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Great Reads

by Nirosh
This tutorial is designed for .NET programmers who need to understand ‘Nido’ framework and its application.
by Saad_Mahmood
Magical MVVM using power of Expression Blend
by Sagar Uday Kumar
Windows Shell Extension - Adding submenus to Shell Context Menus and dynamically loading them using sharpshell library.
by Yaseer Mumtaz
XML input parameter to RESTful API using HttpClient and bypassing the SSL certificate

Latest Articles

by Nirosh
This tutorial is designed for .NET programmers who need to understand ‘Nido’ framework and its application.
by Saad_Mahmood
Magical MVVM using power of Expression Blend
by Sagar Uday Kumar
Windows Shell Extension - Adding submenus to Shell Context Menus and dynamically loading them using sharpshell library.
by Yaseer Mumtaz
XML input parameter to RESTful API using HttpClient and bypassing the SSL certificate

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by Nirosh
This tutorial is designed for .NET programmers who need to understand ‘Nido’ framework and its application.
by Saad_Mahmood
Magical MVVM using power of Expression Blend
by Sagar Uday Kumar
Windows Shell Extension - Adding submenus to Shell Context Menus and dynamically loading them using sharpshell library.
by arussell
How to use C# to create WPF 3D graphics.
by Jesse Glover
Breaking down the MVVM pattern
by Daniel Vaughan
Learn how to combine T4 and a custom markup extension to share and consume image files between projects.
by Keith Barrett
Describes a 'Proof of Concept' project for a Code-First User interface library.
by Brady Kelly
A dictionary class for storing string descriptions provided by the Description attribute on enum fields.
by Alexander Wieser
The article showcases a Windows 8 themed WPF Ribbon inspired by Office 2013 and Visual Studio 2013.
by Petr Ivankov
Application of abstract approach to database domain
by DaveMathews
Integration of a Chatbot in a C# application using SIML (Synthetic Intelligence Markup Language)
by Rasik Bihari Tiwari
Knowing, creating and using satellite assemblies in C# .Net
by ChRi$m0rG@N
A tool for filtering and merging large text files.
by SubhamoyBurman
This is how an idiot like me explains what is Abstract Factory pattern and how it could be used
by Florian Rappl
Bringing the DOM to C# with a HTML5/CSS3 parser written in C#.
by Florian Rappl
Connecting an existing JavaScript engine to AngleSharp to perform DOM operations and provide a working headless browser.
by Sujeet Bhujbal
Angular js with ASP.NET MVC is more popular now days and for beginners, I will tell you what is angular js and show you a practical example of ASP.NET MVC for inserting, deleting and displaying data using angular js.
by Rahul Rajat Singh
Understanding the basic concept of directives in Angular - how directives are used in Angular and using some built in directives in Angular.
by Mohamed Ahmed Abdullah
Auto-correct ruining our spelling, the solution is to animate the changes
by formlesstree4
Another article on C# .NET SQL, but with smarts
by TonyTonyQ
Alternative way for implementing Abort/Retry/Ignore logic
by Nick Polyak
Describe architecturing a flexible and extensible WPF application with the help of WPFWidgetizer framework
by Monjurul Habib
ASP.NET Web API is a framework for building and consuming HTTP services that can reach a broad range of clients including browsers, phones, and tablets.
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
In this article I will explain the steps to create a full featured standalone ASP.NET 5's Web API that can be used by Windows 10's native Universal Windows Runtime application.
by S. M. Quamruzzaman Rahmani
ASP.NET team released Identity framework 2.0. The new release contain some new features like generic primary key. This article explain how to change primary key from string to integer & use it with MVC5.
by Jarosław Zwierz
With this sample I'll try to demonstrate how to achieve editing of One-To-Many model in the single View.
by thangchung
This article will let you know how can we use JSPM in ASP.NET MVC 6 and Material Design Lite.
by Eric Goedhart
Building a ASP.Net datadriven website
by Eric Goedhart
Part two of the ASP.NET MVC Documents Sample
by Rajiv Gogoi
Series of ASP.NET MVC5 new features
by Rajiv Gogoi
This article explains WebAPI v2 features of ASP.NET MVC5
by Amir Dashti
Simply understand what happens when you use async/await keywords, what are the benefits and how to prevent deadlocks
by Gautham Prabhu K
A quick look into Selenium which allows us to automate testing of web pages.
