with sample applications for address book, memo pad, to do list, restaurants list, wine cellar, and database structure documentation that are easily customizable.
4 Jun 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Release the random artist inside you
14 Aug 2014 by Sacha Barber
Angular.Js / Azure / ASP MVC / SignalR / Bootstrap demo app
14 Aug 2014 by Sacha Barber
Angular.Js / Azure / ASP MVC / SignalR / Bootstrap demo app
10 Jun 2012 by Vitaly Tomilov
Simple way of mapping HttpHandler requests into controller/action
13 Nov 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Customized Scrolling in Silverlight using Expression Blend
10 Apr 2012 by Larry Boeldt
Building on a previous article, we now delve into the Facebook Graph API and provide a few useful functions.
4 Jun 2012 by Manas Bhardwaj
First part of an attempt to create Snake and Ladders using HTML5.
30 Nov 2015 by Nejimon CR
Implement WCF web service access from WPF with busy indicator and premature cancellation feature without using delegates, background worker, or separate event procedure
10 Apr 2014 by James Jensen
Laying out your first web page
31 May 2012 by rcarlson-cayen, Cayen Systems
This article details how to make a legacy code base more maintainable by utilizing a JSON architecture.
12 Apr 2013 by NightWizzard
...for example a WYSIWYG HTML editor to edit or display emails...
14 Apr 2014 by James Jensen
Getting Fancy With HTML5 & CSS3
28 Oct 2011 by Yvan Rodrigues
The Open Graph protocol specifies additional meta tags that can be added to the page to supplement social networking sites with more information about your page.
20 Mar 2019 by Matías Fidemraizer
Discover a modern, solid, and powerful way of leveraging object-oriented programming on the Web and anywhere
12 Feb 2013 by V.
How to dynamically build a JQPlot graph through the code behind.
1 Feb 2014 by tonywilk
Example server and client using different protocols over a Websocket (php/js)
18 Jun 2016 by Chris Solutions
The implementation of a no-framework client application using high-level developer governance.
1 Nov 2012 by Ranger49
Enter a function string and a range and this website turns it into an f(x,y) graph.
12 Sep 2013 by Nitij
This article demonstrates how to create JavaScript tooltips.
4 Feb 2014 by Andrey Chaschev
Describes how to download Java by navigating with WebView from JavaFX
16 Jun 2016 by Chris Solutions
With evidence in hand, no-framework is the perfect alternative to frameworks.
27 Apr 2014 by Dennis E White
Development of a jQuery plugin to be used to create and draw on a canvas element
22 May 2014 by László Á. Koller
Creating and implementing a custom URL validator in a web project.
11 Oct 2022 by Yahya Mohammed Ammouri
Allowing Hijri and Gregorian date fields to work together on your Dynamic CRM form and updating them simultaneously according to the user entry.
20 Sep 2010 by Florian DREVET
Brings you the ability to personalize your configuration files per developer, per machine, per configuration...
7 Feb 2012 by apis3445
Its a silverlight page to create a simple comic with photos and text-ballons
20 Jul 2012 by FiegeU
A pragmatically introduction to DOJO for form based CRUD database operations with ASP.NET
7 Nov 2012 by Aydin Khatamneajd
Using ModelMetadataProvider to Set Display Name Metadata for the Model Fields at Runtime
31 May 2013 by Stas Wolski
This tutorial describes how to create a basic Google-like event calendar app for Windows 8.
14 Oct 2013 by Jamesking56
Adding functionality to the iDevUI framework
20 Jul 2011 by tanvon malik
Slides the blog posts and news automatically. The news slider is completely built with jquery and CSS.
15 Jun 2011 by jabit
The default FormView template has no structure. Use this Visual Studio macro to format templates as tables.
1 Dec 2011 by zoyobar
In order to see more quickly, we may display only part of the data in Repeater, while the more detailed information is achieved by child view.
26 Aug 2013 by Christoph Buenger, DaSpors
How to add optional PHP namespaces to your project
10 Dec 2010 by Beavis Killer
This article demonstrates how to generate plain old class objects (POCO) from the Entity Framework v4 (EF4) and use them through RIA Services in SilverLight version 4.
26 Nov 2011 by zoyobar
This article will explain in detail how to sort data based on field in the Repeater
26 Dec 2011 by zoyobar
How to perform operations on multi rows in jQuery Repeater and display the progress? Here is an example of mark spam email message.
24 Apr 2013 by Tom White2
Automating Fantasy Sports Decisions With Cloud Services
4 May 2013 by Vn-ABC
Steps to host Web sites on the Windows Azure Cloud
4 Oct 2013 by Redgate Software
How a Software Engineer at an Australian defence contractor tracked down a memory leak and improved performance of a complex application handling high-speed data visualization.
11 Jul 2014 by Jeffrey T. Fritz
I’ve been reviewing Novalys Visual Guard for the last 2 weeks, and found some really interesting nuggets in this package that would make my network administrators stand up and take notice.
20 Jan 2015 by Michael Collins - Intervalia
The directive iv-on-cmd can be used to simplify handling Angular click events.
29 Aug 2024 by Oats~i
Oats~i allows you to build powerful web apps in an open eco system
N 20 Sep 2024 by Oats~i
Learn how to set up an Oats~i web app project in two commands
3 Jul 2013 by Florian Rappl
Bringing the DOM to C# with a HTML5/CSS3 parser written in C#.
21 Jan 2014 by Ashley Davis
Documents my experiment building a flowchart with web technologies.
14 Aug 2014 by Sacha Barber
Angular.Js / Azure / ASP MVC / SignalR / Bootstrap demo app
1 Apr 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
8 Jan 2011 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
In this article, I will guide you through the steps of customization with the help of a sample application. We will need Microsoft Expression Blend for the full customization. Read the complete article to learn about it.
