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Great Reads

by Thomas Weller
Demonstrates how to invoke TensorFlow neural networks from a C# application and also how to use a Python-generated chart to display the results.
by Glenn Prince
In this article, we'll have a look at some of the pretrained models we can use in ImageAI to start detecting people in images.
by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we talk about anomaly detection on time series data.
by Raphael Mun
In this article, we are going to use all that we’ve learned so far with computer vision in TensorFlow.js to try building a version of this app ourselves.

Latest Articles

by Oliver Kohl
This article provides a comprehensive guide to TensorFlow 2.x, covering its execution modes, model building APIs, and insights for choosing the right approach for machine learning projects.
by Chris Maunder
This article explores the various self-hosted AI frameworks available and understand their strengths, weaknesses, and compatibility with your project requirements. Make an informed decision that aligns with your organization's goals
by Ammar Albush 1997
Logo Recognition System Program written in C# .NET 6.0 Windows Form (,Tensorflow.keras,Emgu Cv,ScottPlot.WinForms,Newtonsoft.Json)
by Intel
In this article, we’ll explore how to create a DL environment with optimized Intel packages.

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11 Oct 2019 by Thomas Weller
Demonstrates how to invoke TensorFlow neural networks from a C# application and also how to use a Python-generated chart to display the results.
8 Jun 2020 by Glenn Prince
In this article, we'll have a look at some of the pretrained models we can use in ImageAI to start detecting people in images.
26 Feb 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we talk about anomaly detection on time series data.
13 Jul 2020 by Raphael Mun
In this article, we are going to use all that we’ve learned so far with computer vision in TensorFlow.js to try building a version of this app ourselves.
27 Jan 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article in the series, we label a face mask dataset.
9 Feb 2021 by Raphael Mun
In the next and final article of this series, we'll detect eye blinks and the mouth opens to make an interactive scene.
19 Aug 2020 by MehreenTahir
In this article we create a web app that trains the classifier on the go and recognizes grumpy facial expressions.
16 Sep 2020 by Joel Ivory Johnson
This is the first in a series of articles on using TensorFlow Lite on Android to bring the power of machine learning and deep neural networks to mobile application
5 Jan 2021 by Joel Ivory Johnson
This article series will show readers how to create a real-time AI hazard detector using an Android device.
11 Jan 2021 by Joel Ivory Johnson
In the next entry of the AI Hazard Detection on Android series, we will look at crash detection and notifications.
2 Feb 2021 by Raphael Mun
In this series, we’re going to show you how to create Snapchat-style filters in the browser using Tensorflow.js and face tracking.
24 Aug 2020 by MehreenTahir
In this article we’ll predict someone’s gender and age in the browser.
25 Nov 2019 by Nikola M. Živković
How to transfer leaning with TensorFlow2
8 Jul 2020 by Raphael Mun
In this article, I will show you how quickly and easily set up and use TensorFlow.js to train a neural network to make predictions from data points.
21 Oct 2020 by Raphael Mun
In this article, we'll create a chatbot we can have a dialogue with.
12 Jan 2021 by Joel Ivory Johnson
In the next part of the AI Hazard Detection on Android series, we’ll have the application process live data.
3 Feb 2021 by Raphael Mun
In this article we'll use the key facial landmarks to infer more information about the face from the images.
25 Feb 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article, we learn how to prepare time series data to be fed to machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models.
18 Mar 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article we evaluate VGG19 using real images taken by a phone camera.
29 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article, I’ll go through what’s required to preprocess videos and prepare them to be fed into our models.
19 May 2021 by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article we run an inference model for NLP using models persisted on a Docker volume.
9 Jul 2020 by Raphael Mun
In this article, we’ll dive into computer vision running right within a web browser.
21 Aug 2020 by MehreenTahir
In this article we use another pre-trained model, face-api.js, to detect expressions without doing any training ourselves.
18 Sep 2020 by Joel Ivory Johnson
In this article we will create an Android application and import our TensorFlow Lite model into it.
