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by Anurag Prajesh
Add new user registeration information in XML with C#
by CPallini
How to generate a spiral numerical pattern without using arrays
by Nirosh
This tutorial is designed for .NET programmers who need to understand ‘Nido’ framework and its application.
by Bryian Tan
The author is sharing an article on how to create a help tooltip for a HTML element using Web API, Bootstrap Popover and jQuery UI dialog

Latest Articles

by Anurag Prajesh
Add new user registeration information in XML with C#
by CPallini
How to generate a spiral numerical pattern without using arrays
by Nirosh
This tutorial is designed for .NET programmers who need to understand ‘Nido’ framework and its application.
by Bryian Tan
The author is sharing an article on how to create a help tooltip for a HTML element using Web API, Bootstrap Popover and jQuery UI dialog

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by Anurag Prajesh
Add new user registeration information in XML with C#
by CPallini
How to generate a spiral numerical pattern without using arrays
by Suresh Dasari's
Auto Generate Code (CRUD) for 3 Layered architecture (Entity, Data Access & Business Layer) with Stored Procedures based on table design.
by Johan G. van der Galien
Example project template for a "Cool Towel" SPA to be filled with a MVC4 application HTML5 and JavaScript code in order to convert
by Zeshan Munir
A Cross Browser Supported solution for Custom Fonts on the Web
by Emad Al Hawary
Try this block of HTML 5 code
by W∴ Balboos, GHB
How to open a desktop application from a browser
by didourebai
How can I integrate Swagger in ASP.NET Web API project
by Habibur Rony
Naming Convention of Test Method for Unit Testing using Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
by Cpp For All
finally like clause in C++
by Bohdan Stupak
"Method can be static" Microsoft Code Analysis warning may hide a violation of object-oriented design
by Daniel Brousser
Custom TextBox control for UI input validation
by Tomaž Štih
How to (dynamically) implement ToString() as a Lambda function
by Pedram_Niloufari
C# .Gif viewer / Snipper control
by sumit_kapadia
Simple and free approach to manage your code on cloud with git-SCN and dropbox
by JBildstein
Reading and writing Bitmaps with full 16bit per channel (and possibly more)
by Peter T. Ringering
A program that makes editing code comments and XML comments easier.
by Member 12660776
Programmatically Adding New ConfigurationSectionGroup Corrupts Declaration Section With Multiple Group Declarations.
by Victor Sirghii
On the parent razor page, we add Partial View which will serve as the updatable container. On Ajax calls from the parent page, we update only Partial view content, not the whole page, thus creating a smooth user interaction experience.
by M.M.Mohseni
In this article, we'll explain how to register (Add) all specific interface assignable types in an assembly and will use them in a class.
by Jacob Himes
My go around to an Entity Framework alternative
by SimbarasheM
A .NET v4 Library for converting DataTable row(s) to JSON String for WCFServices
by Yaseer Mumtaz
.NET interview questions and answers with real world examples and code snippets
by Zzzzzoltan
A novel solution to the 32 vs 64-bit DLL interop problem
by Amir Hamza Md. Kayes
.NET interprocess communication using named pipe
by AlexF185
A dynamic progress bar control easy to use and literally plug and play
by emadns
A basic tutorial for ReportMax tool
by emadns
Using the Chart control in ReportMax
by Peter Piotti
A clean, simple alternative to using the Entity Framework for stored procedures data access in a .NET/SQL Server environment
by S. M. Ahasan Habib
.NET TransactionScope and its default Transaction Isolation level issue.
by Nikita D. Sinelnikov
HowTo: make the report background (elements) of Microsoft .NET Report (.rdlc) non-printable
by BrokenEvent
.NET WinForms Tray icon implemenation with Win7 and Vista features: GUID identification, large custom icons, custom UI instead of the hint, etc.
by Yaseer Mumtaz
XML input parameter to RESTful API using HttpClient and bypassing the SSL certificate
by Dave “DWC” Curry
How to wire up drag+drop events through multiple objects.
by The Zakies
we will build an outline line around the drawn lines so we would test the mouse click on this outline to know which line is selected. and we would in the coming update build a select function inside the move tool
by The Zakies
in this tut we will create a technique to enable the user to control points within a drawn line, by drawing circles around points of the line , when the user clicks a circle he would control the corresponding point.
by The Zakies
we would create Hand_tool to pan through the drawing form, and we would use a custom cursor of open and closed hands
by The Zakies
we will continue the functionality of the hand tool with having a navigator panel which works as a map, we will also have a red rectangle which tells the user where he is actually viewing inside the whole form, also it can be moved to pan the form
by The Zakies
[tut4] how to draw lines & to draw different types on end shapes like rectangle and circle using C#
by The Zakies
Learn how to implement a tecnique of a parent form that createes and controls other forms , through the tecnique of using the tab control, also learn how to implement a menu for the tools, and how to add cutom cursor for each tool
by Marcell Lipp
Small tips to make your code quality better
by Michael Bogaerts
What brings the 15.2 release for XAF (win) developers
by simonp_ca
How to remove Windows service from Service List (not just stop/disable it, but to delete it from the list totally)
by JatinKhimani
Develop a web application in 3 layer architecture code style
by AnobikDey
A description of how images and other controls can be rotated and used to give 3d Effect in Windows Store Apps
by charles922
3D programming with OpenGl and C# to create an interactive puzzle
by Nitin K. Kawale
3D Vector Graphics class.
by Prasanna Venkatesh . K
Writing a Windows store background app from the scratch
by Atul Kharecha
If you are using Lotus Notes as an email client and it is running very slowly, this tip will help you to overcome the performance issues.
by Mack Ait-Aoudia
7 good practices that cover common scenarios that web developers face everyday
by Murali Pamidi
Politics aside, here are 7 simple tweaks that could make website instantly fast.
by Revanth Ramesh
Futuristic Talking 7-Segment Time Display Widget in WPF
by toneware
A utility that monitors a selected directory for changes
by Jens Theisen
A grid splitter separating four quadrants
by DP17000
A rudimentary expert system in VBA/ Excel 2013
by MarcusCole6833
A basic tutorial on how to Use WCF service with the Entity Framework
by Ankurkumarbora
This tip contains a solution for a Batch process which invokes a RESTful WCF Service.
by Yisrael Lax
Why poorly written code is expensive code
by Darryl Bryk
C# code for a low-pass Butterworth filter is presented
by TheGreatAndPowerfulOz
How to recursively select all descendants using an extension method
by Michiel du Toit
Code for a C# string.Like extension method.
by PJ Arends
Trace your function calls to the Output window.
by Bryan Kowalchuk
The two most common database lookup table patterns are examined
A computational statistics class in C#
by honey the codewitch
Easily add progress reporting to your console apps
by cesar_boucas
A custom derivative of ServiceHostFactory to control how WCF service hosts are created.
by Gregory Morse
Custom TAUS Data Provider to allow increased multilingual support using Google Translate's web interface
by Sambhav Yadav - Sam D Silva
ASP.NET page/master page/user control's life cycle from the perspective of Session and View State
by honey the codewitch
A handy code snippet that can set indentation levels while rendering multipart documents with a TextWriter
by honey the codewitch
BinaryReader needs a better way to read strings and types. Here's a quick and dirty fix
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
This tip is to provide an overview of writing strings in ASP.NET web applications to avoid concatenations.
by Vasily Tserekh
A list of the problems I had to address and how I solved them
by Nuwan Karunarathna
This a foldable content control for UWP platform.
by shijo joseph
An ADO.NET Layer for SQL Server and Oracle which makes it easier for interfacing with database
by honey the codewitch
A circular buffer implementing IList
by S. M. Ahasan Habib
I will demonstrate a generic factory method which will create object from interface type parameter from an assembly (either current or provided) with the help of reflection
by Senthilvel Samatharman
This tip provides a simple implementation for the ICommand interface and enables to write quick code leaving the nuances of fetching the return types and asynchrony
by honey the codewitch
A fully generic ordered dictionary class in C#
by Mario Majčica
A well justified practice for mapping TFS collections on your local PC.
