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by Nirosh
This tutorial is designed for .NET programmers who need to understand ‘Nido’ framework and its application.
by Akhil Mittal
Repository pattern in MVC3 application with entity framework
by Paul Rony
Programmer's Guide to Starting a Software Company and Building an Enterprise Application
by Rick Bassham
How to use the SqlChangeMonitor with the new MemoryCache class in .NET 4.0.

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by Nirosh
This tutorial is designed for .NET programmers who need to understand ‘Nido’ framework and its application.
by Akhil Mittal
Repository pattern in MVC3 application with entity framework
by Paul Rony
Programmer's Guide to Starting a Software Company and Building an Enterprise Application
by Rick Bassham
How to use the SqlChangeMonitor with the new MemoryCache class in .NET 4.0.

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by zippy1981
This is an alternative for "ODBCTracer"
by Rodrick Kazembe
This is a step by step SQL Server Stored Procedures tutorial for beginners with insert, update, delete and select examples.
by Math08avan
A simple example for CRUD actions using WCF service in ASP.NET
by Lee Humphries
LINQ translates .count() to a SQL query that uses COUNT(*), but on large tables even count(*) can be too slow. Here's another way
by basementman
Or, assuming your table has an index, you could do this "old-school" as:select MAX(rows) from sysindexes where id = Object_ID('{tablename}')
by shijo joseph
An ADO.NET Layer for SQL Server and Oracle which makes it easier for interfacing with database
by AmrDeveloper
Introduce GQL (A Git Query Language) to perform SQL like queries on .git files
by RickZeeland
PostgreSQL notifications Windows Forms application
by Harry Hai Huang
A simple math formula to get special dates.
by Rajat-Indiandotnet
A unique feature of SQL SERVER Loop with Go statement
by Ramanujam Shankar
Show data in grid view control of Windows Stores App using web service or WCF
by Mark Graham
When searching between datetimes in SQL(or SQL in a Stored Proc) we can't just do:select * from where CreateTime >= @DateFrom and CreateTime <= @DateToIf your search is date inclusive and you're not concerned with time, which most users aren't, then you need to add a little extra...
by Jobless Creature
HH:MM Time format addition
by Shahriar Iqbal Chowdhury/Galib
Hi,Here is an alternative for your solutionSELECT CAST(DATEADD(MILLISECOND,SUM(DATEDIFF(MILLISECOND,0,CAST(TMP.TotalTime as DATETIME))),0) as TIME)FROM( SELECT CAST(timeduration AS TIME) TotalTime FROM mytable) TMP
by abdul sami
select aday, code, convert(varchar(5), min(atime), (108))MinTime, convert(varchar(5), max(atime),(108)) MaxTime from testgroup by aday,codeorder by aday asc
by Ankit Bansal MVP
This articles explains the insertion of data into SQL Database using Stored Procedures with Output Parameters. Some Bootstrapping is also used to create a good looking HTML.
Technique to extend capability of standard SQL by adding the Aggregate Product Function
by Peter Leow
This is a simple web application to illustrate visually the difference between Ajax and non-Ajax calls that take place all in a single web page.
by Wendelius
Or simply:exec msdb..sp_help_jobsp_help_job (Transact-SQL)[^]
by Elina Blank
When cursors are inside transaction, it is sometimes easy to forget to close the cursor
by Elina Blank
An alternative (simpler way :) ) is:BEGIN TRANDECLARE IdCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT Id FROM MyTable OPEN IdCursor FETCH NEXT FROM IdCursor INTO @CurrentIdWHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS) = 0 BEGIN -- do work IF @@error 0...
by Kabwla.Phone
You also might want to look into the "LOCAL" keyword.This limits the scope of the cursor to the context in which it is created.DECLARE IdCursor CURSOR LOCAL FOR SELECT Id FROM MyTableThis is beneficial for many reasons.
by Elina Blank
To see the default value of the cursor scope:select * from sys.databases(if value of "is_local_cursor_default" is 0 then scope id global, otherwise it is local).The scope is GLOBAL by default (for compatibility reasons).To change default scope use following:ALTER DATABASE...
by NightWizzard
Convert amounts to their spoken equivalents
by Member 11313437
How to easily anonymize (or pseudonymize, depending on the depth of performing) patients' proper data in clear text in MySQL
by Sadeque Sharif
Another way to solve the issue of “A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server…”
by nithyananthams
Different options to get Identity from SQL Server and how OUTPUT clause helped me to get the accurate Identity value compare with other options.
by Shyam S Singh
This is a simple tip to describe how to write an optimized SQL query when we are dealing/working on large amount of data.
by sandeepmittal11
Apply Operator in SQL Server
by Gaurav_Chaudhary
This tip is a brief introduction to Apply operator in SQL server
by Manjuke Fernando
How to give db_datareader access to a specific user across all the databases on a particular SQL Server
by Chamila Nishantha
This tip describes how to add a running total column to a result set
by Wendelius
This is an alternative for "Applying Running Total to a Result set"
by Ryszard Dżegan
How to get around restrictions for parameters in OLE DB connection type while working with SSIS and BIDS.
by Peter Leow
Get your database to generate unique running IDs for your application
by JoaoSousa23
Using MVC, Entity Framework, ASP.NET5 Scaffolding, and Azure SQLServer you can create a web application that stores your information on an SQL Azure database. This demo shows you how to create a web application with MVC and Entity Framework 7, that communicate with a SQL Azure Database
by Haydn Chapman
A method to update a table column with a random set of specified values
by Divyant Kulshrestha
This tip is useful when we have to move data from Oracle database to SQL Server database or vice-versa using SSIS.
by Harsh Aggarwal - India
It's about making back up of database in SQL server 2008 and above you can get rid of making bak file manually.
by be05x5
SQL script that will generate XML code that you can copy paste into your RDL file and just do it that way
by DiponRoy
How to auto increment column options in databases
by connect ashish yadav
Auto increment column value is not part of transaction
by GabrieleTronchin
Automatic creation of non clustered indexes using system SQL entities
by Deepak_Sharma_
This article will show how to create an auto-suggest TextBox that will suggest data from a SQL Server database column.
by ergohack
Do you need to update everyone's TFS picture? Or set the notification email address for that calcitrant employee?
by CorvetteGuru
Backup Stored Procedures in SQL Server.
by Dan Steuer
This article will help manage automatic database purges according to basic Document Management principles.
by NaibedyaKar
How to check the query locking the table and to unlock it
by Mahmud Hasan
Be Very Careful When You Write SQL Trigger
by Masoud Ehteshami (Iran)
main source :
by SanSkun
How to bind holiday list and information about those holidays from database
by PIEBALDconsult
Performing a bitwise OR aggregate in SQL Server
by #realJSOP
Using common table expressions to build data from thin air.
by Rob Branaghan
Just a function to make populating a datetime variable easier!
by André Kraak
This is an alternative for "Build a Date Function"
by Ramesh Bevara
An overview of a helper class to build dynamic order by clause in LINQ query in C#
by Aless Alessio
Use the OLE Automation Procedures to retrieve data from a Web Service and parse the JSON response into a table format
by Prasannakumaran Sarasijanayanan
Load data to temporary table, make any additional update if required, create necessary indices, finally DROP live table and RENAME temporary table to production table.
by Wendelius
This tip describes how to calculate an aggregate for dynamically defined columns using UNPIVOT clause.
by Nirav Prabtani
How to calculate distance between two geolocations or find out distance within a specific radius by SQL Server
by Mohammed A. Mohiuddin
Calculating Average Processing Time in hours excluding weekends
by Nathan Stiles
Calling CL programs on the IBM i on Power from PHP using DB2 stored procedures.
by vinothharshad
Use the ON DELETE CASCADE option if you want rows deleted in the child table when corresponding rows are deleted in the parent table.
by Sanwar ranwa
How to create a cascading dropdown using ReactJS and Web API
by Neh.C
select * from table where and column COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS = 'G%E3%97O%D7'
by AgarwalPriyanka, ErGauravSharma
Challenges faced in data migration testing
by Mohammad Elsheimy
One of the major issues encountered when connecting to databases after porting ASP.NET app to Docker Linux containers.
by IssaharNoam
Simple and customizable Chat Conversation control, with DataTable datasource, inspired by SMS application balloons in OnePlus One Android smartphone.
by Hernán Hegykozi
This tip explains how to calculate the Check Digit Vertical (CDV) and Horizontal (CDH) by SQL Server.
by Wendelius
This tip shows how to get rows from a table where a field contains a number that is a power of 2 using LOG function.
by mohamedkamaleed
Network check v1.0
by Paulo Buchsbaum
A simple way to generate checksum for tables and databases.
by #realJSOP
One way to effectively zero the columns any DataRow object.
by Jignesh G Trivedi
This tip will help you to understand CLR procedure.
by Levente Kupás
CLR-addon for T-SQL DATE transformation and Split-String
by Uppuluri Aditya
by sandeepmittal11
by Homero Ibarra Ramírez
Tool on T-SQL to code basic generator for SQL Server
by Mycroft Holmes
Why do developers insist on separate procedures to do these jobs
by A.J.Wegierski
For Oracle: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DESCRIPTION -- Universal save -- PARAMETERS IN -- vTRYB: mode: (I)nsert/(D)elete/(U)pdate -- rc: record -- PROCEDURE zapiszObiekt(vTRYB IN...