6 Nov 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
In this article, I will show you how to fire Triggers to call some methods present in your ViewModel, instead of writing in the code behind file. Read more to learn about it.
16 Jul 2010 by defwebserver
An example of a Silverlight Application that implements Create, Read, Update, and Delete using web services
7 Dec 2011 by jeremylei
A RESTful web service using the newest .NET platform features including automatic serialization/deserialization of complex types.
1 Oct 2010 by Al-Farooque Shubho
Architectural approach of a domain independent Single Sign On implementation for ASP.NET applications.
19 Apr 2012 by Sacha Barber
A look at designing a service layer using good practices, and the MSFT technology stack.
29 Aug 2011 by Not Active
A demonstration of how the ASP.NET Repeater control can be used for in-place editing and adding items
20 Dec 2011 by Shahriar Iqbal Chowdhury/Galib
T4 templetes with built-in support for CRUD operations, that utilize XML/XSD for DAL/BLL generation.
1 Jun 2013 by shah vatsal
16 Nov 2011 by Billy McCafferty
S#arp Lite is an architectural framework for the development of well-designed, custom-built, ASP.NET MVC applications using NHibernate for data access.
11 Feb 2013 by Sacha Barber
Small demo app using Node.Js/Socket.IO/MongoDB/D3.Js and jQuery.
1 Jul 2013 by Sacha Barber
A look at creating well structured modular javascript using AMD library Require.js
22 Mar 2014 by Shuqian Ying
Implementing the user account setting part of Membership+ management system.
2 Jan 2011 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Do you have a huge collection of data inside your DataGrid and want to integrate Pagination to show records page by page and don’t know how to do? Then this article will help you to understand the same.
15 Nov 2010 by Brij
This article discusses a very cool feature of jQuery that is Client Templating
25 Apr 2012 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Basic concepts of creating pure JavaScript applications using jQuery, JavaScript View Engines, and web services that provide JSON results that are accessed by JavaScript code via AJAX calls.
29 Oct 2012 by M@dHatter
The Token Manager allows web developers to program PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript into tokens that can be used throughout WordPress.
15 Sep 2010 by Modesty Zhang
Some client side common tasks implemented by a jQuery Plug in with demo source code
10 Feb 2015 by harsimranb
An angular application that consumes GitHub, primarily to demonstrate the use of angular-loading-bar and ui-router to give better feedback during longer requests.
7 Dec 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Do you work with Silverlight DataGrid and want to group your records inside the DataGrid in a proper manner? If so, this article is for you. Here we will learn about data grouping inside a DataGrid.
25 Jun 2013 by Jerome Terry
Extending .NET applications by adding scripting support via IronPython
2 Jul 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
In this article, I will demonstrate in a step-by-step manner how we can create a Text-to-Speech application using the COM APIs in Silverlight 4. Read it. Learn and Vote for this Article. Feedback and/or Suggestions are most welcome.
2 Aug 2012 by Gil Fink
The article describes the HTML5 IndexedDB API and how to use it.
2 Feb 2012 by Keith Barrow
A DatePicker based Event Calendar with MVC3 and AJAX
6 Nov 2010 by Jürgen Bäurle
This article describes how to integrate SAP business data like customer data into SharePoint 2010 using Business Connectivity Services (BCS) and LINQ to SAP.
6 Dec 2013 by DaveAuld
Google Coder == "A simple way to make web stuff on Raspberry Pi.", well that is what they claim!
5 Feb 2018 by Stas Wolski
This article describes how to implement a meeting room booking system in an ASP.NET MVC project with dhtmlxScheduler.
15 Jan 2015 by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
An MVC application to make a copy of CodeProject articles in your Browser Cache using HTML5's AppCache feature
23 May 2014 by László Á. Koller
An example of sending email notifications after a long delay from an MVC controller.
14 Sep 2011 by Abhijit Jana, Abhinav S
Frequently asked questions on ASP.NET GridView at CodeProject Question Answer forums.
12 Nov 2010 by Petr Pechovic
Example of creating a WIX installer for an ASP.NET Web application.
22 Aug 2016 by James Jensen
Styling Your First Web Page
14 Mar 2011 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Steps to Discuss Application Library Caching in Silverlight 4
11 Oct 2017 by Yahya Mohammed Ammouri
This article describes how to add a fully client side Multiple File Upload functionality to your page. Include select multiple files at a time, Select from different folders, Apply validation, show files in thumbnails and remove files from the list.
4 May 2014 by Shuqian Ying
Service based, multi-application ASP.NET custom membership, role and profile providers with a hierarchical role system.
3 Aug 2011 by M@dHatter
A Custom JavaScript Event Manager Class Designed to Manage Window, Document and Control Events on a Webpage
19 Jun 2016 by Chris Solutions
A no-framework approach to web development which yields a high level of developer governance.
1 Apr 2013 by subskybox
Exploiting JavaScript's weakly typed implicit data type conversions, the 52 bit mantissa and common bit hacks.
16 Dec 2013 by Seckin Tozlu
How to create a comprehensive test suite for your API
30 Mar 2015 by Florian Rappl, Niki Kilbertus
Using Microsoft Azure to add advanced machine learning capabilities with connected IoT devices, which monitor activities of a baby and his or her environment.
22 Mar 2014 by Shuqian Ying
Initiating an Asp.Net Mvc 5 development environment for an administration front-end of extended membership system called Membership+.
26 Jan 2013 by Samir Kunwar
Text documents clustering using K-Means clustering algorithm.
18 Apr 2013 by Stuart Wheelwright
Step-by-step explanation of building a Task Timer app using web technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery Mobile.
30 May 2013 by Amir Jalilifard
Creating a useful ASP.NET HTML Editor custom control.