by Herbert Lausmann
An IconBitmapEncoder that produces high-quality icons, written in VB.NET and C#, WPF
by scott_liu
This plug-in enhances user experience of input boxes on a web page.
by Member 4206974
A JavaScript for generate gallery with some transition effects.
by Tim ONeil
INI-style properties for C++ Embedded/Applications on Linux
by Espen Harlinn
Stuff I've found useful and interesting
by RickZeeland
An easy way to edit and exchange XML config settings
by Jarno Burger
A managed wrapper around FreeFrame, to give your video frames some cool effects
by Michael Gledhill
A simple example of using AngularJS to turn JSON into a beautiful Master-Detail view !
by Member 4206974
The article is about Matlab - Octave scripts for easy create forms with the most useful controls (texts field, lists, radio buttons, check boxes, sliders, ...)
by Mike Meinz
Describes an algorithm to ignore spurious ultrasonic sensor readings.
by Michael Bergman
Using Windows Communication Foundation to build a simple web server
by Alessandro Lentini
How to write a simple multi-thread queue for the typical producer-consumer process
by Akash Gutha
This tip is aimed at providing a simple solution for simple page to page navigation system for your UWP apps.
by PEtter Ekrann, Martin Helgesen
A strange idea I had for doing multithreading more managable.
by RickZeeland
Creating a custom GroupBox in WinForms that supports skinning
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
How to abate the CodeProject spam crisis.
by shijo joseph
An easy to implement yet powerful logging library which requires absolute zero learning curve
by Mathew_wwx
This tip will introduce a library written in C++ that wraps up a 2d polygon triangulation algorithm with time complexity of O(N*logN), the algorithm works on both self-intersected and non self-intersected polygons.
by UberGeoff
This tip explains how to display a jQuery modal pop-up message using server side events.
by Blaž Umek
A control that displays multiple graphs simultaneously and automatically adds different scales
by Keerthi_Kumar_N
Configuring the web.xml for any Java/J2ee project using a programmatic approach
by Keerthi_Kumar_N
An alternative way of configuring web.xml using Java
by Ph. Jounin
A C-replacement for MessageBox
by Michael D Bray
Use the provided CSS with classed DIVs to build a clean-looking web-based menu that requires no JavaScript, and supports unlimited levels of both horizontal and vertical menus.
by Anshu Krishna
This tip is a simple example to illustrate how the HTML5 CustomElements can be used to create a custom date tag which has the ability to show relative date (like '5 days ago', 'Next month', '5 years ago', etc.)
by Silvia Campo
Different options to create the maps
by David A. Gray
The routines in this library can parse any string that I can throw at it, including Common Name strings read from X.509 Digital Certificates.
by JinWenQiang
An instance of Floodlight Controller
by scott_liu
By use of a cutomized metadata provider, MVC model data annotation validation messages can be localized in a simple and elegant way.
by MarcusCole6833
A basic Windows Forms Desktop Application to return a Julian Date
by MehdiNaseri
In this tip you will learn how to collect system information by using System.Environment and System.Management.
by Tarek Elqusi
I created a simple form with a button to add a label control at run time sequentially numbered; labels are movable and lines are drawn between labels.
by Anurag Saini
A tool to generate MD5 and SHA-1 checksums.
by charles henington
This is an alternative for "Send Mail With Attachment File"
by Harry Hai Huang
A simple math formula to get special dates.
by Almar Mike
The basics of organizing code with OOP in JS
by AshakiranBhatter
ScreensSaver through fullscreen mode using Win32 APIs in C.
by Raghav Nayak
Simple vertical scroller.
by Pasan Eeriyagama
This article focuses on a Very simple and Robust way to export Data to EXCEL
by Jason Stern2
This is a simple Windows example using the Chromium embedded framework 3.
by Rick York
This is a simple worker thread class that allows when to use a member function as the thread function.
by honey the codewitch
Creating an application that can run once, but then accept command line args from subsequent runs
by Marco Bertschi
Sktech for a generic queue which can handle tasks, process them and report the result
by Nippey
This is a TCHAR alternative for "A Small Class to Read INI File"
by ahsanriaz1K
I will give a solution to the following problem "Response.TransmitFile(sFullHtmFilePath)" gives unformatted display of htm file on browser on client side.
by CHill60
Simplify complex if-statements with "where value in list"
by Abdul Quader Mamun
This article explains why a well organized pattern is required to develop a robust software application.
by Sen Jacob
A simple task scheduler utility by which you can schedule a task to run at any time or interval
by Sen Jacob
This is an alternative for "A Task Scheduler Library for .NET Applications"
by Marc Clifton
Some code tweaks including the ability to alias a mapped property name
by Alessandro Lentini
This tip is connected to my previous one. I show how to use .NET 4.0 BlockingCollection in a simple way.
by Vijay Gill
Uses Unity for DI and NLog for logging
by Rajat-Indiandotnet
A unique feature of SQL SERVER Loop with Go statement
by Michael Rosqvist
If you want to measure something on the screen, here is a utility.
by veen_rp
An add-on tip to articles already posted on Code Project
by WhiskeyBeforeWater
A nodular Singely Linked List for VBA with some basic functions
by B. Clay Shannon
In which the author takes the "That is an Exercise Left to the Reader" cop-out to Extremes
by Tony Zackin
A very simple yet customizable pop-up message box which auto-closes after a specified number of milliseconds.
by Robert Vandenberg Huang
A general discussion of building the naming rule for your team
by nilotpalbarpujari
VS 2010 style toolbox written in C#
by Clifford Nelson
This tip presents a way to display checkboxes for selection of ListBox Items instead of the default highlighting
by Mario Vernari
Here is a simple trick for simulating the shared-sizing feature of the WPF Grid even in a StackPanel fashion.
by ugo.marchesini
An alternative way to use BackgroundWorker: more readable, more concise
by Greg Utas
Replacing its erase() function
by Louwgi
HTML5 SSE example application
by Vipin_Arora
Abstract Factory Design pattern example in C#
by Ritesh_Singh
C++ code to connect/access DB2 database using DB2 call level interface(CLI)
by Dominick Sidiropoulos
A way to access files on HFS+ filesystems that side-steps alltogether the tar-pit called "windows-drivers-from-hell (tm)".
by babu saravanan
This article explains how to retrieve TFS 2010 project check in details from C#.NET code
by Amit Deshmukh 1010
Accessing class object present in exe from explicitly loaded DLL using Inheritance and virtual function.
by Subodh Raikar
Accessing SSRS Reports from SharePoint Site using C#
by Daniel Pfeffer
A method for "nearly correct" rounding of sums of multiples
by prince sanghi
How to create an Acordian view for ListView in XAML for Windows WPF, Store, Mobile Application
by gunjan k saxena
This tip will help to create an action filter to compress the contents like Json, partial view, etc.
by Alexey Shtykov
Activate a particular document window in MDI application via MFC/C++
by Gregory Morse
Activating WRL audio interfaces in native C++
by Vladyslav Chernysh
The goal of this tip is to share knowledge and experience on ActiveX usage in .NET applications (back-end & front-end).
by Francis Xavier Pulikotil
Enable passing an argument by reference, to a function which expects an argument of a different type.
by Vipin_Arora
Adapter Design Pattern in C#
by honey the codewitch
Use TaskCompletionSource to turn an event or callback based model into a Task based one
by Sergey Zwezdin
How to adapt your responsive HTML pages to Windows RT snapped mode.
by pramod.hegde
Create dynamic content controls at run-time.
by Prakash Singh
Resolution of Security rule has invalid Port range issue
by Muhammad Magdi
Step by step guide to add pre and post PowerShell scripts to TFS2012 build
by MehdiNaseri
A simple application for adding users to active directory
by Vladan.Obradovic
Display additional properties for each VM inside SCVMM 2012 R2 console (VLAn, IP addres, VM Path, Mounted ISO, Number of Checkpoint)
by Douglas de Alvarenga Silva
Add-in Word for PrintScreen
by Arthur Caputo
Tutorial on setting a false transparency onto your button's edges.