by thatraja
by Dnyanesh Wahiley
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Insert ( @ID int, @Name char(20), @Mode char(20) ) ASif @Mode='Insert in Employee'Begin insert into Employee(Employee_ID,Employee_Name)values(@ID,@Name)Endelse if @Mode='Insert in Student'Begin insert into...
by Ahmad A.A. Ahmad
Combining MDX with T-SQL in One Result Set for SSRS (Hybrid Query)
by Jobless Creature
CTE To find all the related nodes in a hierarcy
by Rijwan Ansari
How to compare two databases using SQL Server Database Project (Template) available in VS.
by Abu Zafor Khairuzzaman
Comparison Chart for Two Different Time Frames in SSRS
by Haroon Ashraf
A quick way to calculate first and last day of curent month and previous month
by Ravi Tuvar
Concatenate rows with comma separated string in SQL.
by Ramanujam Shankar
Using COALESCE function - concatenate many rows into a single text string output in SQL Server.
by e-Lopes
How to concatenate many rows into a single text string using SQL Server 2008.
by Sanjay K. Gupta
How to concatenate many rows into a single text string using SQL Server 2008
by PIEBALDconsult
See also Stupid CTE tricks -- string concatenation[^]
by Daniel Miller
This tip describes the code to create a custom SQL Server aggregate function that concatenates multiple string values into a single delimited value.
by SergioAmorim
SQL Server and Oracle terms may match, but they can have a very different meaning. This article will help you match one system to the other.
by Rakesh NITian
Connecting SQL Server 2012 Express from SharePoint 2013 Configuration Wizard
by Bikash Karmokar
Connecting Windows Form Application With ADO.NET in C#
by Bhawesh Tiwari
SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager failed with error code 0xC0209303.
by Pascal Ganaye
Provides a couple of hash functions (string to int) that will return the same value in C# and T-SQL
by Thinira
Continuous Integration and Delivery with VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services)
by Wendelius
How to prevent insert for record when maximum number of rows has been reached
by #realJSOP
How to fix this ANNOYING problem
by Kumar Pankaj Verma
How to convert a delimited string in SQL Server to a table column.
Convert column into rows without using pivot function in SQL
by J Chandra Sekhar Achary
Useful piece of code which will convert the DBMS_JOB interval value to calendar syntax.
by NightWizzard
Handling for hex expressions and the trailing '}'
by OriginalGriff
If you have an SQL column which contains a comma separated list of names, you may have wondered how to return it as individual rows in a SELECT statement. It's not too bad, really!
by Ashkan.hosseini
Stored procedure that generates insert stored procedure for tables
by Midi_Mick
A set of helper functions to cope with DBNull results from database queries
by umairaslam22
Using a very simple query we can make replica of existing table along with full data and datatypes
by Anoop Kr Sharma
How to copy table and its data in SQL Server using Query as well as graphically
by Anurag Gandhi
A Query to copy an individual table data between databases
by mravikiran
COUNT of DISTINCT Rows in SQL Server
by Vivek Johari
Nice tip :)But if you have any column say empid which have the unique constraint then it is better to use the following SQL queryselect count(distinct empid ) from employees
by Pinakpani Dey
Count(*) or Count(1) vs Count(Column Name)
by Antonio Soares
This tip shows three alternatives (an intuitive and less efficient, a more efficient one and a third more efficient one) to count all rows of all tables in a database.
by Chris Maunder
I had a need to count the number of times a certain string appeared within a column in a SQL table. I came up with this simple function that may be of use to others
by Chris Maunder
This is an alternate to my tip n trick article-ette. Times 2. Again!
by Andrew Rissing
Using the pattern that Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio creates, it would be something along the lines of:IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[com_CountString]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))DROP FUNCTION...
by phillipvoyle
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[com_CountString](@Input nVarChar(max), @SearchString nVarChar(1000))RETURNS INTBEGIN if @Input is null or @SearchString is null return 0 DECLARE @InputLength INT, @SearchLength INT SELECT...
by Mubin M. Shaikh
Create time dimension with 24 hour plus values and time buckets in your data warehouse
by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
Application that can be used to work with subd and connecting Amazon RDS to the project
by grandtree
Create a calendar by inputting month
by Praveen_Kumar Gupta
Clone Existing DB Schema to New Schema by plpgsql in PostgreSQL
by mitchellguzman
Create your common Insert, Delete, Update and Select stored procedures on a single table
by Rajesh_K_Sharma
How to create CSV file in SQL
by markkang
This tip describes how to generate insert SQL statement from the records in an existing table in SQL server database
by apachearun
How to create new jobs in SQL 2012
by saddam_msp
Shortcuts to execute your query faster while working or debugging T-SQL statement
by Islam Refaei
How to create contained DB users to be used among your application
by Sandeep Kumar Tripathi
How to create SQL Server Agent Job to schedule SSIS Package
by Prakash Lekhak
We will create a Table and Stored Procedure in Sql Server 2008R2 and data will be inserted and retrieved by using using C#
by Member 4206974
A PHP class that uses PDO for creating a table from JSON Objects
by Rogai Lorenzo
How to create a web panel for your application.
by Sunil_Pawar
Learn how quickly you can Create, Run, Debug and Deploy SQL CLR function using integrated features of Visual Studio 2013.
by AshishChaudha
This tip talks about creating an auto complete textbox using jQuery.
by Roger Wright
A simple example of creating a new database on a SQl Server instance
by coded007
Designing reports with Dynamics CRM
by Malak Zia Nasir
Cloud computing is the trend of nowadays; this article provides some basic steps to create and connect a Windows Azure SQL Database to a simple application.
by Poonamchand Soni
A view is virtual, the data from a view is not stored physically. It is a set of queries that, when applied to one or more tables, is stored in the database as an object. A view encapsulates the name of the table. A virtual table contains column and data from multiple tables.
by Rojalin Sahoo
Creating dynamic grid-view worked like an Excel sheet
by CRMcoaching
In this article I will demonstrate an advanced topic that can improve bussiness processes that start in one CRM and continue in another CRM.
by Indresh_Prajapati
This tip will help beginners to implement CRUD operations in ASP.NET MVC 4 with scripting language as KnockOut and Database as MS SQL 2008R2.
by Indresh_Prajapati
This tip will help beginners to implement CRUD operations in ASP.NET MVC 5 using WebAPI 2 with scripting language as AngularJS and Database as MS SQL 2008R2.
by TalentTuner
In this article, I’ll describe how to perform basic CRUD operations in an MVC5 application.
by Nirav Prabtani
CTE Query for optimizing complexity of query in sql server
by Sums Mohs Eds
A brief discussion of when to use cursors and when to use sets.
by Sreedhar Puligundla
Creating custom control for gridview paging and page navigation
by HardikPatel.SE
Paging using AJAX
by HardikPatel.SE
Paging and Sorting with AJAX
by davidshenba
Conversion of 7 digit integer date format to SQL date format
by Gihan Liyanage
Simple Dapper.NET Example with MVC
by Bertin
It is often important to have general guidelines when putting together a Data Analysts Team.
by Yugal Pandya
Database driven N-Level Dynamic Menu Control using C#.NET and SQL Server with stylesheet CSS
by Muhammad Ahmed Azam
"Database Driven Dynamic Menu Control"
by databaseobjectmodel
A Sample ORM project
by Jαved
DataGridView: Make Enter Key Move to Next Column
by Brad Joss
Export a System.Data.DataTable/DataSet into a T-SQL script that when run creates a #TEMP table of the same definition filled with data.
by Biswa Bhusan Dash
SQL Server Stored Procedure
by Amol M Vaidya
A simple Data Connection Library to avoid rewriting code when the DB changes
by Sonali Agarwal
There are different types of Database Management System models used for organizing the logical data. Relational model is most popular and widely used model in DBMS.
by Muhammad Hassan Tariq
Glimpse Extension for server side debugging and diagnostic information of ASP.NET applications
by Miljan Radovic
T-SQL script which generates and executes INSERT statements for missing default dimension members (Unknown, Not Available, Not Applicable)
by DiponRoy
Delete all the records from the table using EF
by Arkadeep De
How to remove duplicate records using CTE in SQL
by sourabhdev14
The GridView control in ASP.NET is used to represent information from a database in tabular format.
by Venkat Chaitanya Kanumukula
Tableau is one of the powerful reporting tool which is on the market for over a decade. Here's a quick tour in designing BI reports with Tableau using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3/ Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.
by GabrieleTronchin
Compare two databases to detect which object has been modified from an old version of the same database.
by Corporal Agarn
Using imported tables that may have a different column name to determine what it is.
by jsd24
The difference between CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY of SQL XML
by Wendelius
This tip shows how to calculate a difference between two datetime values and to express the difference in years, days, hours, minutes and so on.
by Silver Lightning
Display number or amount with commas but no decimal places or extension displayed
by Azim Zahir
This tip demonstrates using the Select command to display a bar chart.
by #realJSOP
Yes, you CAN document your stored procs in C# code.
by Shyam S Singh
This is a simple tip to describe the GROUP BY clause and when we use this in our SQL statements with and without using HAVING clause.
by Dhananjay Kumar Upadhyay
Download SQL Server Sample Databases including SQL Server 2012
by Matthew Taylor
How to remove Microsoft SQL Server triggers associated with a custom schema.
by rafaelpb
Generate a postalcode database for lookups from dutch national data BAG
by Roysb
Creating a menu dynamically from a database, with a style type control panel
by Bob Crowley
How to use a CASE statement in ORDER BY to avoid dynamic SQL
by RahulAJoshi
Dynamic paging in grids
by Chetan Naithani
Transforming dynamic row-level data into columns
by Moheeb U.