by Mahsa Hassankashi
This article enables you to generate table in any database such as Oracle, SQLServer, MySQL, SQLite, Sybase, etc. just by typing table name and its fields. Then you can use NHibernate facilities to make query for data layer.
by Roman Kiss
Design and implementation of small tool, tester for exploring Azure IoT Hub with virtual MQTT device
by Sergey Kizyan
This is a sample article that describes ho to implement RESTfull service for Azure for both GET and POST methods
by Christopher Stevenson
The beginning of Rule of Ready
by John C Rayan
MvcSiteMapProvider Example
by Snesh Prajapati
In this article, we will learn about Builder Design Pattern and create a demo application to understand it practically. We will explore how Builder pattern helps us in creation of complex objects.
by comiscience
Make changement of reporting easier. Unity help us
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
In this article I will explain Windows.Media.Capture namespace's MediaCapture element and how it can be used in Windows Runtime to create applications that make use of camera, for capturing photos and videos. Plus, the article shows how to capture the list of photos or videos that are recorded for p
by Daniel Vaughan
Leverage existing .resx files to localize Windows Phone, Android, and iOS apps in Xamarin.Forms.
by Mithun Pattankar
Why build responsive UI? Answer seems obvious that end-user should experience that application doesn’t hang often (for developers POV, a time taking background operation makes it look like hanging). So lets learn building responsive UI using Async Await keywords Visual Studio 2012 introduced a
by Joy George K
Explaining the async await programming model in C#
by Project Sfx
A C# class for generating an audio waveform asynchronously.
by Ranjan.D
Let us see how to build a simple CodeProject API Wrapper.
by Sergey Kizyan
Third lecture from the series I'm running. Related to class definition and gives basic understanding about what is type in .NET
by Arthur V. Ratz
The following article describes how to implement sorting of custom non-generic collections by overriding the functionality of the generic IComparable and IComparer interfaces used by the LINQ’s Enumerable.OrderBy clause aggregate method.
by ergohack
Design a DGML state machine using visual tools,... then depend upon C# Reflection to implement the state machine boundaries and triggers in your application.
by Sergey Kizyan
I'm starting a set of C# lectures for our engineers. The first lecture is about C# built-in types also known as primitive types.
by Alazar 9860585
Calculating the Probability of Related Events Based on Bayes' Theorem Using MongoDB Aggregation Framework in C#
by John Underhill
Twofish 512, Serpent 512, Rijndael 512, the HX Ciphers, Ring-LWE, NTRU, McEliece, Rainbow, GMSS, DTM-KEX
by ChRi$m0rG@N
An article about an omni directional Arduino Yun robot, and an alternative .Net implementation of CmdMessenger
by khem thapa
Code-First Approach with Asp.Net MVC Framework
by Mr.PoorEnglish
Organize your DelegateCommands hierarchical in one Viewmodel-Object - A Style generates a proper Menu from that. You also can set individual CommandBindings, to Buttons or MenuItems.
by DmitriyArh88
Comparative analysis of .NET RESTful middleware solutions
by Pooja Baraskar
Sharing code and views in Universal Windows Apps
by raddevus
Part 1: Master the ASP.NET MVC Project Template & Technologies (Razor, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS). Part 2: Build an ASP.NET MVC app which runs in the browser but feels like using a desktop app.
by raddevus
Building the ASP.NET MVC desktop UX (User Experience). See ContextMenu in action.
by Daniel Vaughan
Using Xamarin Forms platform specific rendering to create a cross-platform application bar.
by Saad_Mahmood
Creating custom control for Windows Phone and Store Using Expressions Blend
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
In this article, I will go through different stages of programming a server/client application framework in native .NET framework using TCP protocol library of System.Net.Sockets namespace.
by Pritam Zope
In this article, we will create a Notepad with features like Multi Tabbed Documents, Document Selector, File Association,Opening/Saving Multiple Files, Line Numbers, Running External Programs, Viewing files in Browser, Full Screen Mode, etc.
by Turay Melo
This is an alternative for "Creating an Outlook 2010 Add-In"
by Kumarbs
In this article we are going to see how we can consume a web api which is hosted on Cloud Azure service
by Pritam Zope
In this Article we will create an Auto Completion/Code Completion Window using C# that automatically shows popup of the list of words or keywords and inserting those into a RichTextBox
by defwebserver
You can implement SharePoint documents in your AngularJS applications much easier when you create your code in a Visual Studio LightSwitch Cloud Business app.
by Stefan Wloch
An introduction to custom roles based access control in an ASP.NET MVC application using the Entity Framework.
by Stefan Wloch
An introduction to Custom Roles Based Reporting for ASP.NET MVC applications using the Entity Framework. Protecting confidential information is a business requirement and in many cases also an ethical and legal requirement.