by Sascha Manns
How to add the estimated time to read to a .NET Core Blog
by Michael Gledhill
How to add an fade-in message to your iPhone app in 5 minutes
by Ismael Almonte
Adding an http security header to web reference and using Oracle CRM stateless
by Fiyaz Hasan
This article shows you how to add Angular Material in ASP.NET Core AngularSpa template
by Santosh Kokatnur
Adding Checkbox to a List View Column Header in C# WindowsForm application
by VR Karthikeyan
Change the look and feel of ASP.NET MVC application by adding different UI CSS frameworks
by Redslide
Modify MVC Routing to allow routes such as /Electronics/Software/Operating-Systems/PC/Windows-8-Installer
by Matthew Givens
Two ways to add functionality to .NET controls
by B. Clay Shannon
How to add the necessary code for additional Web API data points
by Voicent Support
Delay load Facebook Like button to make a web page loads faster and more responsive
by Shesh Lamichhane
Step by step to add the transformation files of app.config in your .NET Windows service
by E.F. Nijboer
ExcelDataReaderHelper: Functionality similar to LinqToExcel using the ExcelDataReader package
by #realJSOP
Evaluating epressions in an ad-hoc condition.
by Andrew Rissing
This is an alternative for "Ad-Hoc Expression Evaluation"
by Jean Paul V.A
Exploring the Quotas and Locks feature of SharePoint Administration.
by Santosh Sharma (go2santosh)
Finally iOS developers get a new programming language as advanced as C# and Java
by Ankit Bansal MVP
This articles explains the insertion of data into SQL Database using Stored Procedures with Output Parameters. Some Bootstrapping is also used to create a good looking HTML.
by Vinay Jade
ImageButton control can be used as AdRotator with help of UpdatePanel
by Marcell Lipp
A proof introduction to Git blame and Git bisect
by radumi
Agile concepts for teams not using Agile.
by BradodarB
Simple example outlining how to optionally employ AHAH based views in an MVC application.
by Saurabh Singh _
A simple approach to handle Airspace problem
by Prabu ram
I am just trying to wrap the jquery ajax methods under Typescript to give a better control from the rest of the code.
by Peter Leow
This is a simple web application to illustrate visually the difference between Ajax and non-Ajax calls that take place all in a single web page.
by José Cintra
Simple algorithm to determine the type of a triangle, being informed its sides
by Arthur V. Ratz
This tip/trick introduces the basic ideas on how to avoid memory mismatched allocation/deallocation issues detected by Intel® Inspector XE for Visual Studio 2015
by Dominic Burford
How to allow CruiseControl.NET to be self updating
by CHill60
Allowing a User to cancel a Form when Validation is in place and invalid data has been entered.
by nickdenker
An ORM style layer which turns Azure Table Storage into a cheap and scalable indexed noSQL database - without the costs associated with Azure CosmosDB.
by RelicV
Alternative for AutoComplete control without Ajax and Webservices
by Casey Witt
A class for implementing BeginEdit/EndEdit functionality in a "Using" Block
by Timothy Svecz
Amazon AWS: Setting up FTP on EC2 Windows Instances
by Jigar_Patel
Amazon S3 lib for uploading file in C++ using VS2010
by Thomas Roll
A .NET equivalent of Java's AdjustableSemaphore
by Stephane Capo
C++ optimization for map using string key among others
by brain2cpu
The way x:Bind is (not) working in universal Windows applications
by dreamzlife
A simple way to parse multiple CodeMetrics XML data and generate a summary report.
by Łukasz Bownik
How to estimate refactoring time
by Marc Clifton
Alternatives to If-Then-Else with Extension Methods and Functional Programming Techniques
by TheGreatAndPowerfulOz
Gets the digits and the sign of an integer in an array
by honey the codewitch
Add progress reporting to your downloading or copying using this code
by massimiliano aronica
Speed up the loading of the main view by automatically loading partial views in async
by Farzan Hajian
Analyzing HTML documents using NSoup and ExCSS libraries
by Right Handed Monkey
This is a tutorial for accessing sqlite databases in Android in a thread safe manner. If you download the library code, please bookmark, comment on, or rate the article - it helps out tremendously.
by Mukund Thakker
Android GCM Push Notification
by Sukhpal Singh JNU Jaipur
JSON parser classes creator tool for Android
by Little Carl
Library for deserializing the Ksoap2 response .
by Satyam A.
How to use SharedPreference to store information in key-value pair in Android
by Callum Linington (UK)
My way of diminishing the need to write out all those angular script files
by RajKGoel
This tip is targeted towards learning the basics of Angular JS, using it with ASP.NET Web API.
by Bert O Neill
AngularJS and Web API Active Directory Security (Authorisation)
by Erwin@Attentia
getting to play angularjs and requirejs to play nicely together... piece of cake !
by Massimiliano Giustizieri
In this tip, I am going to show how to build a grid that can filter your data by joining multiple conditions that can be applied on each grid column.
by Yaseer Mumtaz
AngularJS ng-grid export to CSV workaround for Internet Explorer to avoid showing "Save" dialog box.
by Karthik Coder
How to replace the ng-repeat with Custom Directive
by Bert O Neill
AngularJS RibbonBar written with HTML & CSS (and a little JQuery)
by Asib Al Amin Talukder
This tip describes the angularJs routing and how to configure and work with classic ASP.NET MVC application.
by anilkumar.6714
This is an animated label in C#.
by Rishabh Upadhyay
Anoncrypt by HTCoders is a web-based Text Encryption and Decryption Project developed using Java Technology following Struts2 Framework
by Kamal Mahendra Sirisena
Online Anonymity for Penetration Testing
by Yossi Yaari
A basic yet generic state machine implementation
by Mahmud Hasan
Whenever I try to install any software I get an error saying another installation is running.
by Sadeque Sharif
Another way to solve the issue of “A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server…”
by cyprussun
AnswerBox is just another replacement for the inflexible MessageBox.
by billxie
Advanced technique to apply animation concurrently on multiple controls.
by Gaurav_Chaudhary
This tip is a brief introduction to Apply operator in SQL server
by yiangos
How to apply a clipping mask to an image using the raphael vector library
by B. Clay Shannon
How to apply Attribute Routing to Web API Controllers
by Bohdan Stupak
Example of custom similarity script to improve search results relevance
by Ponkarthikeyan Thangavel
This tip describes about applying reusable read-only styles for WPF controls at Application/User Control level
by Chamila Nishantha
This tip describes how to add a running total column to a result set
by Wendelius
This is an alternative for "Applying Running Total to a Result set"
by Bartlomiej Filipek
How to apply the strategy pattern to a problem while designing a class hierarchy. What are the pros and cons of this approach?
by Steffen Ploetz
How to provide modal UI application components without leaving the UI thread or pause/block it
by Alexandros Pappas
Display of a context menu when pressing the Apps key in a DevExpress GridControl
by DotNetSteve
Manage an overgrown appSettings section
by Philipp_Engelmann
Arabic-Roman number converter in Haskell (Part 1: Converting Arabic to Roman numbers)
by Philipp_Engelmann
Arabic-Roman Number Converter in Haskell (Part 2: Converting Roman to Arabic Numbers)
by Codescribler
Are you making these 10 domain driven design mistakes?
by Alaa Ben Fatma
Generate your arrays using a GUI tool
by Ahmad F Hassan
An easy way to view hierarchical data in a simple ASP .NET Repeater
by Hugo Carnicelli
During this article, we are going to explore what is currently necessary to run an ASP.NET 5 website on Ubuntu.