Here, I have tried to figure out some basic concept about dynamic query.
by Member 10262330
Dynamic restore SQL Server
by Johnny L Washington
How to execute store SQL with parameters via Procedure
by Takso
Dynamically create a Stored Procedure to add a column when it does not exist.
by Nadir Muhammed
Creating an RDLC report by just binding a Dataset
by Johnny L Washington
Capture data changes in history table
by Tore Olav Kristiansen
If you need to change values of db table primary keys during ordinary operations, you probably have a design flaw in your software. In extraordinary situations, it may however be necessary. This tip helps you do so.
by Robby Tendean
How to create an efficient paging using SQL script
by NeoPunk
Hi, what about such solution?DECLARE @pageNumber INTDECLARE @rowsOnPage INTSET @rowsOnPage=5SET @pageNumber=2DECLARE @totalItemsToSelect INTSET @totalItemsToSelect=@rowsOnPage * @pageNumberSELECT TOP (@rowsOnPage) * FROM MainTrans WHERE ID IN( SELECT TOP...
by jeantoledo
Take a look at this:DECLARE @ActualRow = 1; /*Start in first item*/DECLARE @ItensCount = 100; /*100 itens for page*/DECLARE @Page = 1; /*Start in first page*/SELECT * FROM(SELECT *, ROWNUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Name) as ROWNUM FROM Users) as UsWHERE ROWNUM BETWEEN...
by kamiktk123
string Query = string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, " + @"ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY PRODUCT_ID DESC ) AS ROW_NUM FROM({0}) " + @"AS TEMP_INNER) AS TEMP_OUTER WHERE ROW_NUM BETWEEN '{1}' AND " + @"({2} + {3}) - 1", strSql, startRowIndex, startRowIndex, maximumRows);
by mhano
The class allows you to encode / decode 4, 9 or 17 bit (for example, 1 through 31 bit unsigned int supported) integers to and from a byte[].
by atul123321
How to Encrypt And Decrypt a field without writing any frontent code .
by Enver Buzoku
Shows how to encrypt only the passowrd of an MS SQL connection string in the App.config of a .NET application.
by aroen kandaswamy
Custom database trace listener that supports logging of properties for enterprise library 5.0
by Daniel Miller
This tip provides a simple solution to automate the generation of entity and mapping classes for Entity Framework.
by DiponRoy
How to handle database scheme changes with normal SQL scripts, without migration in Entity Framework code first
by Christopher R Davis
Use model driven development with a MySql backend
by Member 3783976
Implement function in C# to emulate functionality of mysql_real_escape_string() C API function.
by David De Leeuw 2021
Refactoring a complicated procedural program, using SQL, Dapper, simple objects, lambda etc.
by Ramanujam Shankar
New Commands in SQL Server Ex: EXCEPT & INTERSECT
by crazie.coder
Sql query for remove html tag from sql table field
by Bert O Neill
Execute SSIS Package in C# or SQL Sproc
by Mohd Manzoor Ahmed
How to execute a stored procedure from Excel Sheet
by Nirav Prabtani
Virtual Expandable Gridview using Ajax post method
by John C Rayan
An insight into date and time types in SQL SERVER -
by Haroon Ashraf
Things worth considering when using SQL Date and Time data types
by Emiliano Musso
A quick method to add days to a date, skipping weekend days if the number of days added results in a Saturday/Sunday
by PallavSingh
Converting data column (contains OLE db image binary Format) to image file (.jpg)
by OriginalGriff
Sometimes, you want to extract the filename (with or without the extension) from the full path of a file. It's easy in C# and so forth - just use the Path.GetFileName method. But what if you want it in SQL?
by shijo joseph
A simple and fast CSV reader which you can directly use against Oracle and SQL Server databases or for any direct implementation
by Alexander Konstantinov
Two stored procedures helping developers do less things when they create tables and indeces
by Mihir.D.Shah
Simple Queries to find row count of all tables in a MS-SQL Database
by OriginalGriff
How do you get last weeks data only? It's a little more complex than you might have thought
by Wendelius
This tip shows two ways of generating Fibonacci numbers in a single SQL statement
by Wendelius
Generate Fibonacci numbers using CTE
by Jitendra Ku. Sahoo
In this article we will discuss about fill factor and its effect on query performance.
by S.P.Tiwari
Find all the days between two dates using SQL Server
by Duncan Edwards Jones
Quick tip to allow you to identify indexes that could do with defragmentation
by Hiren solanki
Retrieve full duplicate rows with some of column value having duplication
by Ramanujam Shankar
Find missing date periods from a table.
by Liju Sankar
Find progress of a database restore using sys.dm_exec_requests
by Pranay Rana
Problem : - During project development I got the requirement that I have to modified the column name of the table which is used in the no of procedure i.e i have to found all procedure related to that table and modify it For the above problem following are the solution that i used First ...
by Nelson Kosta Souto
Find text in Stored Procedures, View, Trigger, and Function.
by Jörgen Andersson
How to find the Lowest Common Ancestor in a tree.
by Wendelius
This tip describes how to fetch the first or the last occurrence of given day of week within a month by using a single SQL statement.
by Zhuyun Dai
Fix multiple SQL Server DTC errors when we use distributed transactions between VMs duplicated from the same template on Hyper-V
by Sreekanth Mohan
Foreach file enumerator in SSIS
by byapparov
by Muhammad Aqib Shehzad
Forgot Password and Email Check from Database
by Chris Maunder
A small function to format numeric values
by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
This SQL example shows how you can return parent row all child rows as a single cell.
by Ani_0707
This article intends to describe a simple and elegant way of converting local datetime to UTC and store it in DB.
by Tomas@PawSQL
How to cope with all scenarios regarding NULL value handling in your daily work
by Pablo A Martinez
How to use Google map and Spatial search to do freehand drawing
by jonyj
Queries and commands to discover what's locking the database
by Søren Gullach
Fuzzy lib that have a GUI and uses Lagrange for member curve generating
by Johirul Islam Tarun
Easily find table description.
by Chetan Naithani
Stored Procedure to Generate Insert Scripts
by Kalvin Lawrence Ernst
Generate a web app instantly, directly from a database(SQL Server)
by Tore Olav Kristiansen
When you create a new SQL Server database, the default recovery model is Full. This model takes up a lot of disk space. It is ordinarily not necessary for developer images. This tip has a SQL script that helps you change this.
by Md._Mehedi_Hasan
This tip will help you to generate .xml file in AngularJs and ASP.NET MVC5 using XElement of C#.
by Harsh Gandhi
Generate XML Using FOR XML ; Difference between different modes (AUTO, RAW, PATH, EXPLICIT) of FOR XML to generate XML in SQL Server
by Manas Bhardwaj, CHill60
Generating a sequence in SQL
by Wendelius
Generate a set of random numbers by using CTE
by Tharaka MTR
This article describes the easiest way to create and process delimited row using SQL XQuery.
by Wendelius
Two ways of generating desired amount of rows in Oracle by using a single SQL statement.
by Wendelius
How to generate desired amount of rows in SQL Server using CTE
by Sergii Syrovatchenko
This tip describes the most convenient way of process automation of generating HTML reports for dynamic table-structures and sending them to different people.
by jamuro77
This SQL mini-article is about generating random int values between upper and lower limits, in particular, to load data into demo database.
by Purushotham Agaraharam
Creating a parameterised report using SSRS.
by murtaza dhari
A generic dropdown control using LINQ to SQL and Entities using Reflection
by Jakob Lithner
Dapper offers fast database handling with custom SQL strings. This wrapper simplifies life by taking generic POCO objects and creates necessary SQL strings on the fly, and it is still very fast!
by Jesus Carroll
In Data Engineering, supporting Data Science, Data Mining and Reporting tasks, it is useful to get only fields that have data. We don't mind nulls values and we are grateful if this field's structure is dynamic. These ones might be a stat in the set of empty's kingdom.
by Alaric Dailey
This would work too :)As an explanation, I use datediff to get the number of days, divide that by the correct number of days in a year (keeping track of leap years, there are only 97 in every 400 years) and then FLOOR the result, thus making sure it doesn't get rounded up accidentally....
by Sarvesh Kumar Gupta
How to get the client IP address in SQL Server
by Manas Bhardwaj
Ever wondered that how to get a comma (pipe or whatever) seperated result for a column in a table.The following statement show a simple example you can take as a starting point.Select (Stuff((Select ', ' + FName From Accounts FOR XML PATH('')),1,2,''))
by Elina Blank
Another option:declare @commaStringList varchar(max)set @commaStringList = ''select @commaStringList = @commaStringList + ', ' + CAST(ColumnName as VARCHAR) from MyTable -- remove leading commentif len(@commaStringList) > 3 set @commaStringList =...
by That's Aragon
This is a SQL query to search particular string instance from SQL database.