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes default binding configurations, default behavior configurations, inheritance model in behavior configurations, file-less activation and standard endpoints in WCF 4.0/4.5
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes default endpoints and protocol mapping behaviors in WCF 4.0/4.5
by Mahdi K.
A detailed description for Delegate, Func, Predicate, Action and Lambda Expression.
by dpalash
Through this article, you will learn how to deploy the sideloaded Windows 8 app to production easily and maintain/provide regular upgrade version of the app.
by raddevus
A novel approach to generate a secure way to login that doesn't require the user to ever memorize a password again. This method can be used with any web site, program, etc. and creates a more secure password than other methods.
by Debendra0256
In this article, we are going to learn about creating Google Chrome extension using C#.
by Kelum Priyadarshane
This project developed using combination of Entity Framework 6.0 + Code First Approach + Web API 2 + Repository Pattern + ASP.NET MVC 5 + SQL Server 2012 + Unit of Work Testing + Bootstrap.
by Makrand Vichare
Mini SPAs with ASP.NET MVC and AngularJS (with Typescript)
by VijayRana
In this article, we will see different ways through which we can recieve post data by view in controller.
by Ben M Watson
Get into the details of .NET array access optimization and how you can pattern your code for efficiency.
by Akhil Mittal
This article will cover almost every OOP concept that a novice/beginner developer hunt for, and not only beginners, the article’s purpose is to be helpful to experience professionals also who need to sometimes brush-up their concepts or who prepare for interviews.
by Akhil Mittal
This part of the article series will focus more on run time polymorphism also called late binding.
by Dr Gadgit
Covers SSDP messages and XML replies plus how to stream a play-list
by Ciumac Sergiu
Explains sound fingerprinting algorithm, with a practical example of detecting duplicate files on the user's local drive.
by Tho Dinh Nguyen
Utilize System.Attribute and Assembly to discover type and retrieve data members to be displayed on windows form
by Mr.PoorEnglish
This is an alternative for "Dynamic Validation with FluentValidation in WPF/MVVM"
by tetsushmz
This article shows how user inputs can be validated dynamically with FluentValidation and INotifyDataErrorInfo in a WPF/MVVM application.
by Nitin S
Control home appliance from anywhere in the world
by Ganesh A Hegde
The safe navigation operator could prove to be a nifty feature when it eventually makes it into C#. It's included in the planned upcoming release of C# 6. Until then, you may need to emulate it.
by ArindamNayak
Enable CORS support in WCF and consuming WCF as rest API from different domain , other than WCF hosted domain.
by Maxim Kurayan
EF Dynamic Report is a small open source project which allows you to use Entity Framework mapping between types and tables as a dynamic report data source
by markmnl
Error handling often brings down an otherwise good design, this article offers an approach to standardize and simplify your error handling particularly in SOLID applications.
by trycatchthat
An in-depth examination of variables in C#
by Saad_Mahmood
Expression Blend - Playing with Sample Data (WPF , Windows Phone)
by Bruce Zhang
WCF provides a flexible and extensible architecture for the developer. The most common situation is to customize the extension of behavior. It is not complex, but some issues should be noticed. This article discusses how to extend the behavior in WCF.
by tetsushmz
This article explains how to dynamically create RDLC.
by Nick Polyak
Navigation and event propagation on generic trees
by Abdulrahman Emad
Generic Data Access Helper
by Sharad Chandra Pyakurel
Generic repository application of employee with documents
by Richard Dunkley
Demonstrates how to use the Yocto Project to get a custom Linux operating system with Mono up and running on the Beagleboard C4 development board.
by Richard Dunkley
Demonstrates how to use the Yocto Project to get a custom Linux operating system with Mono up and running on the Raspberry Pi development board.
by Gaurav Aroraa
In this article, we will discuss basics of Azure API Management to manage our Web API.
by Gaurav Aroraa
In this article, we will discuss about ASP.NET WebHook-Preview.
by Anurag Gandhi
This article provides you the simplified ways to implement batch editing (inline editing in gridview/repeater) using angular.js.
by David Killian
A reflective approach to providing stored procedure based data access methods with a reuse pattern based on polymorphic Types as arguments in ObjectResult
by Mario Majčica
Creating ExpectedAggregateExceptionAttribute thatmakes TPL exceptions testing easier.