by Anurag Prajesh
How to add banner and slideshow in your website with adrotator
by Ameet Parse
ASP.Net Ajax AutoCompleteExtender without using Web Service
by ChienVH
In this article will show you how to work with ASP.Net and Paypal with Dynamic Ordering Values
by Fiyaz Hasan
This article shows you how to enable API versioning for ASP.NET Core Web API following three different techniques.
by Toan Manh Nguyen
In this article, you will learn about ASP.NET Core global model validation
by TheForceIsSharp
ASP.NET Core Web API, Multiple Get or Post methods with single controller
by Ruhollah Heidarpour
Just another ASP.NET Persian(Jalali/Shamsi/Solar) / Gregorian Datepicker
by virang_21
This article describes how to implement row drag and drop inside ASP.NET Gridview using Jquery TableDnD plugin and how to pass reordered sequence back to server
by Neohuman Software
How to: Using ASP.NET Identity using Azure Storage Tables
by Rajesh Jinaga
Change default action at individual controller level in ASP.NET MVC.
by Luis Manuel Prospero Mano Batista
ASP.NET MVC 5 SignalR, SqlDependency and EntityFramework 6
by Hugo Dominguez
This article shows you how to expose the AngularJS controllers in order that they can work harmoniously with MVC controllers, and they can be loaded dynamically only when they are requested.
by RajKGoel
This tip can be helpful in learning MVC quickly, without undertaking any service based architecture.
by Alex_1
Cool menu, MVC bootstrap menu HTML helper
by Oetawan
Extend ASP.NET MVC behavior to auto wire controller dependency
by Rohit Kukreti
Learn how to route variable URL patterns to fixed Controller/Action
by Riverama
Improve ASP.NET MVC based SPA application performance by using script Bundles with requireJS
by BalaG Ganesan
ASP.NET MVC4 - Bundling and Minification
by BenScharbach
Trick of using @Helpers in @Helpers in ASP.NET Razor
by Bryian Tan
How ASP.NET redirects web page with AJAX loading indicator image
by wb2you
Generic approach to adding summary totals to an ASP.NET Repeater control.
by Christopher John Paul
Prevent users from entering comma
by TheCoolCoder
Numbering for Multilevel ASP.Net Treeview using CSS Counters
by nasir_ml
ASP.NET textbox validation made easy.
by ChienVH
This article will guide you how to implement ASP.NET website with multi-language
by Olga Tabulov
DropDownList requires the binding object to have a property
by Alexnader Selishchev
Nocode open source CI+CD for ASP.NET apps
by Christophe Bertrand
A parser for AssemblyQualifiedName for .NET
by Marc Clifton
Instantiate the exception that you want in an assertion
by Haydn Chapman
A method to update a table column with a random set of specified values
by Pathak Ashwin
Asynchronous Web Service Call
by Arkadiusz Kaɫkus
Property is a simple idea, but like many others can be misused. This tip describes asymmetric property anti-pattern and shows why properties should be symmetric to be maintainable and intuitive.
by Tristan9
Better use async / await in web applications
by Super Lloyd
Show how to make OData code async friendly
by Kumar_Jitendra
The asynchronous controller enables you to write asynchronous action methods.
by John Pravin
Asynchronous Programming with Task Parallel Library.
by Assil
A light article about a new feature in C# 5 and .NET 4.5
by Amir Dashti
A simple but powerful class to simplify executing T-SQL commands asynchronously
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Struggling to attach a Client Side Event to AJAX HtmlEditorExtender? Apply the trick and enjoy.
by Pranay Rana
Attach JavaScript with auto-generated buttons of the GridView control.
by ahmet_uzun
Audio pitch shifter application using the CSCore library
by SatyLepide
By analyzing log-in attempts on SQL server, admins can build the complete picture out of the sequence of events that led to compliance failure or unauthorized access.
by mneu79
Generating automatic audit information with Castle ActiveRecord.
by PEtter Ekrann
How to do authentication through Azure with OAuth2. Clearing up some not so well documented thing in Azure
by mparvez
Generate auto backup for PostgreSQL
by veen_rp
This message will self destruct in 5 seconds...
by Bikash Prakash Dash
How to create an auto suggestion control like Gmail/Hotmail/Facebook to add items in list.
by Sreenivas Chinni
This is an article / tip that I am trying to giving an idea of creating a general auto complete helper for MVC 5 developers
by deepaktripathi
Using auto complete textbox in jQuery Tabs content via AJAX in an Microsoft MVC project.
by Vitaly Tomilov
Simplest and quickest way to automatically bind array of image bytes to asp:Image object.
by Eduardo Yost
Creating a Web User Control containing an AutoCompleteExtender for data through WCF (JSON) allowing to store the entity selected through EntityFramework. Entity object serialization from the server to the client and the client to the server.
by Srinivas Kalabarigi
A reference for auto-complete in ASP.NET
by saurabhsharmacs
Migration to AutoMapper 4.2.1
by Callum Linington (UK)
How to automatically add your AutoMapper profiles
by Maximus5
Creating new release and uploading release files in one click
by Ms. Mayuri Gandhi
This tip is about how you can automate your test cases to execute after every build or independently and share test result.
by DannyVarod
Fast, stable and powerful creation of NuGet packages
by Imre S Lengyel
Use ILSpy to perform a more comprehensive check on Emitted assembiles
by OriginalGriff
How to automatically copy release executables to a specific folder on a successful build
by Anand Gunasekaran
Scanner automatically scans multiple pages using BackgroundWorker Thread
by Pavel Torgashov
Simple and fast skew correction of scan docs in C#
by LucasB86
Translate your RESX files by using your own translation storage
by Emiliano El Mariachi
Here is a small library to help you have an automatic undo/redo feature without explicit dependency on Undo/Redo system.
by #realJSOP
A half-hearted approach to automatically versioning your projects
by ed welch
Automatically stepping over STL
by Lazaro Lima
This paper attempts to pass all the steps to create an automated backup for a MongoDB Server on a Linux Server where all backups are sent to Amazon AWS S3 service scheduled through crontab.
by Stuart Wheelwright
How to produce and publish a NuGet package using AppVeyor, the free continuous build service
by tc99
Immediate access to resources without clicking
by Deepak_Sharma_
This article will show how to create an auto-suggest TextBox that will suggest data from a SQL Server database column.
by Amin Esmaeily
In this tip, I will explain how to create a simple user control (AverageMeter) using WPF.
by Ordiales
If a Zip file has his origin in Linux or Mac. ZipArchive class can fail trying to return Entries Collection
by veen_rp
Big lists (>1,000,000 items) can cause out-of-memory errors raised by .NET. Manage them by a List of List(Of T)
by Jason Curl
Using System.IO.Stream default implementation of BeginRead() and BeginWrite() may result in unexpected deadlocks.
by Igor Pashchuk, MBA
This is an alternative for "C# Pivot Table"
by IInjac
Azure Mobile Services Managed Backend–fortumo Mobile Payment Integration
by ankit57100
Azure Notificationhub - Sending Push notification to mobile devices
by Clifford Nelson
You can implement BackgroundWorker using Lambdas without any sort of helper class very easily.
by Hernán Hegykozi
This tip will show how to perform a backup and restore database from an application in VB.NET 2010.
by CorvetteGuru
Backup Stored Procedures in SQL Server.
by Grigory Avdyushin
Short description how to create a sexy badge for windows 7 taskbar
by emerR46
Show an option when a selected bar chart is clicked in from screen.
by Dan Steuer
This article will help manage automatic database purges according to basic Document Management principles.
by NaibedyaKar
How to check the query locking the table and to unlock it
by Alaa Ben Fatma
Small tool to write, run batch codes
by Sean Rand
This is a guide for QA and Devs to use to make writing high quality BDDs.
by Zhuyun Dai
Your build will fail if you print 'Error:' in your custom Build Events of Visual Studio.
by honey the codewitch
A B-tree, an AVL tree, and a Splay tree in C#
by Robby Tendean
Simple implementation guide for log4net in a VB.NET web application.
by syncsivakumar
Behaviors and Triggers explained with samples.