by RaviRanjanKr
This tip will enable you to get DateTime Part in SQL without using Convert
by Arslan Elahi
Get the Comma Separated Value of one or multiple columns from SQL table
by Dhol Gaurav
Get Tables List With Its Dependent Tables Names
by Mycroft Holmes
Gets the last week day of the month
by shivaramakrishnaReddy
Get time difference in the format "HH:MM:SS" for two different DateTime values in SQL Server.
by Mahmud Hasan
How to use variable in SELECT TOP SQL command
by Rakhi Shrivastava
This tip explains the step by step approach how we can use Glimpse for easy debugging of the ASP.NET MVC application.
by marcus obrien
Fix your goflex media server files and have poke around on the device.
by RahulAJoshi
Grouping dynamically on different columns in single query
by Shamim Uddin
We will learn about hierarchical query in database with real example.
by Sudheer Reddy Battula
Add an identity column to a table with data
by Dev_2580
For the last couple of days, working on my project for my studies I have struggled with this annoying issue regarding LINQ to SQL classes.When we update an entity within a DataContext, we can simple use something likecontext.Entity.Attach(updatedEntityInstance)The proplem is that...
by Carlos Luis Rojas Aragonés
How to backup multiple databases using Perl
by cattman1970
Function that consumes a Columbia Gas account number of 11+ digits and returns the check digit
by Daniel Miller
This tip shows how to display the length of the longest string value in every table and column in your database.
by marks-mike
Demonstrates how to cascade delete on a single table that maintains hierarchy by a ParentId that points to the primary key of the same table
by Najmul Hoda
Here is the code snippet to check how many database connections are opened in SQL Server.
by Syed Moula Ali
How to compare database schema in VS 2012 and how to update the target database to the server
by kiran dangar
How to connect / access remote SQL Server 2005 database via CC Proxy
by kasiarun
How to connect to Analysis Services (SSAS) from a different domain user
by Database Star
Explanation and demonstration of some Oracle SQL functions to convert text to dates
by Sudheer Reddy Battula
Copy a SQL Server table
by apachearun
How to copy SQL table into Excel and other formats
by Daniel Miller
This code snippet shows how to count all the tables and rows in a SQL Server database
by E. Scott McFadden
This article explains how to create and use a self referencing key in a SQL Server Table.
by Kamyar
This tip describes a shorter way to create the aspnetdb schema on your database instead of using aspnet_regsql command
by Rijwan Ansari
Learn about SQL Server Database Project (Template) available in VS
by Elina Blank
sometimes we need last occurance of the character in the string
by Slava Khristich
BackgroundI had to write a script to do some tables alternation and datamodification. I run into the problems where I had disable existingconstraints and re enable them at the end of the process. I wassearching the web for automated script to do that but whatever I foundwas not exactly w
by kiran dangar
Understrading sys.objectsSys.objects is a system VIEW in SQL Server 2005, for each SQL database there is a separate sys.object view which gets stored within databse itself.Using Sys.objects returns list of all database objects and its types, type can be either of given below:DB OBJECT...
by VDmitrovsky
1) You cann't drop any object in schemas other than dbo, so you MUST use sys.schemas system view properly.2) You cann't drop tables even in dbo schema if they are referenced by other ones, not dropped so far. Drop all FKs before tables.dva
by kiran dangar
For Ravi LVS,The way you have suggested to Empty the database by just deleting and recreating it, is not at all smarter way when you are about to empty a remote database located on live database server, There are times when you don't hold such rights of deleting database on Live...
by Wendelius
Few tips for connecting to an SQL Server instance using DAC
by Wendelius
This tip demonstrates the use of LAG and LEAD functions in SQL Server.
by Wendelius
This tip demonstrates the use of LAG and LEAD functions in Oracle.
by RasikaLB
You can find queries to find a specific string from MSSQL Server
by jim lahey
Please see my alternative tip #2:Do the same thing with SMO[^]There's a Microsoft API for all this, it's been around for a while.
by Member 2077086
Simply add your search phrase and run to find jobs, Stored Procedures, Keys, Tables, Views, Indexes, Defaults, and Functions.set nocount on declare @Keyword as varchar(200)set @Keyword = 'Search prase'--<---- enter keyword here--Search jobsselect name Job, enabled , description, ...
by Maciej Los
This tip shows how to use CTE to find character repeated in a string few times.
by Rajat-Indiandotnet
Find column or Text in entire stored procedure
Describes how to find various days, current week, two week, month, quarter, half year, and year in SQL Server which are required in most applications.
by Ed Nutting
How to fix LocalDB / SQL Server: "Cannot open database "XYZ" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user ABC"
by Wendelius
A little tip on how to format repeating values in SQL output using LAG function
by Sergii Syrovatchenko
T-SQL code generation by using Dynamic SQL for routine tasks automation.
by nit_singh
A method of comparing with an empty GUID
by Alex_2979
How to get on track with Active Directory
by Ankur .K. Vishwakarma
This tip shows you a T/SQL function to split a string concatenated by a delimiter.
by Wendelius
This tip describes how to guarantee a fixed amount of rows in a table by using triggers
by Wendelius
This tip describes how to guarantee a fixed amount of rows in a table by using triggers in Oracle.
by Bipin Paul
Implementation of Contact Us Page using ASP.NET MVC pattern
by Wagner NULL
This tip aims to demonstrate in a simple way how to implement MySQL GROUP_CONCAT function in SQL SERVER.
by Arora_Ankit
This tip will provide you with an idea about basic things that you can use to get better performance from query.
by congiuluc
In this article I explain step by step how to migrate users from ASP.NET Membership to ASP.NET Identity
by Shao Voon Wong
How to prevent SQL injection attacks when using dynamic SQL in stored procedures
by chetan dudhagara
How to Protect from SQL Injection in PhP based website
by O.Nasri
A good tutorial in how you can publish your ASP.NETCore MVC web application to IIS.
by Karthik_Mahalingam
How to query comma separated value column in SQL
by Wendelius
This tip describes how to delete duplicate rows from a table that doesn't have a key.
by Costica U
Here is another solution:IF OBJECT_ID( 'tempdb..#TestTable' ) IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #TestTable ENDCREATE TABLE #TestTable ( Column1 varchar(1), Column2 int )INSERT INTO #TestTable VALUES ('A', 1);INSERT INTO #TestTable VALUES ('A', 1); --...
by Wendelius
This tip describes how to delete duplicate rows from a table that doesn't have a key.
by Ron sikander
Find out the number of duplicates in the table:select count(*), VISTX_ST_FIPS,VISTX_CTY_FIPS,VISTX_TC from TR00.NV_STARTER_INDEXgroup by VISTX_ST_FIPS,VISTX_CTY_FIPS,VISTX_TC having count(*)>1--- Delele them using following statementDELETEFROM TR00.NV_STARTER_INDEXWHERE...
by Pavel Yermalovich
That isn't complicated task but i thought this trick is enough usefullSP_RENAME 'YourTable.OldColumnName','NewColumnName','COLUMN'
by Abdul Quader Mamun
You have deleted some records from different record position from your identity column table and you wan to reset it without delete records.
by Eskern
Some considerations:- Use a table variable instead of #tempTable. Temporary tables create an actual table in the temp database, that needs to be dropped afterwards. When something bad happens, the table will not be dropped.- Use a FAST_FORWARD cursor, when it is read-only. For large tables,...
by Database Star
The "ORA-01843: not a valid month" error is quite common for Oracle SQL developers, and can be fixed in a few ways.
by Bhushan W. Juare
The different ways of retrieving XML data from SQL Server.
by SA - Hibbert
Return all records between two dates that include time in SQL.
by Abhishek Sur
It is a common issue of many of the guys on how we can fetch a record based on its record number. It is really easy to get first 10 records usingSELECT TOP 10 * FROM EMPBut when we want to fetch records in such a way say I need to fetch record from 40 to 50. This comes very handy when...
by Rohan Kishor Garud
RoundhousE (RH) is a database migrations engine that uses plain old SQL Scripts to transition a database from one version to another.
by thatraja
How to Shrink SQL Server database files?
by thatraja
How to Shrink SQL Server database log files?
by Huisheng Chen
by Bhushan W. Juare
This tip shows how to split a column in T-SQL.
by Database Star
This article explains how to tell if a relationship in a database should be many-to-one or one-to-many.
by Renz Ladroma
A guide to transfer your MySQL databases between two servers using the SCP method
by Kumar Pankaj Verma
Truncating log file in SQL Server using T-SQL when log file is too large and database becomes unresponsive.
by ManojKumar19
Update row column with another row column in same table SQL only if it is null.
by OriginalGriff
How do you call a Stored Procedure inside a query and use the SELECT results? Tricky...or is it?
by Veronica S. Zotali
The tip aims to demonstrate the usage of Ajax.BeginForm
by Database Star
Use the COALESCE function with different data types correctly
by Venkat Krishna Turlapati
How to use cross apply along with a table valued function as an alternative to cursors
by MAW74656
This is a drop-in solution that mimicks the functionality of xp_sendmail (including query results), without installing Outlook on the server.
by Database Star
How to use these three functions and what the differences are between them
by Bhushan W. Juare
This tip shows how to use SQLCMD utility in SQL Server 2008.
by Praveen Meghwal
Things to remember while using Update query with Table variable
by Maciej Los
This tip shows how to get data from multiple workbooks using one OledbConnection.
