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Visual Studio 6


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by Hans Dietrich
XColorSpectrumCtrl displays a color spectrum that allows user selection, and provides APIs for color based on RGB and HSL color models.
by Hans Dietrich
XQueue implements a shared-memory first-in first-out (FIFO) queue, based on memory-mapped files, that works on all versions of Windows.
by Hans Dietrich
This series of articles is a step-by-step guide to reading files stored in your program's resources. Along the way I will present some non-MFC classes to assist you in reading text, binary, zip, and even encrypted files that have been compiled into your program as resources.
by Oz Solomon
Window and File Management add-in for Visual C++

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by Tejpal Singh Chhabra
A C++ class implementing a back-propagation algorithm neural net, that supports any number of layers/neurons
by steveb
Dynamic string for the C language
by LeisureBamboo
The decode and encode of multiPage rotate
by mimicry
An article about class factory with dynamic subscription / auto registration

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Visual Studio 6 

4 Apr 2008 by Hans Dietrich
XColorSpectrumCtrl displays a color spectrum that allows user selection, and provides APIs for color based on RGB and HSL color models.
17 Jan 2005 by Hans Dietrich
XQueue implements a shared-memory first-in first-out (FIFO) queue, based on memory-mapped files, that works on all versions of Windows.
19 Jul 2007 by Hans Dietrich
This series of articles is a step-by-step guide to reading files stored in your program's resources. Along the way I will present some non-MFC classes to assist you in reading text, binary, zip, and even encrypted files that have been compiled into your program as resources.
11 Jul 2002 by Oz Solomon
Window and File Management add-in for Visual C++
26 May 2006 by Michael Dunn
A tutorial on writing a shell extension that can be used on the Send To menu.
30 May 2006 by Michael Dunn
A tutorial on using owner-drawn menus in a context menu shell extensions, and on making a context menu extension that responds to a right-click in a directory background.
10 Nov 2002 by Alexey
The ALXGrid Control Library is a set of classes for management of data as a table.
20 Apr 2002 by Chris Losinger
A base class for a prefereneces dialog, similar to that used in Netscape
7 Apr 2000 by PJ Naughter
A collection of freeware MFC classes to encapsulate the SNTP protocol.
29 Nov 2004 by peterchen
Do your users a favor - add snapping edges to MDI child windows (or anywhere else).
24 May 2006 by Michael Dunn
A tutorial on writing a shell extension that provides custom drag and drop functionality.
7 Aug 2007 by Hans Dietrich
XBreadCrumbBar is a windowless non-MFC class that allows you to display a breadcrumb trail as HTML text, with support for web links and APP: links.
6 Feb 2000 by Keith Rule
Create visually complex, yet programmatically simple, non-rectangular GUIs
5 Nov 2002 by Alexey
The alxBase classes for work with dbf files.
6 Feb 2000 by Stuart Carter
This article explains how to support file drag and drop in your CWnd-derived object
14 Jun 2002 by Neil Van Eps
An article on drawing Code 39 barcodes to the screen or to the clipboard
6 May 2002 by peterchen
An easy-to-use control to display bitmaps (stretch, scale, tile)
16 Jul 2002 by soptest
How MS implements them and why they do not want you to see the source code of those functions.
8 Nov 2004 by JaeWook Choi
An article on Mouse Gesture add-in for MS DevStudio 6.
8 Apr 2002 by Jens Scheidtmann
Have you ever searched for a nice way to select a subrange from an interval? This may be the solution for you.
9 Jun 2000 by James Spibey
An article discussing a Plug-in for Nullsoft Winamp which looks and behaves like the Winamp UI.
24 Feb 2002 by Kirill Panov
CDataGrid which was derived from CGridCtrl and used ADO for access to database.
13 Jan 2002 by Lim Bio Liong
A System Tray Utility to precisely capture screenshots of Windows and Controls anywhere on the screen.
7 Jan 2001 by Marc Richarme
Yet another fully stacked control for displaying scrolling credits...