19 Oct 2020 by Raphael Mun
In this article we are going to look at embedding entire sentences, rather than individual words, so that we can get much more accurate results in detecting emotion from the text.
29 Jan 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we test a face mask detector on a regular computer.
5 Feb 2021 by Raphael Mun
In this article we are going to use the key facial points to render a 3D model virtually over our webcam feed for some Augmented Reality fun.
16 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll discuss materials and methods for this project.
16 Mar 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article we’ll show you how to use transfer learning to fine-tune the VGG19 model to classify fashion clothing categories.
17 Mar 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article we show you how to train VGG19 to recognize what people are wearing.
22 Mar 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article we show you how to train the GAN for fashion design generation.
29 Apr 2021 by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article we go back to the Intel/AMD CPUs. This time, we will speed up our calculations using a GPU.
29 Jul 2021 by Sergey L. Gladkiy
In this article we create a Docker container for this system.
9 Sep 2020 by Keith Pijanowski
In this article, I provided a brief overview of TensorFlow 1.0 and TensorFlow 2.0 for those looking for a deep learning framework for building and training neural networks.
18 May 2021 by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article we run inference on sample images with TensorFlow using a containerized Object Detection API environment.
10 Jul 2020 by Raphael Mun
In this article we will build a Fluffy Animal Detector, where I will show you a way to leverage a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model like MobileNet.
14 Jul 2020 by Raphael Mun
In this article, we are going to use BodyPix, a body part detection and segmentation library, to try and remove the training step of the face touch detection.
20 Aug 2020 by MehreenTahir
In this will article extend our model to do custom classification in real time using a webcam.
23 Sep 2020 by Joel Ivory Johnson
In this article we will generate output from a program will provide a TensorFlow freeze graph ready to be used or converted to TensorFlow Lite.
15 Oct 2020 by Raphael Mun
This is the first in a series of article where we'll explain how to create an AI chatbot using transformers.
16 Oct 2020 by Raphael Mun
In this article, we’ll build a trivia chatbot.
6 Jan 2021 by Joel Ivory Johnson
In this article of the AI Hazard Detection on Android series, we will add the TensorFlow Lite model to the project and prepare it for processing.
7 Jan 2021 by Joel Ivory Johnson
In this entry of the AI Hazard Detection on Android series we will interpret the results and provide the relevant information to the user.
8 Jan 2021 by Joel Ivory Johnson
In this next entry in the AI Hazard Detection on Android series, we will look at how we can avoid unnecessarily warning the user, and how we can quickly alert them.
8 Feb 2021 by Raphael Mun
In this article we are going to bring together all of the pieces we’ve built so far in this series for some visual reflection fun.
17 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll work on restructuring ResNet50 to perform the new classification task.
18 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll fine-tune our ResNet50 model.
22 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll show you how to build a network for Covid-19 detection from scratch.
2 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we’ll combine forecasting and detection on a live stream of Bitcoin price data.
19 Mar 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article we show you how to build a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for fashion design generation.
25 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article I’ll explain the different options we can choose from to create deep fakes.
26 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we’ll start to focus on our DIY approach.
30 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we'll build and train our models with them.
1 Apr 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article I’ll show you how to train your deep fake models in the cloud with some help from Docker.
6 Apr 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article, we complete the pipeline for our Deep Fakes DIY solution.
8 Apr 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we’ll explore DeepFaceLab as an alternative to our last approach.
27 Apr 2021 by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article, we’ll create a container to run a CPU inference on the trained model.
27 Apr 2021 by Jarek Szczegielniak
In this article, we’ll adapt our image for Raspberry Pi with an ARM processor.
31 Jan 2022 by Matthew Dennis
Integrating CodeProject.AI Server with the Blue Iris video security and webcam system
13 Nov 2023 by Chris Maunder
This article explores the various self-hosted AI frameworks available and understand their strengths, weaknesses, and compatibility with your project requirements. Make an informed decision that aligns with your organization's goals
17 Jun 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we train a CycleGAN with a U-Net-based generator.
17 Sep 2020 by Joel Ivory Johnson
In this article we will take a pre-trained neural network and adapt it for use in TensorFlow Lite.