by Roger65
A project to place a Dialog Box on the Taskbar
by arturomonriv
This short article just shows the evolution of my implementation of the Factory pattern in C#.
by tmenier
An introduction to Flurl, an open-source .NET library for fluently building URLs
by yash soman
The tip is about using Elvis operator which is introduced in C# 6.0 for Null Reference Checks. It gives an example of how to use it.
by Zebedee Mason
Or why not both? This shows how.
by Bhushan Mulmule
This is terribly unorganized document with mix of MVC, Entity Framework, LINQ, HTML 5 and JQuery how tos...
by Laurie Stearn
Dialogex with Listbox to manipulate long paths in Windows
by Bim Garcia
Implementation of ISO8583 in .NET
by wesamq
This article explains how you can identify any compatability issues for a legacy code written in VB, or any other language that produces TLB (Type Library) files for its interfaces.
by honey the codewitch
BinaryReader and BinaryWriter can be used to parse or write binary files more easily and in a portable manner
by saurav ray
Article determines how to bind a crystal report with a virtual database
by Arkadeep De
Bind an image slider without database in ASP.NET
by Vertical AIT
Automatically bind MVC HTML RenderPartial and Partial view pages to your model's child objects without having to use HTMLFieldPrefix.
by Clifford Nelson
This article presents a way to display a message in a single control with several sources in a priority order
by manchanx
Tidy, generic solution to bind Enums (with or without a DescriptionAttribute) to a ComboBox or other Controls
by Mehul M Thakkar
Bind a JavaScript function to multiple events using jQuery
by Volodymyr Trubachov
Describes the approach to bind a group of radio buttons to a single property, regardless of the property type (enum, bool, int, string).
by Amit_Mittal
An easy way to bind XAML with properties defined in code behind
by Prashant.Tiwari
Must required functions for any Image manipulation task.
by honey the codewitch
Easily shift bits in memory of arbitrary length, declare integer sizes programmatically, endian conversion, and more
by prachi_pandey
Map fields from multiple schemas to fields of a single output schema
by Mohit_Patel
Blank folder remover from selected path using recursion.
by aditya pewekar
Custom component to handle checkbox after confirmation modal popup
by aditya pewekar
Custom JQuery datepicker component using Blazor
by John Bhatt
How can I block some website permanently like ( and more social site on my employees computers
by RumataEstorish
Simple code for applying and disabling blur effect on any UIElement
by RobLazarus
This books is a tour de force and a must-have for any ASP.NET MVC developer as it will save you hours of time and frustration researching solutions to the various questions you may encounter when using MVC 4.
by Francisco T. Chavez
Bool to content converter
by Oleksandr Kulchytskyi
This tip explains how to increase performance in serialization by using MessagePack
by Norbert Schneider
How to develop using C++/Boost on the Mac using XCode
by Rapuru Amarendra
This tip presents an example of menu in responsive using bootstrap.
by Shashi_Singh
How to use option's in bootstrap modal plugin.
by Rapuru Amarendra
This tip presents an example of popups in responsive using bootstrap
by Muhammad Hassan Tariq
Bootstrap 3.0 Sticky Alerts using Angular JS service
by Rapuru Amarendra
This tip presents an example of datatable in responsive using bootstrap and dataTable.js
by Rapuru Amarendra
This tip presents an example of working with tabs in bootstrap
by Atish Dipongkor
Customize default login page with own branding for Form Based Authentication
by Sebastiaan Meijerink
Breeze pitfall. Understanding entityQuery function changing.
by _Noctis_
This will allow you to integrate your linqpad code easily to Visual Studio
by Klaus78
In this tip, we explain the basics of functional programming in Java 8.
by Gunnar S
Broadcast messaging in Angular with the observer design pattern and the rxjs npm package
by Thrivikram Hathwar
How to broadcast data using .NET TPL dataflow
by Plamen Dragiyski
Usage of the new animation technology and compatibility
by Matthias Böhnke
Bug Fixes for Reading Barcodes from an Image - III
by Michael Gledhill
How to fix an issue with a vertical gap appearing about UITableView, embedded in a UIViewController
by #realJSOP
Using common table expressions to build data from thin air.
by José Cintra
Do take off your applications with the Cloud Services
by Fitim Skenderi
Build where clause dynamically in Linq
by Aless Alessio
Use the OLE Automation Procedures to retrieve data from a Web Service and parse the JSON response into a table format
by JinWenQiang
Get started with your own SDN (Software Defined Network) simulation network
by Arpit Mandliya
Explains the Builder design pattern in detail with example.
by Jitendra Ballia
Building data access layer using enterprise library
by Kishor Deshpande
Reduces line of code by writing builder methods to construct integration test queries.
by Dan Maroff
A custom ListView class that uses reflection to sort columns based on the DisplayMemberBinding's bound data type
by Yahya Mohammed Ammouri
Fix the issue of Buttons disappearing from Ribbon Workbench Dynamic 365
by Kashif_Imran
A user control that provides fancy buttons for panning purposes in Silverlight
by abhinav_soni
Bypass disabled USB port
by OriginalGriff
StringBuilder is a very useful and memory efficient way to concatenate strings, but there is no obvious similar class for byte arrays. This class adds that, and provides a flexible binary data storage medium at the same time.
by c chee
Showing how to pass a Fortran function into C and using a compatible C-Struct as argument.
by BEmbedded
This article discusses 'C' code used to control a Newhaven OLED in 4-bit mode. It is a MBLABX project.
by Yuriy Magurdumov
Light yet functional CSV Parser with custom delimiters and qualifiers, yield returns records.
by Brady Kelly
C# 7 has the ability to declare a variable right at the point where it is passed as an out argument
by blitzkrieged
An alternative ProgressBar for C# with extra functionality
by MarcusCole6833
I recently posted an article on how to place the data in an XML into an SQL table with a bulk Insert; this is an alternative way to do it by breaking up the XML before placing it into the Table.
by Nemo1966
How to use named pipes with Async
by Sascha Lefèvre
C# doesn't allow for binary literals (e.g. int bits = 0b00010101). With the helper class presented here, you can do something like that, as close as possible.
by charles922
Program that continuously monitors the NXT via Bluetooth
by ehab_nour
Fast algorithm
by Thoits
A design pattern for C# that reuses a generic base class, modifying it using a traits class to allow changes that cannot be accomplished through overrides in an inherited class.
by Mehul Dhorda
This tip describes a class that allows you to run a command and get its output.
by Sameera Millavithanachchi
This is a custom mapper which can be used to map two objects instead of automapper
by Deepraj Thuraka
Tweaking of the Bouncy Castle library to make it work with SecP128r1 curve1251
by dietmar paul schoder
Read rows and cells from an xlsx-file: quick, dirty, effective.
by Rajasakthimaridasan
C# Inheritance Interview Point of View
by Fabrice Lacharme
Yet another Knob Control in C#
by Clifford Nelson
This tip provides examples of how to use the different arguments of the Linq GroupBy extension method.
by Beercolhol
This is a bug fix to "C# MP3 Compressor".
by Maddog Mike B
A message server using named pipes and the Async CTP library (async and await keywords)
by One Man Crew
A NotificationCenterManager object (or simply, notification center) provides a mechanism for broadcasting information within a program.
by caed
C# - Read Text File, Match a Word in First Line, Move File if Word Matches
by Gunnar S
Implementation of the Poisson Cumulative Distribution function for large Lambdas
by Amol B Lande
C# Print Reports/Document on server/local using shared/local printers
by emerR46
Simple and easy to use code in resizing all controls
by Ozesh Thapa
Choose your datasource and generate classes
by Darkencrow
A multi-drawer style collapsable UI container
by Amir Dashti
A simple but powerful class to simplify packet based networking and client/server programming asynchronously
by Sympletech
A simple utility to help convert strings into other types
by Szymon Roslowski
Just another approach to understanding communication between HID devices and C#.