by Aqeeel
Identifying and deleting duplicate records from SQL Server Table
Quickly set up the ability to serve up several pages and record which was served in SQL Server
by sandeepmittal11
Import a Flat file with Header and Detail Rows in SSIS
by Uladzislau Baryshchyk
In this article, I'll show you how easy it is to move your MS SQL database to Amazon RDS cloud
by Arvind Singh Baghel
Import CSV or txt File Into SQL Server Using Bulk Insert.
by Suraj S Koneri
When the user uploads the Excel file to the server its data must dumped to the SQL server database
by sudheer mattapally
How to import data from Excel to SQL using SSIS 2012 Dynamic Configuration
by sandeepmittal11
Import Images to SQL Server Database using SSIS
by Satya Karki
How to import or restore BACPAC file using SSMS
by Satnam Singh CapGemini
Improving backup performance
by Krishna P Seetharaman
Faced slow performance in certain stored procedure, which caused timeout error. This was improved using WITH clause and JOINs
by chaitanya512
Using SQL Server, we can increment the string value letter by letter for every row
by Pascal Ganaye
WITH tempTable(Column1)AS( SELECT 'chaitanya' [Column1] UNION ALL SELEC`T SUBSTRING(Column1,1,LEN(Column1)-1) FROM tempTable WHERE LEN(Column1)>0)SELECT * FROM tempTable ORDER BY LEN(Column1)Result:cchchachaichaitchaitachaitanchaitanychaitanya
by Mr. Joydeep Das
What the effects of Ordering in Index
by RickZeeland
Inno Setup script to install SQL Server 2008 R2 with Tools, creating an instance with special rights and displaying the log.
by Ricardo_Torres_Torres
Read text file and insert mutiples records in just one SQL Sentence
by Praveen Meghwal
How we can write a single statement to perform insert, update and delete operation
by Ravi Tuvar
Installing SQL Server 2005 and 2008 in the same computer.
by PIEBALDconsult
Using Reflection to instantiate a System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException
by h_wiedey
Usage of instead of triggers in Object-Relational (O/R) Mapping
by Asanka Perera
This process shows how you can integrate Google analytic data into your reporting server database in order to have daily reports and analysis to include data of your Google analytic account using a free available plugin for SQL Server Integration service called SSIS GoogleAnalyticsSource.
by User 3776226
This article is a novice level demonstration of using jQuery consuming a REST Web Service written in Perl.
by FLouis38
Intelligent workbook for generating time series DAX
by stormpy
Interactive analysis is a cycle analysis procedure of assumption, validation, and adjustment to achieve the fuzzy computation goal.
by Mubin M. Shaikh
Create Virtual Column Using Named Calculation in SQL Server Analysis Services
by Herman.Instance
When using SqlDependency, is it possible that a detected change leads to 0 rows in the SqlDependency results?
by Satnam Singh CapGemini
Cannot Bulk Load Data Into the Table with Primary Key Constraint on it
by Emiliarge
A JavaFX/Swing NetBeans 8.0 Project with JFrame created by NetBeans's GUI Builder
by AspDotNetDev
Rather than use multiple subqueries to extract TOP 1 data, this shows you how to use a single TOP 1 JOIN.
by Goutam Patra
As an alternate, I would like to share the following query using the previous table definition using RANK:DECLARE @FirstTable table(FirstName varchar(20))DECLARE @SecondTable table (ID int, FirstName varchar(20), LastName varchar(20), FirstNameHashCode varchar(20), ...
by FrankNight
In this tip, I show a set of helper classes useful to prepare and send messages to the SqlXML Joomla component and execute remote SQL calls to your hosted website.
by Mohammed Nazer
SQL Constrains details and its types
by Masteramuk
Basic rules for using MySQL Cluster (NDB) from MyISAM or InnoDB
by Ahmed Kahwaji
by sandeepmittal11
Lead and Lag Functions in SQL Server
by Toma Tsyhan
This article is about understanding the Cartesian Product in SQL followed by some examples.
by Arunprasath Natarajan
Difference between Len() and Datalength().
by SEJohnson
Linking to an existing SQLDB in ASP MVC4.0 and EF5.x.
by santosh poojari
This is most general collection operation that we come across daily. Its set based operation using LINQ Except Operator.
by Mohd Manzoor Ahmed
Linq Queries Examples Using Method And Query Syntax
by Hiren Khirsaria
Mapping Stored Procedure with DBML to get multiple results from Stored Procedure
by Ehtesham Mehmood
LINQ to SQL using C#
by AspDotNetDev
This query will show you all tables and columns in a database, and it can be pasted into Excel for easy manipulation.
by Chris Maunder
A quick script to enable you to find the processes that are blocking in SQL server
by Chris Maunder
Here's an alternate version that doesn't use sp_who yet provides a little more information. It also provides the option to kill the blocking processes themself.IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ListBlocking]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))EXEC...
by Chamila Nishantha
Simple query to get table column name as rows
by PIEBALDconsult
This is an alternative for "List SQL Server table column name as rows"
by Wendelius
This is an alternative for "List SQL Server table column name as rows".
by Constantin Chumak
This is an alternative for "Locate SQL Server instances on the local network"
by Anthony Lansbergen
Using sqlite3 for a multi language log where logdata can contain parameters.
by Member 10510822
LPAD and RPAD function works for padding in SQL Server
by PIEBALDconsult
This is an alternative for "LPAD and RPAD functions in SQL"
by Israel Cris Valenzuela
LTRIM and RTRIM don't always remove all the whitespace characters in a field such as carriage return or linefeed
by PIEBALDconsult
In SQL Server 2008, I do that with a CLR User Defined Function:namespace PIEBALD.Lib{ public static partial class LibSql { public static string Trim ( string Victim ) { return ( Victim.Trim() ) ; } }}Needs to be built into a...
by Mubin M. Shaikh
How to manually run all subscription reports in SSRS at once
by Marc Leger
ORM, databinding, asynchronous data access, and transactions
by Marc Leger
Microsoft ASP.NET Identity MerlinFramework
by cluengas2k
Microsoft SQL Function To Proper Case A Name From A Given String
by Mike Winiberg
GOTCHAs and tips useful when migrating a complex Access JET application to SQL Server 2012
by Keshav Singh
Model System DB in Microsoft SQL Server
by Bohdan Stupak
This tip shows some primary issue which puts a serious limitation on SQL Server MONEY data type.
by Member 7874525
This how you can monitor your database changes
by Member 14691410
Providing admin with an alert mechanism via an SP
by MarcusCole6833
Make some SQL XML dot style another way
by sluaghtered
Script Runner that can run multiple SQL script files on MS-SQL.
by Dinesh K.S. Kushwaha
by DavidSchmitt
After looking for quite a while (it is unbelievable, no?) I have to accept that Microsoft’s SQL Server 2000, 2005 and 2008 do not fully support IEEE-754 floating point numbers. Specifically NaN (Not-a-Number) and +/- Infinity are not allowed. While the 2000 Server seemingly allows such values to...
by madagaga
Converting MSSQL database to MySQL
by sankarsan parida
This is developed for using Index, Create, Edit and Delete operations in a Single View Page
by Amund Gjersøe
Visual Studio Query Builder does not work with PostgreSQL when you want to use filtering parameters. This tip show how to make your own "FillBy" methods.
by James Dale
My Windows Sever 2003 reaches its end of life in 2015. I do not look forward to moving to Server 2012. Surely there has to be a better, portable, and cross platform solution that features zero install and fits on a USB stick.
by Paw Jershauge
Want your own movie database??? Download IMDB in 20 minutes.
by Lopamudra Pradhan
How to fix the error "MySQL can't specify target table for update in FROM clause" while executing an update query.
by Masoud AI
Things you need to know before you start working with MySQL
by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
Difference between MySQL DATETIME and TIMESTAMP datatypes
by SatyLepide
MS SQL Server, a popular database management system from Microsoft, is widely used by organizations to store their data and to fetch them when required.
New high-availability/disaster-recovery solution provided by SQL Server 2012.
by apachearun
How to create a new user and administer user creation in SQL 2012
by Pranay Rana
Getting a SQL Server RowCount Without doing a Table Scan
by Karthik Narahari
Querying data from tables across multiple databases when we need data from all those tables in a single query.
by Foothill
A Primer for Writing Parameterized Oracle Queries for the .NET SQL Server Developer
by RaviRanjanKr
A tip enable you to learn how to use Column_Index instead of Column Name with Order by clause
by sabindas k s
Output Clause - SQL SERVER, You Can Replace Some of Your Triggers
by mohammad amiri
Paging DataGridView using LINQ in C#.
by Sumit Chawla
Describes how to parse and extract key value pairs from a string or column in SQL
by Baliram Suryawanshi
Pass OUTPUT parameter from stored procedure to SSIS Precendence Constraints
by Tom Glick Philadelphia, US
POC to demonstrate passing of collections of complex objects to ASP.NET Web API Controllers.
by ChienVH
Perfect Pagination with Repeater Control in ASP.NET C#
by Mirzakhmet Syzdykov
Development process in few steps with the help of scripting software
by Peter Leow
The OO way to writing your database operation code in PHP
by Gaurav_Chaudhary
This tip is a brief introduction to Pivot operator in SQL Server
by Avinash Narnaware
How to create Pivot Table in SQL Server 2008 R2 and in C# Linq to Entity Framework in a step by step manner with two different instances.
by Sifiso W Ndlovu
This tip illustrates a workaround to SQL Server pivoting on variable character data types.
by Santopk
Oracle Paging
by Carlos Luis Rojas Aragonés
Snippet to get started with foreign tables
by debashishPaul
How to Get 'serial' value of the Inserted Record and Use with a Variable in PostgreSQL
by Nagaraj Muthuchamy
This article gives an introduction on SQL Injection attacks and tips to prevent it.
by Manas Bhardwaj
I ran into this strange situation where I wanted to get Trigger Definition(the SQL content) of a specific trigger from a database. The following SQL query can used to retrieve the trigger definition programitically.SELECT DB_NAME() AS DataBaseName, dbo.SysObjects.Name AS...
by Ajit Kumar Thakur Microsoft
This tip describes steps to learn DOS batch programming.