10 Dec 2001 by Yuriy Zaporozhets
Very primitive function that creates region from *.bmp files
25 Oct 2000 by Jim Crafton
An Article describing working with the Visual Component Framework
30 Jul 2002 by Vagif Abilov
Guidelines to migrate ATL-based Windows service application to Visual C++.NET
9 Jan 2000 by Alexander Fedorov
A simple histogram control for displaying data
17 Jul 2001 by John Roark
A Simple Skinning Library
22 Mar 2005 by Muhammad Sheraz Siddiqi
This article describes how to make an offline browser using Visual C++/Win32 APIs.
16 Sep 2007 by Rajasekharan Vengalil
How to switch the thread that a routine is running on.
14 Mar 2000 by Tom Archer
A class to dynamically read data from any ODBC data source
31 Jan 2001 by Less Wright
This article will show you how to make use of WTL’s DDX/DDV implementation using a real world example.
28 Sep 2002 by Matthijs Hollemans
A shell extension to allow you to select files based on a wildcard search
31 Oct 2002 by Justin Hallet
An example approach to solving the single instance application problem with command line argument passing.
27 Dec 1999 by Jason Troitsky
A CStatic class that gently fades text into view
15 Jul 2000 by Dave Lorde
Simple customised Window captions, including multi-line captions
30 Sep 2000 by Sherwood Hu
28 Apr 2001 by Dan Madden
An article showing you how to process (Outlook®) E-mail messages automatically by using an MFC dialog or NT service.
10 Apr 2002 by Len Holgate
This example COM component provides 3 COM objects for using the Win32 Mailslot IPC mechanism. The component may be useful if you need to communicate from VB using Mailslots.
24 Oct 2001 by Chong Hin Ooi
How to draw OpenGL to a window you created in a dialog box with the resource editor without manually using CreateWindow.
20 Feb 2002 by Jens Nilsson
An article on the framework for implementing snapping windows.
18 Sep 2003 by Zac Howland
An article on using component categories to create pluggable components
11 Jul 2007 by Giuseppe Marazzi
A small tip for implementing a fallback resources process with MFC that's useful for localization
17 Mar 2000 by Gerolf Reinwardt
A custom-drawn tree-list hybrid, with explanations on how the control was developed.
4 Apr 2002 by Daniel Bowen
Issues and solutions when creating a new MDI child in a WTL application when the last active child was maximized
30 Sep 2002 by HAMZADAYI
28 Jul 2000 by Len Holgate
The ATL OLE DB Provider templates appear to rely on the fact that your data is kept in a simple array, but that's not really the case at all!
18 Oct 2000 by Mr Matt Ellis, Esq
A set of routines that show how easy it is to minimise your windows to the system tray
31 Oct 2001 by Farooque Khan
Demonstrates usage of NetShare APIs.
1 Feb 2002 by Warren Gardner
Add bitmaps to your menus easily and with very little source code.
27 Jun 2001 by Rashid Thadha
An outlook control and framework that can be used in your WTL Application
26 Jun 2001 by Mike Melnikov
A template class that enable you to make tensors with any dimensionality. Process convolution of any tensors and so on.
26 Nov 2001 by Davide Calabro
A collection of usefull icons contained into a DLL
4 Feb 2002 by Joseph M. Newcomer
A control for generating colour gradients
11 Jul 2002 by Pavel Kobyakov
A DevStudio add-in described provides two interesting IDE integration features: adding a new tab to VC WorkspaceView window and running an arbitrary process under IDE with output sent to "Build" tab of VC Output window.
9 Oct 2008 by Paul Vickery
CEdit-derived Hyperlink control, so user can edit hyperlinks
12 Jul 2016 by David A. Gray
Share Win32 string resources without the risk of conflicting resource IDs
28 Dec 1999 by Jorge Lodos
This article describes how to maintain the separate MRU list for each document type that is needed in some applications.
27 Aug 2001 by George Anescu
A context menu handler shell extension for extracting icons from .exe and .dll files
3 Oct 2001 by Antoine Megens
Yet Another Simple Help Dialog
31 Jul 2001 by Xavier John
28 Jul 2003 by Katasonov
Easiest way to add XML persistence to an existing IDispatch based ATL COM object.