by metastruct
When WebClient, HttpRequest, and all else fail, BITSadmin solves your download woes
by Virender Prajapati
Shutdown, restart, logoff, lock, sleep, hibernate windows using C# and WPF
by Peter Sun (247)
Master-detail view navigation using manageable data-driven and code-behind techniques
by Yannick Turbang
HTML WPF editor WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get).
by Sanjaykumar Patel
Speed up your computer by deleting temporary data
by John-ph
Resize an image and save in JPEG format using C#.
by Emiliarge
Comparison of 4 browser engines and controls + some tips for using them (in attached projects and in tip text). Short and clear.
by Emiliarge
How to get and parse website content.
by Mohamed.Faried
Simplifying Java events
by Daniel Petrovic
In this tip, I want to represent a quick lightweight possibility (one of many) for parsing command line arguments on the fly using C++17.
by Dan Quist
A lightweight synchronous event framework for C++
by cth027
A small utility class to ease C++ stream input with predefined and controlled format
by Ritesh_Singh
A function which returns date in different formats base on the input given
by gintack
C++ header file to plot data in the form of x, y, z arrays and list as potential lines and graphs
by saephoed
Helpers to declare and define multicast event sources and sinks in C++
by arussell
Unlock a file that is in use by another process
by Stanski Adam
C++11: C# like properties
by Fiyaz Hasan
This article shows you how to configure the ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC File action result to write file to response with cache headers.
by Michele Ziparo
An effective way to implement a caching system in Silverlight (MVVM) RIA
by Michele Ziparo
An effective way to implement a caching system in Silverlight (MVVM) RIA
by Sem.Shekhovtsov
Caching the entire 3.5 web forms page using modules.
by ergohack
Here is a trick to create a Visual Studio solution that simultaneously builds multiple platforms for targeted projects.
by trident99
CalcStar is an expandable, fast C++ function evaluator that gives the user the same computational power as a scientific calculator.
by Wendelius
This tip describes how to calculate an aggregate for dynamically defined columns using UNPIVOT clause.
by Jani Giannoudis
Calculation of business hours (including holidays) using the Time Period Library for .NET
by Prabu ram
C# code to find the business time between two dates and to get the next business day by adding specific duration in minutes
by Mahmoud Fathy Afify
Calculate difference between two dates in day, week, month, and year parts.
by Tyronne Thomas
Calculating hash values in Windows Metro style applications using C# and .NET 4.5.
by perspolis
Calculating all permutation in C# without using recursion
by perspolis
Calculating permutation in a non-recursive way
by Qwertie
A fast and simple algorithm.
by Houssem Dellai
Developing a Windows Phone app step by step
by Arjun Singh Faguda
How to call cross domain Webserver(asmx) service from jquery and bind the Json result with Jqgrid
by Vishal_Kumar
Call server side code using ASP.NET AJAX and jQuery AJAX
by UberGeoff
An all-in-one callback gridview
by Chaitanya Kolla
Adding the WS-Security Header to a request using the WCF bindings
by skprasadu
This tip shows how you can create stubs for webservices in Java using Maven
by Wael Al Wirr
Calling webservice at runtime
by SibeeshKV
Calling an ASMX webservice from other server using jquery and PHP
by Praveen Chandran
This tip describes how to call a webservice using JavaScript and also calling that webservice in a regular interval of time without doing a postback in the page.
by nehas1jan
How to capture images using web camera in ASP.NET 4.5.
by maftahur
Capturing web screen in different formats without any browser(PhantomJS)
by konamiman.MSX, Erich Ledesma
Problem detected while testing a parallel consumer had a very dark explanation and a very simple solution.
by Kashif_Imran
A simple Caret for WPF User Controls
by John Bonfardeci
Cascading Asynchronous Function Execution (CAFÉ) is a design pattern for easily managing the execution sequence of asynchronous requests and callbacks within a medium to large JavaScript framework.
by csanuragjain
Case converter which runs as a background service and can convert cases fro uppercase to lowercase or vice-versa.
by DaveyM69
How to prevent a CD/DVD drive from being opened.
by Steve Maier
To get this to work in .NET 4, you have to change the DLLImport signature.[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]private static extern IntPtr CreateFile( string lpFileName, uint dwDesiredAccess, int dwShareMode, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, ...
by _Flaviu
A class designed to connect to a database through ODBC and perform basic operations such as inserts, updates, and deletes
by Andre' Gardiner
Censoring any word from a given list (array) to filter your web content(s).
by Sitang Ruan
Implement a central jQuery verion control from code-behind.
by Andrej Kamikovski
How to copy files to central place set in configuration or setup directly with visual studio build task
by honey the codewitch
A small library for providing baseline Context-Free Grammar computations
by AgarwalPriyanka, ErGauravSharma
Challenges faced in data migration testing
by Philipp_Engelmann
A small tool I made to easily change the background image of the login screen.
by Binu MD
Change GUI control position with dialog re-size
by Yumashin Alex
This tip describes how to change DataGridView behavior concerning row resizing
by Binu MD
Change the default ICON of MFC applications
by Daniel Ziegelmiller
How to track changes in the ObservableCollection displayed in a WPF DataGrid
by Matthew Givens
How to change databases at run-time in a user-friendly manner.
by Kaushal Dhruw
Change that default apk name in generated->output directory of your Android application with a script gradle plugin.
by Purushotham Agaraharam
Dynamic changing of version number using SolutionInfo.cs through out the application.
by Tejashwi Kalp Taru
Ever wanted to change the Windows Aero color without restarting the DWM?
by honey the codewitch
Enumerate store and retrieve characters as sets of ranges using this efficient struct
by Trilok Arora
Introduction to Charts in .NET 4
by IssaharNoam
Simple and customizable Chat Conversation control, with DataTable datasource, inspired by SMS application balloons in OnePlus One Android smartphone.
by Nasser Malik
Check all checkboxes in GridView using jQuery.
by TarunSingla
Solution to check for balanced parentheses in a string where parentheses are defined as (, [ or { and their respective "closing" parentheses.
by Fabrizio Stellato
This code provides your application a - check for updates - feature
by Imran N
The following piece of code will calculate the last visited time of a Member/User and calulate the time difference with the current time.
by mohamedkamaleed
Network check v1.0
by Fenil Desai
Check which .NET Framework version is installed from command line
by Santhosh Kumar Jayaraman
Silverlight doesn't have a ListBox control with a checkbox. In this article, I describe how to achieve that functionality in Silverlight using MVVM.
by Agrawal Ashok
Checkboxes working like radio buttons.
by suhas.shiv
Custom CheckBoxList in ASP.NET MVC3
by TarikHuber
Easy library for checking VAT Numbers of European Companies. Only usable with an German VAT for non German VAT!!!
by Alfeu Lucas Guedes
How to handle Android physical back button events with Chocolatechip-UI and Cordova.
by SheSharp PlusPlus
This tip gives the introduction to Bookmark API of chrome and discusses how to create a chrome extension to save the URLs of all open tabs in a window with one click
by Cinchoo
Simple and easy to associate file types to an application
by Cinchoo
Consuming and storing complex user defined object as configuration member values
by Cinchoo
This article show how to consume Windows registry information using Cinchoo Configuration Manager.
by Cinchoo
Tips to convert complex nested JSON file to CSV format file
by Cinchoo
Quick tutorial about converting JSON to CSV file using Cinchoo ETL
by Cinchoo
Quick tutorial about converting JSON to YAML file using Cinchoo ETL
by Cinchoo
Easy way to sort large CSV files using Cinchoo ETL
by Mitesh k Prajapati
This is a WPf circular indeterminate progressbar and you can use this in your application for loading processes which are in an indeterminate state.
by jelo pasiolan
This class is useful for HTTP web request and gets the response from the server. If the response is JSON or XML, this class also contains a method to parse or deserialize the response.
by Rixterz123
How to get text to show perfectly clearly on Aero glass
by Johnny J.