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
I would talk about Windows 10 from a developer's perspective. Windows 10 has not yet been released, but it is better to know the tool to get your hands ready to develop applications.
by Chris A. Johnson
Hiring for performance vs. skills
by Jack Xu, USA
This article covers complete step-by-step tutorial on how to create a line chart in WPF and how to convert it into a chart control that can be reused in WPF applications with MVVM pattern.
In this article we are going to build a UserControl in WPF which is intended to make the user choose a directory in his FIleSystem
by Deb Kumar Ghosal
Windows Phone 8.1 RT Microsoft has introduced many new features and changes in the Windows Phone 8.1. Isolated Storage is one of the crucial features that has completely changed in Windows Phone 8.1.
by Ranjan.D
Let us see how to send, receive and delete SMS using Arduino and GSM Sheild
by Shai Vashdi
Simplifying the use of UI threads (using the Dispatcher) & new threads in WPF
by kubben
This article show a quick way to determine if a user's IE browser is in compatibility mode.
by Kel_
A modern real-time HTML5 chat implementation for the web and mobile worlds.
by Kel_
A clock rendered as 4 progress bars and published by the server in real-time.
by User 6918454
Light-weight image viewer for .NET 4.5.1, supporting multi-core processing
by Alen Toma
How to implement deep cloning using Reflection
by Wladis
IML on the example of popular app ToDo MVC
by Wladis
Disclaimer: the article represents a survey on the transformation of JSON data into html on the client part (browser) and reveals the operation details of template в Incoding Framework (search, formation, local storage and plugging in one’s own engine).
by Nathaniel_Chen
This article show how to integrate Arduino, RaspberryPi, Azure EventHubs, WorkRole, WebService, WCF with Restful API to build a simple IoT information service backend connect by Universal App.
by Daniel Vaughan
Create best-in-breed cross-platform MVVM apps using Calcium for Xamarin.Forms.
by Matt Perdeck
Co-locate HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files that make up a page or component. Auto generate your MVC bundles to ensure the right files are loaded in the right order.
by Darko Jurić
Portable generic image library for C#
by Darko Jurić
Portable video IO library for C#
by Matt Perdeck
Semantic Types help you reduce bugs and improve maintainability by letting the compiler ensure consistency in your code. This article shows how this works and how to create Semantic Types with minimal overhead.
by Guruprasad.K.Basavaraju
This is an article in effort to share my learning about Netduino Plus 2 with the examples.
by gmarkc
A simple and inexpensive project to control your first IoT device using an Azure service
by Ahmed Amer Jaf
Fast n Easy Way to parse Json data
This article explains how the jQuery Datatables 1.10+ can be integrated with an ASP.NET MVC 5 application for the server-side processing
by Edgar Maass
The goal of this article is to extract a point cloud using the Microsoft Kinect v2 sensor, visualize it using the VTK toolkit, save it for printing or further work (e.g. using Meshlab)
by _Noctis_
Sorting out the confusion behind collections
by icemanind
Automatically generate Business and Data layers in C# or VB.Net from a SQL Server, Microsoft Access, MySql or SQLite database design.
by Shivprasad koirala
In this article we will learn C# Design pattern and Architecture pattern Step by Step with a project.
by Marla Sukesh
This article is continuation of day 5 for Learn MVC Project in 7 Days.
by Akhil Mittal
Day 6: Understanding Enums in C#.My article of the series “Diving in OOP” will explain enum datatype in C#.
by Gaurav Aroraa
In this article, we will discuss all about TDD Katas and how we can get hands-on with Test Driven Development (TDD).
by Samuel Cragg
Loading indicator for content controls
by David Rogers Dev
Learn how to load related entities using the Entity Framework with simple examples
by _Noctis_
This will set you logging from your NLog to your Growl in no time.
by Winfried Wille
M3U-Copy copies the entries of a playlist in the M3U format to a target directory or rewrites the playlist
by markmnl
Overview of making fast-paced multiplayer networked games - the challenges and techniques to overcome them.
by Allister Beharry
Overlord is an open-source .NET IoT management platform written in C# and running on Microsoft Azure.
by Shibasis Sengupta
A software which provides user the option to create and send meeting minutes using template, mark attendees, create next followup meeting , assign tasks to people - all from a single consolidated screen.
by ajalilqarshi
Displaying a Message Box (similar to the MessageBox) using MVVM patterns in WPF
by adityasahver
In this article we will learn how to use Microsoft Band to connect to your Device.
by dileep
This post explains how to implement CRUD Operations in the MongoDB by using C#.
by CodeFate
Revision of the Global Mouse and Keyboard Library from Brian Geiman
by Elia Conchione
Moving from old SharePoint server? Something to import inside SharePoint 2013?
by Jasper Lammers
Using multithreading in Windows Console Applications without interrupting user input.
by Mahdi K.