Portable solution encapsulated in single SQL query allows to select N rows offsetting M records
by Harshit Gindra
Understanding the use of multiple schedulers to work with one Quartz Scheduler application
by Federico Di Marco
Query Excel or CSV files with T-SQL without importing them in a table first
by Dave Elliott
Find the column information of a SQL query
by Sandeep Khairha
Query that returns list of all Stored Procedures
by George H. Slaterpryce III
Easy Between replacement.
by B. Clay Shannon
How to query Microsoft Access tables
by Subha.N
Tip to create a database application using C# .NET in the shortest time possible.
by Shikur Yennus
Linear congruential is one of methods used to generate random numbers.
by gayani dassa
Read & Insert Data Using Stored Procedures
by Md. Marufuzzaman
How easy to read a file without using of the seven extended stored procedures.
by Indrajeet Sutar
Hi, on many occasions we want to search some repeated values in one or more columns. It is quite simple to do ColumnName, count(ColumnName) as NumberOfTimesfrom TableNameGroup By ColumnNamehaving (count(ColumnName) > 1)At the same time, there is also a requirement...
by Pete_H
This tip explains how to do tracing with SQL Server Express using a desktop application written in C#, .NET 4.
by Ram Balak Sharma
Improve SQL server performance by rebuild and reorganizing the indexes
by Kareem.S
This tip shows a case study of how to rebuild master database
by Gaurav_Chaudhary
This tip is a brief introduction to Recursive CTE in SQL Server and how to implement it.
by Sadeque Sharif
Recursive queries in Microsoft SQL Server 2008
by Prakash Lekhak
Create an ER diagram for complex database
by Ehtesam Ahmed
This article gives you quick tip about how you can remove duplicate rows easily using common table expression in SQL
by OriginalGriff
A basic user defined function to remove minute and second from a DATETIME
by Tecfield
This tip shows how to rename a database and its MDF and LDF files in SQL Server.
by GabrieleTronchin
A simple stored procedure to add at your database to keep it reactive
by Pavel Sinkevich
If data source is populated manually, there is a typical problem: a mix of visually similar Cyrillic and Latin letters. This tip describes how to fix it.
by ShajuAntony
List out reports from Reprting Server.
by Shahriar Iqbal Chowdhury/Galib
Reset PLSQL sequence value
by Sarathi Balakrishnan
Reset SQL server SA (System Admin) Password when you have lost all possible ways to connect to SQL server and your server has only Windows authentication disabled. You should have Windows administrator permission to do this.
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
SQL SERVER – DBCC RESEED Table Identity Value – Reset Table Identity
by jseijas2
In this tip, we will see how you make quick REST API from database defining the API in a configuration file.
by anki.mathur
Restart hanged SQL Server scheduled job
by barry fat
develop a web based data dictionary
by Elisha Cornelius
Recover SQL Script files that are lost due to SSMS Crash or whatever the other reasons
by Patrycja Dybka
The explanation of left and right outer join.
by sandeepmittal11
Row_Number in SQL Server
by Abhishek Kumar Goswami
Sometimes, you might find different error handling ways inside a stored procedure like some people use the error code to check the behavior of code or some other techniques. In this tip, I am going to discuss one of the techniques and its special behavior in a situation and why.
by SonuKSingh
rowversion datatype in SQL Server: Track which row has been modified
by Juan F. Paleo
Encrypt data with RSA Public Key
by Evgeniy Sukhikh
Issues and solutions taken while moving R from cmd to sp_execute_external_script
by RiniBoo
Run all .sql files in a directory with results returned showing execution being successful or failure
by Mubin M. Shaikh
Manually Run SSRS Scheduled Reports
by Ahmet AYDIN
This post describes step by step how to run a Single Page Application template using ASP.NET Web API 2 and angularJS and how to use Web Application Project whose name is Dalyan.
by Phil Jeffrey
How to run a ClickOnce app as Administrator on Windows 8 when the app includes a SQL Compact database
by Sonali Agarwal
Create an ASP.NET page where the user can edit/modify text for an image and then save that image with printed text on it.
by CMYork01
How to schedule generation of all object creation scripts
by hmdmgd3
SQL code allows you to find objects using multiple keywords in your DB
by Saral S Stalin
You can search for any string with in the TSQL scripts of all the Stored Procedures in a database using the syscomments table.
by datarockets
Finding a vulnerability, using it for data extracting from the database, and fixing it with just one line of code
by MarkLTX
When using LINQ to SQL, it can be very useful to see the SQL commands that are generated by your LINQ expressions. Sometimes the results are surprising and you might be able to improve performance by tweaking the LINQ.All you have to do is set the Log property of the DataContext object. ...
by Henry Minute
Or, there's always Scott Guthrie's LINQ To SQL Debug Visualizer[^].[Edit]While I'm posting links there is a nice utility that can output the generated SQL to the Debug Window in VS written by Kris Vandermotten.You can get it here[^].To use it: MyDataContext db = new...
by Philippe Mori
LINQPad is an interesting tool to try queries.LINQPad[^]Perfect tool to try out some alternatives for complex queries. As we can see generated queries and elapsed time, it help a lot to help having fast queries for complex requests.
by AspDotNetDev
If you are the type that likes to debug production code, you can use SQL Profiler to find queries generated by your LINQ statements. This is a technique I recently used because it was so simple and did not require me to recompile anything.Note that StefanHam already posted this alternate...
by eceramanan
How to select a column from a comma separated row in SQL
by pankajupadhyay29
Nice one but it did not handle null values you can change it as following to handle null valuescreate table #TABLE_1 (COLUMN_1 varchar(5))insert into #TABLE_1select 'A'union allselect 'B'union allselect 'C'union allselect 'D'union allselect 'E'union allselect...
by DiponRoy
Select a default row for a query that returns no rows
by Luca Astolfi
User defined procedure for make an HTML table from T-SQL Select statment
by OriginalGriff
Select users with a birthday in the next "n" days is pretty easy, if you use the day of year. The only slight complication is the need to "wrap" round the year end.
by Pranav_
Performing insert delete and select in MVC 4.0 using WCF services, with one view and different action methods.
by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
I will show you how you can select one parent row with two latest child rows using T-SQL
by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
If you are using some alternative SQL dialect without common table expression syntax, you can use correlated sub-query as the one in the following example:SELECT * FROM( SELECT Company.CompanyName, Employee.EmployeeName, Employee.DateHired, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY...
by Wendelius
This tip demonstrates how to select valid records from a table that contains validity date limits.
by sandeepmittal11
A sequence is a user defined, schema bound object that generates a sequence of numeric values
by SoumenBanerjee
In this article I have tried to cover a few topics like serialization to XML, bulk insertion, etc.
by mparvez
Session killing from a SQL Server database.
by db_developer
Allows to set default mailing global profile with aid of T-SQL
by simsam77
How to set up a SmartOS machine with Node.js and an AMP stack.
This is a simple article describing how to create an add an outlook appointment to your MS Outlook Calender.
by User 10668410
How to get SQLite working with Entity Framework 6.1.3 without a massive headache using the Database First Model and Code First Model.
by Mehdy Moini
Implementing a map as a tree, and finding the shortest path, between the streets, is what you will see.
by Ankit R Goud
This tip shows you how to insert image in database.
by GregStevens
How to get weekdays between two date fields without a stored function
by SERokon
Exclude Column from SELECT * statement
by Maksud Saifullah Pulak
Transforming data from row-level data to columnar data.
by SantanuDebnath
Write one SP for multiple Search
by Wendelius
A small function utilizing CTE to replace undesired characters from a string
by Thava Rajan
Prepare script for specific objects
by Tigya
Snippet and Surround features in SQL Server 2012.
by Itai Basel
Finally found a solution to the annoying LINQ to SQL dbml error: CS0029 : Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'System.Data.Linq.Link'.
by Bohdan Stupak
This tip will cover several interesting issues of SQL
by Gaurav Dudeja India
The following query uses the sys.objects catalog view to return all database objects that have been modified in the last 10 days.SELECT name AS object_name ,SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name ,type_desc ,create_date ,modify_dateFROM sys.objectsWHERE modify_date >...
by Joan M
This tip will explain how to sort a column inside a table.
by Anurag Gandhi
I have gone through a lot of examples to sort alpha numeric data in sql. Here is my way:
by Md. Marufuzzaman
Sorting column that contains string with numeric value
by PIEBALDconsult
Interspersing 'Total' rows among summarized data rows in the correct order
by Liju Sankar
Find deadlocks in SQL Server using sp_who2 (an undocumented and thus unsupported stored procedure)
by sukeshchand
Speed up your SQL Stored Procedure by changing IF...ELSE Block and Loop's with SQL Queries
by DiponRoy
Split date time ranges into days or possibly other ranges using CTE in SQL Server
by Ksh_Sr
This tip shows how to separate a string with delimited characters.
by PIEBALDconsult
This is an alternative for "Split Any Delimited String in SQL"
by Nasser Malik
Split comma separated IDs to get batch of records through Stored Procedure.
by db_developer
Split User Defined Function, MS SQL Server 2008
by Gauri Chodanker
SQL function in SQL
by kasbaba
This tip is to help anyone trying to split strings in SQL into Rows and Columns based on Row/Column Delimiters
by Glagace_7763
Create a table from a Varchar list value
by Programm3r
by Jinesh Parekh
Newly introduced Date and Time functions in SQL 2012
by apachearun
How to do scheduling auto backup in SQL 2012
by Michael S Rempel
About SQL and sets
by Robby Tendean
How to do SQL atomic operations on UPDATE and DELETE syntax.
by bluesathish
Fastest and most efficient method to insert large amount of records to a SQL Server database from our system generated datatable.