How to work around a ClickOnce limitation
by adityasahver
In this tip, we will learn how to enable the Certificates in the Azure Web Sites
by Shawn Lawsure
A feature-rich, reusable client-side grid control written entirely in JavaScript
by sumit_kapadia
Create and Bind gridview at client side with Jquery Template and ajax in
by Anoop_Ravindran
Here is a small tip to perform a client-side paging without any scripting language
by markmnl
Method to clone an EntityObject without serilization or detaching it
by Jignesh G Trivedi
This tip will help you to understand CLR procedure.
by Raju_B
Code behind JavaScript
by MarkWardell
Use this method for setting path on a map given [current position, heading, and distance]
by Mirko Rezzin
Explain how to implement code generation and inheritance in a WCF service
by Homero Ibarra Ramírez
Tool on T-SQL to code basic generator for SQL Server
by Gerardo Recinto
A Tracer API, simply. :)
by honey the codewitch
A helper class that dramatically reduces the amount of code you need to write for the CodeDOM
by Nils Paluch
This tip demonstrates how to use the buildin SQLite stack of Entity Framework 7 on desktop and mobile applications.
by hack.iftekhar
IQKeyboardManager for iOS
by enhzflep
Distracted by ads? Miss forum names "The Lounge" and "Code Horrors"?
by Tecfield
Collapsible ListView
by Wu Yehao
A ColorSelector control used in GIS Applications, with a menu button for displaying
by rbrunton
Using Windows hooks to capture mouse action.
by OriginalGriff
How to colour the individual cells of a DataGridView according to their content. For example, negative values can be Red, positive values Green to show "Up"s and "Down"s more easily.
by Benktesh Sharma
How to combine multiple git commits into a single commit in GIT using Squash
by OriginalGriff
There is a problem with accessing Excel files via OleDb which contain more than 255 columns: they are truncated and need to be fetched using ranges. But what do you do with DataTables after that?
by jelo pasiolan
This article, along with real code, combining SqlConnection and SqlCommand in one Class
by Member 10771162
AngularJS: Communication between Controllers
by Chris Jorna
Communication Library Files - LMS5lib | Connection and structure
by Chris Jorna
Source code and demo on general TCP client & server library mainly usable for / tested on SICK lidar devices
by Chris Jorna
Communication library files - UDP broadcast
by Arthur Peka
A tutorial to compare .NET objects
by Mehul M Thakkar
Compare Validator is not working with latest jQuery lib while using with ViewModel in MVC
by Michael Sydney Balloni
The world is JSON-in, JSON-out, but perhaps we can do better in some situations with our old friend CSV
by Abhishek Sur
It is to be noted, .NET has lately introducedResponse.RedirectParmanent() after a long await. The main motive of this is tohave permanent response redirection to the Search Engines.Response.RedirectParmanent() is an extension function introduced in .NET 4.0.Themain motive of it is to indicate
by Abu Zafor Khairuzzaman
Comparison Chart for Two Different Time Frames in SSRS
by jerry_wangjh
In this article, we compared different HTTP libs in PHP, and how to use them
by Peter T. Ringering
A complete replacement to Microsoft's Date/Time Picker control.
by GerVenson
Why do we need to register all services with service.AddService?
by Karl Tarbet
Complex math library for C# and VB.NET
by Dominique Gilleman
How to handle (load/save) only a part of an aggregate domain model with composition
by KK Kod
How to compress JavaScript and CSS files in a web application to reduce page loading time, using GZIP.
by Jose Xavier
VB Function to Comput Easter Date
by David A. Gray
Calculating the day on which a reporting period that ends on a specific day of the week is not as easy as it looks.
by Chamila Nishantha
Adding report pages to create one report
by Ramanujam Shankar
Using COALESCE function - concatenate many rows into a single text string output in SQL Server.
by Daniel Miller
This tip describes the code to create a custom SQL Server aggregate function that concatenates multiple string values into a single delimited value.
by Simon Bridge
Save wear and tear on your keyboard: INotifyPropertyChanged with the fewest key-strokes.
by Rony Sur
Sometimes it is required to display the number of page views of blog posts, discussions, or other pages. This is how to do it.
by Eugene Sadovoi
Using ObservableCollection in a multi-threaded environment.
by Kamran Bilgrami
Effective way of debugging by taking advantage of some not well-so-known features of Visual Studio
by Richard Mneyan
Conditional Formatting in Excel without applying Conditional Formats with EPPlus and LINQ
by abhinav_soni
Renders JavaScript and CSS from server based on the user's system.
by Mehdi Gholam
Simple config manager for your applications
by David A. Gray
URL Encoded Text is URL Encoded Text, wherever you find it, even if it happens to be in and old school Windows INI file.
by Kishan Zunjare
Configure email providers like SMTP/GMail using Dependency Injection.
by Nilesh Khaire
Log4j trick to generate new log file every time you run the application
by Dileep Ashok
Configure One To One and One To Many Relationship in MVC and EntityFrameWork Code first, code migration approach
by Shivarajbk
This tip explains how to write RESTFUL WCF service for Android applications.
by Santhosh Kumar Jayaraman
How to configure a connection string at runtime for a Windows application using C#
by Patrick Wanjau
This article is important and essential for beginners and intermediate ASP.NET developers. It will help them set their development environment
by tomjoly45
How to connect an external stylesheet to XML.
by Anusheel Kamle
How to connect Visio 2007 to SQL Server 2008 R2 for reverse engineering
by anoopk01
This tip shows how to connect with MongoDB from a .NET application.
by Duncan Edwards Jones
How to trigger an Azure serverless function from an event grid custom topic
by Tyronne Thomas
Connecting to a C# socket with a timeout.
by Bhawesh Tiwari
SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager failed with error code 0xC0209303.
by Mahmoud_Gamal
Connection pool java without ConnectionContext
by Yassin Souabni
How to conserve ratio and serve optimal fluid images in responsive design
by Rahul Warhekar from Pune, MH
This post explains all the uses of const keyword
by Paulo Márcio
CRC32 using user-defined literal.
by Dominic Burford
Consuming / displaying an RSS feed on an ASP.NET web page
by Sourav Kayal
In this tip, we will learn to share data from service to controller in AngularJS
by Mishra Sourabh
Today in this article, we are going to learn how to consume webapi using angularjs.
by RalphZero
This is a simple example of an Ajax-Enabled WCF Service (hosted in IIS) that can be consumed by both client-side and server-side code.
by Rocky R. Fernandes
Accessing Json Data across different domain using JsonP to get arround Security warning
by Surya Kiran Bonugu
Client Web Application which consumes OAUTH enabled restful WCF service using JavaScript
by Abhishek Shrotriya
This tip gives the very basic/simple implementation to interact with SAP PI webservice for authorized recipients.
by Bikash Prakash Dash
Create Simple Context Menu in HTML
by Faisal(mfrony)
Understand why we need Contravariance in C#.
by Wendelius
How to prevent insert for record when maximum number of rows has been reached
by #realJSOP
How to fix this ANNOYING problem
by Mawy
To control the speed of scroll viewer component in Windows phone
by Robert Murrell
Given a 32 bit unsigned integer that is really an IEEE single precision floating point number and convert it using JavaScript
by Sibeesh Passion
Convert CellSet to HTML Table, and from HTML to Json, Array
by Sibeesh KV
Convert CellSet to HTML table
by Sean Du
How to convert DataTable to List of Object
by pramod.hegde
Converts DataTable to XML, XSD, or HTML using XSLT and C#
by Pranay Rana
Convert DateTime string to DateTime variable
by Patrick Harris
Class for converting decimals and fractions (allows rounding to a decimal also)
by bEGI23
Convert filesize (bytes) according to highest possible size scale (KB, MB, GB, TB, PB).