This article will help you to handle all types of errors in MVC platform; MVC Views, API, 404.0, Synchronous/Asynchronous Calls all with same user experience centrally.
by Dileep Ashok
Learn and build web application using MVC and Entity Frame work code first, code migration approach.
by Jamescookxj
Repository Pattern with Generic Interface and Dependency Injection
by Vasily Tserekh
The project that inspired me to start 3D programming
by lepipele
ASP.NET MVC C# Opensource library that abstracts social logins for OAuth providers like Facebook, Google, Twitter, PayPal
by Darko Jurić
Pyramidal Kanade Lucas optical flow tracker
by Darko Jurić
Discrete Kalman Filter brief tutorial with samples in C#
by Darko Jurić
SIR Particle Filter brief tutorial with samples in C#
by Magyar András
How to create Office 2013 style splash screen for Windows Forms
by Lucas Ontivero
A class library for port forwarding in NAT devices that support Universal Plug and Play (UPNP) and/or Port Mapping Protocol (PMP)
by ankur_0603
In ASP.NET web application we are familiar with data passing and state management mechanism like Session, ViewState , hiddenfield etc. But in ASP.NET MVC Application we have ViewData, ViewBag, TempData, Session Variables.
by InvisibleMedia
Defining innovation beyond the limits of Chomsky
by Pranay Rana
Publisher/Subscriber pattern with Event/Delegate and EventAggregator
by Florian Rappl
Architecture, design and implementation of a cross-platform Windows Desktop / Windows Store space shoot-em-up game.
by Michal Sobieraj
This tutorial shows how to create Microsoft Dynamics CRM extensions that use ASP.NET SignalR to provide real-time messaging functionality
by Samer Aburabie
An article that shows a simple workaround on how to make a redirect and POST in ASP.NET MVC
by Gautham Prabhu K
Restart Manager Support For Windows Application
by Wonde Tadesse
An article that explain hows to expose SignalR feature through an ASP.NET Web API, which helps applications that can use REST service and to broadcast a real-time message to their clients.
by D. Infuehr
How to return strings or other complex data from a process to its caller without interprocess communication
by Nick Polyak
describe how to use VS 2015 preview Roslyn base extension for simulating multiple inheritance in C# and provide usage examples
by SRS(The Coder)
This article describes with code examples how to integrate salesforce with .net application.
by Kel_
Securing Spike Engine HTTP & Websockets with TLS/SSL layer.
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This article explains the core concepts about sending the emails over .NET framework and the problems that new .NET developers face in using them also some tips for removing very basic errors.
by Sheshnath Kumar
This article will find out a solution to serialize/deserialize object by reference at server and client, also will serialize/deserialize objects having circular references.
by Rajiv Gogoi
Introduction to SignalR using ASP.NET MVC 5
by Xun Ding
What is SignalR? How do you SignalR and jQuery your way to real-time programming?
by Jan Martin H.
This article shows how to create a reusable numbers only TextBox that will *never* hold anything but numbers. You can even toggle if it should hold negative numbers!
by Khademul Basher
Single Page Application development using Knockout JS, ASP.NET MVC 4 and Web API
by mengwangk
Turn your Android phone into a SMS gateway, sending and receiving SMS through RESTful service
by Bimaln
Describe about the SOAP message in WCF with example.
by Md._Mehedi_Hasan
CRUD operation in .net MVC using Stored Procedure for Single and List Object Data along with SQL Transaction.
by Stewa11
This case study suggests starting with decoupling the aspx/aspx.cs into the View's CSS3, HTML5, javascript, AJAX and JSON
by Florian Rappl
Login, get the data, logout. AngleSharp has everything we need to submit forms and transmit everything we need to get the desired data.