21 Sep 2020 by Joel Ivory Johnson
In the previous installation of this series, a TensorFlow Lite interpreter had examined an image and produced its output. In this article we learn how to interpret these results and create visualizations for them.
22 Sep 2020 by Joel Ivory Johnson
In this article we will consider the ways in which the network could be further optimized.
22 Oct 2020 by Raphael Mun
In this article we’ll build a Shakespearean Monologue Generator in the Browser with TensorFlow.js.
12 Nov 2020 by Ruturaj Raval
In this article go through training a TF model with our curated dataset using Teachable Machine and export the trained model in the FTLite format.
17 Nov 2020 by Ruturaj Raval
In this article we’ll carry out real-time testing of our app.
19 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we’ll discuss the COVID-19 detection results we’ve achieved with our model and compare these results with those of other models.
15 Apr 2021 by Martin_Rupp
Tools and software required to build a DL-based automatic translation system
16 Apr 2021 by Martin_Rupp
In this article we’ll build our AI language translation system.
16 Jun 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we implement a CycleGAN from scratch.
26 Jan 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we prepare a face mask images for our AI model training.
18 Oct 2022 by Intel
In this article, we’ll show you how to create a very simple CNN for image classification from scratch.
19 Oct 2022 by Intel
In this article, we’ll explore how to create a DL environment with optimized Intel packages.
12 May 2021 by LOST_FREEMAN
Hands-on data science competition with TensorFlow on .NET
15 Jul 2020 by Raphael Mun
In this article, we will take photos of different hand gestures via webcam and use transfer learning on a pre-trained MobileNet model to build a computer vision AI that can recognize the various gestures in real time.
1 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In the next article, we are going to discuss forecasting on Bitcoin time series.
27 Jul 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this project, our aim is to run a mobile Image-to-Image translation model on the Android platform.
22 Jun 2020 by Thomas Daniels
In this article, let’s dive into Keras, a high-level library for neural networks.
15 Mar 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this series of articles, we’ll showcase an AI-powered deep learning system that can revolutionize the fashion design industry by helping us better understand customers’ needs.
28 Mar 2023 by Ammar Albush 1997
Logo Recognition System Program written in C# .NET 6.0 Windows Form (,Tensorflow.keras,Emgu Cv,ScottPlot.WinForms,Newtonsoft.Json)
20 Jul 2021 by Sergey L. Gladkiy
In this article I’ll explain how to perform the alignment based on the face landmarks the detector has found.
4 Feb 2021 by Raphael Mun
In this article which we;ll use the live webcam video of our face and see if the model can react to our facial expressions in real time.
15 Jun 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we discuss the CycleGAN architecture.
24 Mar 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In the previous article I gave a general overview of deep fakes generation and the elements involved in the process.
28 Jul 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we show you how to set up an Android Studio environment that is suitable for loading and running our .tflite model.
5 May 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article, we’ll implement automatic training.
14 Nov 2020 by MehreenTahir
In this article we load a pre-trained model using TensorFlow.js to predict the breed of the dog inside our web browser.
23 Jun 2020 by Thomas Daniels
In this article we take a quick look at NumPy and TensorFlow also do a short overview of the scikit-learn library.
14 Jun 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we discuss the concepts of conditional generative adversarial networks (CGAN).
25 Jan 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
Different approaches to create a face mask detector
5 Apr 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In the next article, we talked about Google AI Platform and how to train your models there with some help from Docker containers.
18 Jun 2018 by Jesús Utrera
Second article of a series of articles introducing deep learning coding in Python and Keras framework
23 Oct 2018 by DataBytzAI
Using a pre-configured environment on Azure to create a "ready to go" Deep Learning machine
12 Feb 2021 by Abdulkader Helwan
In this article, we introduce transfer learning and ResNet50.
28 Jan 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article, we’re going to use the dataset to train a YOLOv5 object detection model.
1 Feb 2021 by Sergio Virahonda
In this article we’ll deploy our YOLOv5 face mask detector on Raspberry Pi.