14 Mar 2000 by Tom Archer
A class for Printing and Viewing MS Access Reports
6 Feb 2001 by Nic Oughton
Using the high level API to send and receive SOAP messages in MFC
1 Jan 2002 by Alexander Berthold
A library allowing you to conveniently build a custom tokenizer and analyzer supporting precedence priorized rules
3 Jul 2002 by roboo
An OLE-DB DLL that you can use in ANSI-C
27 Jun 2002 by Paul J. Weiss
C++ implementation of the Doomsday Rule to determine the weekday
30 Nov 1999 by Gerolf Reinwardt
An article that discusses drawing a control at designtime
7 Mar 2001 by grebulon
This Add-in converts the text format (DOS or UNIX) of a file when it is saved in Visual Studio.
31 Jan 2001 by Christian S Andersen
A small utility for looking up an object based on a CLSID or progid
16 Apr 2001 by Igor Sukhov
The ATL and MFC versions of the class that implements a dialog for selecting users(computers) within the Windows Network.
10 Jun 2002 by Manish Hatwalne
An article explaining how to create a utility to manage Internet Explorer skin
15 Jul 2002 by Adrian Bacaianu
That article present a way to retrieve the GET-POST data from a form into an ISAPI extension.
9 Sep 2002 by Truong Pham Dang Khoa
16 Jan 2000 by William E. Kempf
An article on extendable layout management classes.
28 Jul 2000 by Len Holgate
Adding bookmark functionality is relatively easy and it enables our ADO recordset to be used with a greater number of data bound controls.
12 Aug 2000 by Paul Shaffer
An article on ATL COM event connection point threading issues
8 Jun 2001 by George Anescu
An article presenting a new block ciphering method called XOR256
28 Aug 2001 by Adrian Bacaianu
This article shows how to make one ATL COM component with crypt/decrypt functions and how to use it in ASP programs. It shows also how to register a component in MTS.
18 Sep 2001 by Braulio Dez
How to detect when the control looses its focus - the easy way.
17 Apr 2002 by Rick York
This application will display a random fortune in the font and colors of your choice.
11 Jun 2002 by Paul Vickery
Utility to make selected windows remain on-top of others
23 Dec 2001 by Lim Bio Liong
Visual Studio add-in that allows you to list down all the exported symbols inside an Import or Static Library. This add-in also allows you to save the exported symbols listing and to include a library file into your current Project. This add-in also includes a facility to scan through library files.
15 Oct 2002 by Andreas Saurwein
Helper class to set the owner of an NT security descriptor
7 Nov 2002 by Rob Caldecott
Use this class in your WTL apps to retrieve a list of installed printers
27 Nov 1999 by Stephane Rodriguez
A DirectDraw Framework made of template classes
15 May 2001 by ljp
VC++ Standard Edition only has support for dynamically linked exes. This article shows you how to by-pass this restriction.
17 Jan 2000 by Shaun Wilde
A wizard that allows you to create an ATL Property Page or Context Menu extensions
3 Mar 2000 by PJ Naughter
A freeware DDX routine for selecting a filename
11 Aug 2001 by Mike Melnikov
An add-in for Devstudio that provides tag indexing and search, window, bookmarks, session and other managers
4 Dec 2001 by Andrei Levin
This addin allows your source code to have references to external files, MSDN articles, voice comments etc.
7 Feb 2001 by Steve Maier
Creating a SOAP client using C++ instead of VB
17 Apr 2001 by Xavier Dusart
Sample code on how to use tray icons and check Exchange mailbox.
8 Jan 2002 by Vitaly Belman
The add-in enables you to use FreeVCS, the free Version Source Control, in Visual C++
31 Mar 2001 by Tili
This class creates from 1-9 segments of a single file which can be then desgmented.Useful for moving larger file on floppies.
31 Mar 2001 by Sardaukar
Visual Studio Add-In that displays the latest service pack installed
26 Sep 2001 by Anthony Roach
A framework for writing apps using DirectX 8