by VR Karthikeyan
Creating Static Reports using SVG file
by Andre van Dun
Flexible SVG tile based dashboard in C#
by Carmelo La Monica
As explained in the previous article, the geolocation is one of the most frequently used features in the mobile and beyond, with it we are able to retrieve the location and information about the place in which we find ourselves, and used by an application to have other information, such as restauran
by Pete O'Hanlon
In this article, we're going to extend the work done in Part 1 and start reading in from the REST API.
by Christian Kleinheinz
Using the .NET OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog for an application in multithreaded apartment mode (MTA)
by Steven Shahbazi
This tip shows how we can use Silverlight cool features to make a tic-tac-toe game in the web.
by Mark Kruger
To And From Binary Literals for all standard .net numeric value types.
by Talal Tayyab
The article provides a code first approach to understanding await/async and answers some of the basic questions.
by Vahe Karamian
The eighth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
by Saad_Mahmood
Unleashing Grids in Expression Blend and it's Major Role in Responsive Design
by Snesh Prajapati
In this article I am explaining three ways to upload image (by Browsing File, by Dragging and Dropping and by Capturing using Webcam) from an ASP.NET MVC web application to server and accessing those back to display on web page.
by Rolf Cerff
This article shows how to modify the default ASP.NET MVC project to use Twitter Bootstrap Modal Dialog as a login dialog. Graceful degradation for non JavaScript Browsers is included.
by Ranjan.D
Let us try to understand how to make use of CodeProject API within the Scheduled jobs in Windows Azure Mobile Services.
by davekahn
An easy way to control the lists of options in multiple related SELECT controls
by Daniel Vaughan
Create a Xamarin Forms tabbed page or carousel page by binding to a collection of ViewModels; extending beyond the current capabilities of Xamarin Forms.
by Kurt Friedrich
I wanted to use MySQL as the database to hold code first models with ASP MVC.
by XyedBilal
Installing sonar server on local machine and analyzing .NET projects
by Peter Moore - Chicago
By writing your own Virtual File System with a little C++, you can escape ApplicationData.LocalFolder and read and write databases in any folder your app has access to.
by netfed
A Winforms application for configuring EC2 security groups - a future winforms ec2 console
by Jonathan Cardy
Creating a single page app for SharePoint 2013 using the new App Model.
by Sibeesh Passion
Ways to Convert Microsoft ADOMD Data Source to JSON
by Snesh Prajapati
In this article we will learn how to create WCF RESTful services and consume those services in ASP.NET MVC 5 application using WebGrid Control.
by Snesh Prajapati
In this article we will learn how to create WCF RESTful services and consume those services in ASP.NET MVC 5 application using WebGrid Control.
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes WCF Routing Service concept, Configuring RoutingService (its endpoint(s), target service(s), message filter(s) and filter table) and content based routing.
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes context-based routing and protocol bridging using WCF RoutingService.
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes Failover & Load Balancing using WCF RoutingService.
by Samir NIGAM
This article describes implementation of Service Versioning & using the RoutingService.
by Wonde Tadesse
ASP.NET Web API related projects. It touches most parts of the technology through the articles on Data Streaming, Working with HTTPS and Extending Web API Documentation.
by Wonde Tadesse
ASP.NET Web API related projects. It touches most parts of the technology through the articles on Data Streaming, Working with HTTPS and Extending Web API Documentation.
by Wonde Tadesse
ASP.NET Web API related projects. It touches most parts of the technology through the articles on Data Streaming, Working with HTTPS and Extending Web API Documentation.
by bob.bumsuk.lee
Web app that manages customer complaints and demonstrate how to use Web API, SignalR and AngularJS technologies
by Michael Ecklin
Very often, Excel spreadsheets are using to transfer data between applications. CSV files are also used for the same purposes.
by Atish Dipongkor
How to create a Sandboxed Workflow Action for SharePoint On-Premise (2013 or 2010)
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This article explains the basic knowledge about the File class in .NET Framework that comes handy when working with the file system, to create, edit, modify or delete the files or directories.
by sebastienj
A WPF clone of Excel spreadsheet, with several doors open for extensibility.
by Nick Polyak
Implementing powerful property bindings in plain C#
by Richard Dunkley
Demonstrates how to use the Yocto Project to get a custom Linux baseline operating system containing Mono for use on a variety of different hardware configurations.
by Jake Rote
Xenon is a framework which helps you to write stable acceptance tests
by Dominic D Williams
The power of delegates outside of events.