Thank you for this article, okay it's technical.But we can use other methods considered as more efficient. *For Microsoft SQL Server, we can use bulk copy program(bcp). The tool is embeddedwithin SQL server so you can invoke it inside your application - whatever language you use....
by Niemand25
Be careful with CASE WHEN when dealing with numeric columns and using zero literal
by Rajesh Manjarekar
When CDC is turned ON against a table and the underlying table schema changes, such as adding/removing a column, changing datatype etc
by Sreekanth Mothukuru
SQL CLR functions
by S.Sathik Ali
This tip contains the settings and configuration details to quickly get started with SQL CLR objects to create, build, deploy and test.
by PIEBALDconsult
This is an alternative for "SQL Convert Sentence to Proper Case"
by Samrat Banerjee
In many case we need to use COUNT function, but always we prefer COUNT(column_name) in placeof COUNT(*) and reason behind that COUNT(column_name) will perform better or faster than COUNT(*).Is this correct?SQL Server can't read just the contents of a single column without reading the...
by Dennis Ålund
Well, another major point is that the two variants serve different purposes by definition. -- Count rows where 'column_name' is NOT NULLSELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM Table_Name-- Count ALL rows in Table_Name SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table_Name-- ... which you just as well can...
by Evgeny Bestfator
Sometimes for processing rowsets we need a cursor, but we may not use standard cursor, we can create our pseudo cursor with much more simple syntax...
by Martin Vorbrodt
SQL database access
by Charitha Athukroala
Creating SQL database backups through batch scripts and SQL scripts.
by CyberMakarov007
SQL table dependency with entity framework in WPF
by Charaf Dadoua
SQL dependency with C#.NET and SQL Server 2012
by dontumindit
Installing Oracle or SQL Server just to practice SQL Queries is not a good idea. They occupy a lot of space and also slow down the normal processing of the PC.
by Member 4206974
A tip to get a data list on 2 (or more) columns.
by Neh.C
by Mycroft Holmes
Select dateadd(day, -1, dateadd(month, 1, dateadd(day, 1 - day(@Date), @Date))
by Asif Mushtaq
An alternative version of "SQL Get the last date of the month"
by Shivangi_K
SQL injections and their prevention
by FDW
How to define a one to one relation
by Talking Dotnet
Use SET NOCOUNT ONWhenever we write any procedure and execute it a message appears in message window that shows no of rows affected with the statement written in the procedure and we become very happy to see that our procedure is working. But do you know that this message creates an extra overhead o
by tanmoysarkar
SQL queries to know the instance messages state
by István Smrtnik
A Google fusion tables SQL front end for quick query hacks. Comes with code completion, syntax and error highlighting plus some extra commands like DROP TABLE. Antlr4 grammar included.
by Simon Korenfeld
SQL schema with multi version tables support
by Mr.Thursday
SQL script for creating ASP.Net Identity Database
by Nitinpatel
This SQL script will generate a script to drop and create all foreign keys in database.
by TheSqlGuy
This briefly goes over an issue experienced when executing a query against a linked server to Oracle from SQL Server.
by Ganu Sharma
Loop through/split a delimited string.
by Prasad CM
How to fix this error.
by AlexCode
A starting point for your transaction-aware SQL Server scripts
by PIEBALDconsult
Simple demonstration of using UDTTs and TVPs to pass DataTables to SQL Server 2008
by S. M. Ahasan Habib
From SQL Server 2012 version, when SQL Server instance is restarted then its auto Identity column value is jumped based on identity column datatype.
by Ajit Kumar Thakur Microsoft
This tip explains SQL Server metadata information. It will provide internal details of all available SQL Server 2012 Metadata.
by deepakaitr12345
How to create an assembly in SQL Server and store it in the database.
by Charles T. Blankenship
Backup and Restore SQL Server utility (where there is no SMSS onsite)
by Chris Winkelmann
Display a SQL Connection Dialog with extensible functionality to persist the resulting connection string to any location...
by Shemeer NS
How to do SQL Server culture mapping with .NET Framework
by JoaoSousa23
SQL Server Data Tools to Visual Studio 2013 - Database Reverse Engineering
by Dathuraj Pasarge
Know whether your databases are backed up successfully in the last 24 hours or not !!!
by Charitha Athukroala
This article will help you make a Batch file which can easily backup SQL Server databases.
by Dathuraj Pasarge
Extract SQL Server DB inventory\baseline using TSQL and PowerShell scripts
by Muhammad Magdi
This tip contains how to Export SQL Data to CSV files using normal ways and mainly using SQLCM.
by Keith Barrow
The message is a piece of crap. Is not appropriate for anything technical here, no matter how true it is.If you want this tip/trick approved you should :a) Get rid of that last sentenceb) You state the problem, but you should outline the exact steps that fixed it. Regards,Keith
by Khanna_Varun
Getting overview of new SQL Server functions
by Atul_Kapoor
Perform SQL Server Instance health check simultaneously on more than one server using Powershell
by Shivangi_K
SQL Server health check up
by Hernán Hegykozi
Marks a statement block as a critical section by obtaining the mutual-exclusion lock
by Anish M
CREATE PROC GetChildNodes (@ID uniqueidentifier)ASBEGINWITH PermissionList (PermissionID, PermissionName, Level)AS(SELECT ap.PermissionID, ap.PermissionName, 0 AS LevelFROM Permission AS apWHERE PermissionID = @IDUNION ALLSELECT ap.PermissionID, ap.PermissionName, Level + 1FROM
by Surender Singh (CodeToastDev)
Custom StringPadding functions for SQL Server
by DiponRoy
How to do string split and join in SQL Server
by DiponRoy
A utility query to find table generations in SQL Server relational database
by DiponRoy
Finding week start and end date time from a given date time
by aasim abdullah
A simple query to get all databases size on a given instance.
by aasim abdullah
Get all indexes list in detail, with their involved columns
by aasim abdullah
How do you know, if someone disabled your job at production database server. Who is the calprit. How to send a mail alert for this change ??
by DiponRoy
Selecting single row from a group of rows
by prashant0556.s.more
The script helps to find out upcoming birthdays even when days cross a year.
by Patrycja Dybka
This tip describes what a subquery is and covers some basic examples.
by Claudio cespon
A first approach to avoid Dynamic SQL in stored procedures
by OriginalGriff
Getting totals for a specific period: this week, this month, this year. And last week, last month, and last year.
by Mason Kuck
I walk you through how to make use Table-valued parameters with one value
by Brad Joss
SQL CLR Functions for Zip Compression and Regular Expression evaluations
by Srinivas Kalabarigi
Column values as comma separated string in SQL
by Peter BCKR
a simple way to estimate as accurately as possible route-distances and traveling times without exact route calculation in sql
by Member 10262330
I developed this DLL to have a more powerful utility and to simplify SP and query.
by DiponRoy
A utility class to send parameters for IN() operator in SQL using parameterized queries
by Rajesh Manjarekar
I found out that a possible cause is the difference between the SSIS 32 bits and 64 bits environment
by mparvez
Load data in Dimension Table using SQL.
by mparvez
How to normalize a table by using lookup transformation.
by mparvez
Transform data by using regex and Script Component.
by Jesus Carroll
This brief article show how to install quickly Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition Standard or with Advanced Services
by mparvez
How to insert and load large amounts of data with formatting using FCKeditor
by Mahesh Bailwal
This is a stored procedure generator for SQL Server
by Member 10295860
Using stored procedure type for binding data to dataset in SSRS or adding entity to Entity data model
by ergohack
This SQLite Data Object Window base class automates the data updates and the data bindings between the XAML presentation and the SQLite database allowing the minimum of code needed to present and edit SQLite database records.
by Anton Burtsev
Performing fast concatenation of strings from different records
by AspDotNetDev
I like the original solution, especially when compared to this (which I am posting just to show that there are other solutions):-- Initialize table.CREATE TABLE #BigStrings( StringID bigint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, StringValue text NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_BigStrings PRIMARY KEY...
by dibley1973
Call stored procedures in a type safe way using my StoredProcedureFramework for .NET
by uspatel
An article to demonstrate a polling/survey system in ASP.NET using a RadioButtonList.
by Mina Talaat Ghaly
Add the auditing properties with one SQL query and fill them from one place.
by Adittya Gupta
Table Value Parameters in SQL Server 2008 with ASP.NET.
by Jitendra Ku. Sahoo
Below is one template to handle error in SQL server.
by Patrycja Dybka
Temporary table is a special table that is bound to a transaction or to a session. It means that the data in the temporary table and the definition lasts till the end of the transaction or session.
by Sushil Pandit
Process for backward migration of code from TFS 2012 to TFS 2010
by BharatRamV
Finds the Best Table for a given set of columns
by Arif H Shigri
This tip will discuss the difference between ROW_NUMBER(), RANK() and DENSE_RANK().
by #realJSOP
Just say no to SELECT * in your SQL
by wizardzz
It also limits SQL's ability to find a proper index to use, hence hindering performance. I wasn't aware of this aspect until a SQL consultant made mention of it. Unfortunately we haven't adopted the policy of dropping the *.
by Rutvik Dave
I 100% agree with this.Another trick is *if possible* add audit columns at the time of creating/designing the database, i.e.:CreatedOnCreatedByLastModifiedOnLastModifiedByThis could prevent people from using Select *, because generally we don't display such information anywhere, and...
by Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.
As a counter, relative indexing from SELECT * queries is most often the cause of the "evil". Although we live in a day and age of autogenerated DAL's, using the data reader's indexor that accepts a string is a valid and acceptable alternative to the never use a SELECT * query, in fact, when...
by Sander Rossel
Another 'weird feature' of select * is that in Views select * does not select all columns from a table. It selects all columns from a table that were in the table at the time that the View was created. I found that out when I added some columns to a table and wanted to map those columns in a...
by RichYards
I agree with this. However, typing all of the columns can be tedious! Now imagine you are working with a table with DOZENS of columns?! SELECT * FROM DENORMALIZEDTABLE1If you are using MS-SQL or writing a query in MS Visual Studio then there is a trick. You can: * write the select *...
by thatraja
I'm using this way. SELECT * FROM VIEW. Consider the below Table has following fields(Including Non-display columns).Table...
by wizardzz
Time remaining of Database Shrink
by Jatinath
Here is a tip to generate insert scripts for master tables
by Brian C Hart
Provides the quick-and-dirty syntax to connect to a given Microsoft SQL Server instance so you can then run a .sql query script against it, e.g., if you are calling this from code as part of a larger pipeline
by Wendelius
The tip shows how to intentionally cause an error in a situation where a non-existing reference would be updated.
by Syed Moula Ali
Replicate/Clone/Duplicate selected data in a Table using merge statment
by King Fisher
To search data in multiple columns using 'IN' clause
by Database Star
Oracle 12c has many new features, and these are the five most useful (in my opinion).
by Yuri Danilov
An overview of Top 8 new SQL features of MySQL 8
by Tamer J. Mehyar
A simple way to keep track of DB objects versions (DDL updates) in SQL Server
by Kareem.S
This tip discusses about the transaction log full issue in SQL Server
by Chamila Nishantha
The following article describes how to transform column values into rows
by Emad Sammour
Mapping table is used in the translation - output in Unicode (nvarchar)
by Member 10986954
Troubleshooting High-CPU Utilization for SQL Server
by Balaganesan Ravichandran
It works without affecting schema properties.
by Smitten Ediot
Reporting stored procedure error in email and also log the error in a table.
by Ilka Guigova
:thumbsup: On Update[^] :thumbsup: On Insert[^]To illustrate the use of auto-increment, here is a dummy example: --...
by Ilka Guigova
MSSQL Server 2005 provides native support for the XML data type, and new methods to directly parse and read the data. The following two articles discuss the MSSQL Server 2005 XML capabilities:...
by Paul M Simpson
Expanding a string by inserting alternating single spaces between characters
by Member 12574862
A new approach of calculating next N business days's date, provided we know the start date and the N number
by Brad Joss
A SQL String Split function for the real world
by Brad Joss
Search your SQL code with simple T-SQL statements.
by Member 10872251
Two way binding using JavaScript
by Amey A khedekar
A scenario with data type of the resultant select columns with UNION.
by Wendelius
How to overcome the error message "Types don't match between the anchor and the recursive part in column..." for varchar columns in a recursive CTE query
by Nirav Prabtani
Types of join in SQL Server for fetching records from multiple tables.
by Oleksandr Viktor (UkrGuru)
Minimally simple UkrGuru.SqlJson package for your ASP.NET Core Web Application
by Member 13040242
We are going to talk about the problem faced because of asynchronous nature of SQL query execution in node js and the solution for it.
by Kirill__
How to create databese with forst 3 normal forms of relationship
by coded007
A word about Unified Dimensional Model we use in analysis services.
by Hiren solanki
by Erik Thompson
The same thing can be done with even less SQL.WITH CTE AS( SELECT * from TableA UNION ALL Select * from TableB)select * from CTE
by Naresh Patidar
Insert, update and delete operations using stored procedure and DataAdapter in C#
by OriginalGriff
If you have two (or more) tables which are interrelated, you sometimes need to update the rows of one table, selected from information in a different table. This isn't difficult, but is can take a little think about.
by #realJSOP
A scalar function to determine if a given DateTime is one of the ten US federal holidays, using SQL Server.
by John Gathogo
Catastrophic results associated with unqualified use of columns belonging to tables referenced on main query in a subquery
by Shweta N Mishra
Retrieving Running balance in easy steps and less time
by Tecfield
Beware of What We Ask Them to Do
Generate large data series by using Cartesian Product and small data table
by db_developer
by db_developer
IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.GetIntervalStartDate', N'FN') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.GetIntervalStartDate;GO--gets first day of interval date belongs toCREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetIntervalStartDate (@Date datetime,@IntervalType int = 0--0 - DAY, 1 - WEEK (Mon to Sun), 2 - MONTH, 3 -...
by OriginalGriff
Passing a comma separated list of values to an SQL query is all very well, but you can't just use them in an "IN" clause. This helps.
by Wombaticus
A beginner's introduction to using data classes in ASP.NET.
by Mycroft Holmes
GetAncestor() requires a slightly unusual outlook to get the required results
by GregStevens
You can use the SQL LIKE operator in unconventional ways to do pattern matching.
by Ravindra T C
Explains how to use MySQL with the Entity Framework.
by Aqeeel
Implementing security in SQL Server by only allowing TCP/IP Network Protocol and changing default TCP port
by Darek Danielewski
Once in a while comes a tiny NuGet package which makes your code so much more elegant ... Parallel Extension Extras is one such package
by DiponRoy
Here we will see how to use PIVOT and JOIN together in SQL query
by Antonino Porcino
How to use T-SQL function SCOPE_IDENTITY() to retrieve inserted rows identity values with CommandBuilders and DataAdapters
by Balwant.mnd
My requirement is to convert a single column of a table to another multi column table with the save data that single column contained.
by Måns Tånneryd
This tip shows how to significantly speed up inserts of large amounts of data using the entity framework.
by Måns Tånneryd
This tip shows how to speed up inserts using POCO objects and the entity framework version 5.
by Måns Tånneryd
How to use bulk insert with your LINQ-to-SQL datacontext
by RupertC
If the order of your columns is different in the LINQ to SQL class from that in the database, then you also need to add a column mapping to the bulk copier. Otherwise you get mysterious errors in some of the loaded columns!In my simple fix, I assume that the names match even if the order may...
by S.Kaur
This will help you generate columns dynamically in SSRS reports using Matrix control.
by S. M. Ahasan Habib
I will explain here how to use table variable and over come cursor limitation
by IssamK
How to automatically generate classes for your database tables
by Shivprasad koirala
If you want to quickly get index suggestions and improve performance in SQL Server, then Profiler and tuning wizard is the first place to start.
by Brad Joss
Views to make analyzing SQL Agent Job statistics easier
by MarcusCole6833
Visual Basic SQL to XML
by Indrajeet Sutar
While using stored procedures, we need to pass SQL parameteres to those stored procedures. When there are large numbers of parameters then it is become boring task or tedious job to debug and check what values passed with. Here I have created a function that will check the values passed to...
by sandeep12jain
WCF Restful Service Authentication without SSL Certificate
by Database Star
This article explains the difference between the NVL and NVL2 functions in Oracle SQL.
by Arora_Ankit
This tip will explain the difference between these three functions.
by Wendelius
This is an alternative for "What’s the Difference between a Full Index Scan and a Fast Full Index Scan in Oracle?"
by senthill
This tip will help you to resolve issue when exporting large data from SSRS report to Excel, getting error message "Request timeout" in SharePoint 2013.
by Ondra Spilka
Let's explain the basics so developers understand weak spots of date and time handling
by Sudheer Reddy Battula
My perspective on “where to begin” to address this issue in a general sense for a Microsoft centric web application.
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
A slight comparison of ASP.NET upon other (web) programming languages in the market and a discussion of me and some other (web) programming language developers.
by Alexandros Pappas
Lists the files that are installed with Windows 7 on a Virtual PC
by Amey K Bhatkar
The use of With (NoLock) hit with a simple example.
by Clifford Nelson
This tip presents a way to have disabled items in your ComboBox
by alifaraze
writing error in a text file is very easy but writing error from a custom assembly in reporting services requires permissions
by BharatRamV
Converts XML to SQL statements and executes them.