by Kannan Ar
A step by step guide to integrate AngleSharp HTML parser into MariGold.OpenXHTML
by Syed Hasan Hyder
Application converts HTML link into PDF file format
by Kuv Patel
Convert JSON to C# classes in Visual Studio
by Devraj Kapdi
Here is another way to convert JSON To DataTable with Newtonsoft.Json
by Sibeesh Passion
Convert Microsoft ADOMD Cell Set to JSON
by jowettp
How to use the programmatic interface of LibreOffice (called the UNO API) to load, manipulate and save documents
by Sankar Subramanian
How to convert number to word, number to eqviualent word, change number to word , how to convert number to text
by Normz Antonino
This tip shows you how to convert numbers to words neatly.
by Saurav J
Convert table from outlook email body into datatable or list using .NET C# EWS Managed API and HtmlAgilitypack
by NightWizzard
Handling for hex expressions and the trailing '}'
by RickZeeland
This console application converts an SQL Server database to PostgreSQL.
by kingddd
Introducing a new tool to transform trx (mstest results file) into HTML report
by Shibasis Sengupta
This tip describes how to convert your personal laptop into a webserver available on world wide web
by Qwertie
A trick you can do with enhanced C#
by veen_rp
Geographic coordinates from decimal degree to degrees, minutes & seconds. And vice versa.
by Shru37
Modified code from another article to consider field repetitions while converting HL7 message to XML
by jansok
A tip on converting multiple image files (BMP, PNG, GIF, JPEG, TIFF) to single or multiple PDF
by Rajesh Kuramdasu
This article describes about converting an XML string to a HTML table.
by RemcoReitsma
Load an XML document and convert it to a dynamic object
by Pandey Vinay
Cookieless session in ASP.NET
by bobishkindaguy
Thread safe control displays status with icon according to type of message. Tutorial on sending messages around your application using delegates.
by Ashkan.hosseini
Stored procedure that generates insert stored procedure for tables
by Midi_Mick
A set of helper functions to cope with DBNull results from database queries
by Steffen Ploetz
How to use GL's pixel buffer object (PBO) to copy one texture to another
by Timothy Gutzke
Copy members between Active Directory groups
by Maciej Los
This is an alternative for "Copy Rows Within Excel Sheets via VBA"
by Thava Rajan
Copy and insert data at any postion in your datagridview
by Bryan Lyman
A method for duplicating a web page (including all scripts and styles) to run as if it originated from your own server, then modify server-side and client-side functionality afterwards.
by Anurag Gandhi
A Query to copy an individual table data between databases
by Leo Gan
A Target for MSBuild, which I use with BizTalk Deployment Framework (BTDF) for the BizTalk Server application deployment.
by Matt Perdeck
Sometimes we need to share JavaScript, CSS or images files amongst several web applications. This post shows how to do this using Visual Studio's linked files feature, combined with a simple MSBuild target to ensure the shared content files can be found by the browser.
by #realJSOP
Sharing files between multiple web apps in a single solution.
by Gábor Angyal
A walkthrough of statically typing Vuex with TypeScript
by Zebedee Mason
What is the average number of lines of code in your projects files? Yes, but which average?
by Faisal(mfrony)
Understand the use of covariance in .NET 4.0
by Tyronne Thomas
CPU usage with C#.
by Robert Vandenberg Huang
HTTP multipart streaming can do many things.
by Mubin M. Shaikh
Create time dimension with 24 hour plus values and time buckets in your data warehouse
by Prakash Lekhak
Create a Class-Collection of another Class, Extend a class like a List
by Nadun Liyanage
This tip describes creating a user control to display a drop down calculator that pops out like the DateTimePicker in Visual Studio
by Kirankumar Chauhan
Global Resorce File Creation in json Format using ASP.NET
by Thomas Daniels
A tip about how to create a local server in C#.
by Andy Feng
Create a simple and flexible HTTPS server using JDK to process GET/POST requests
by Morgan Estes
This is an alternative for "How to Create a jQuery UI-powered Web Page that Requires No Hosting"
by Luhuiya
Create a WCF service using wsHttpBinding and use in a Windows Forms application.
by Jean Paul V.A
In this article, we will experiment with creating a Workflow using SharePoint Designer 2010.
by stevenong_2006
This project is intended for one to create an automated build environment to build the Boost libraries set to be used with VC++ in Visual Studio 2013.
by Vipin_Arora
Create an Oracle Data Source Name programmatically.
by saurabh sri
Basic steps to create ASP.NET WebApi services.
by Er. Mayank Kothari
Generate barcode image in web application
by grandtree
Create a calendar by inputting month
by Praveen_Kumar Gupta
Clone Existing DB Schema to New Schema by plpgsql in PostgreSQL
by Gold$Coin
This tip will help you to create a collection from a DataSet
by Member 4332221
Create count down timer using ASP.NET Timer Control and Ajax
by mitchellguzman
Create your common Insert, Delete, Update and Select stored procedures on a single table
by Yaseer Arafat
Using Extension Method and JSON Serializer
by Paulo Zemek
Avoid generating strings as templates. Avoid the complicated FrameworkElementFactory. Create templates that use a delegate to create new instances, so you can use normal code to do the job.
by senthill
This article describes how to create deployment package for sharepoint 2013 project using using visual studio
by Alexandros Pappas
This tool reads the descriptions of the columns of the SQL server and creates a Word document using SoftArtisans' WordWriter.
by Khumesh Kumawat
This blog post will show you how to add and dynamically create ASP.NET server controls and place the controls into an HTML DIV server tag.
by Noble KC
Floating/Sliding Menu or Panel in C#.NET
by Uros Calakovic
Create Groovy classes at run-time and use them from Groovy or Java
by markkang
This tip describes how to generate insert SQL statement from the records in an existing table in SQL server database
by Aadhar Joshi
Creating job in sql server which automates taking backup of all stored procedures and functions in physical drive.
by Fahmi Noor Fiqri
Create PDF from Image files using VB.NET and PDFSharp library.
by Ly Nguyen - LN
How to export HTML to PDF with Bookmart and TOC using iTextSharp-LGPL.4.1.6
by pramod.hegde
Convert *.potx file to *.pptx file.
by Yaseer Mumtaz
This tip contains securing Web or App config sections in C# with code snippets.
by User 8388951
In this tip, we are going to create an activity that can send an e-mail message to a target user.
by Florin Pănescu
This library is for creating shortcut .lnk & .url
by senthill
This tip describes how to create a slider webpart in SharePoint 2013 without writing any custom code.
by Vipin_Arora
Create the SQL Data Source name Programmatically
by WuffProjects
This tip provides you with a solution to get the friendly name of any Type without namespaces.
by Saranya Mahesh
Upload PDF, save file name to database, save pdf to a folder, create a thumbnail image of pdf and save it to a folder, and also save the image to database
by Jean Paul V.A
Creating a Workflow with SharePoint Designer 2010.
by Rogai Lorenzo
How to create a web panel for your application.
by Sunil_Pawar
Learn how quickly you can Create, Run, Debug and Deploy SQL CLR function using integrated features of Visual Studio 2013.
by how_fun
Create PDF from CRM 2013/2015 online/on-prem with Jscript / plugin. All in the solution file, no custom page or Silverlight.
by SuperFun21
A general function using MFC that runs a command using CreateProcess(), waits for it to terminate, and returns its ExitCode.
by Dolinka Márk Gergely
Creating a Custom Migration Operation in Entity Framework
by Zoltan Aszalos
How to create a disableable dropdown list control in ASP.NET MVC3.
by TechKidd
This trick is on a intermediate/advanced level.
by RickZeeland
Using the free Greenfish Icon Editor to create a big glossy icon for use with Windows
by Sujith Karivelil
Creating a link in the left pane of the file Explorer - like OneDrive or DropBox
by Ravindra T C
How to build a MVC4 Mobile application.
by Simon_Whale
Highlighting a row with a mouseover event of the DataGridView in Winforms.
by OriginalGriff
A simple "scratch card" like control for Winforms, where the user can reveal the image by "scratching off" a cover
by honey the codewitch
This tip shows how to create a dynamic JavaScript-like "object" to be used in web pages and T4 templates.
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Create a SplitView / Master Details screen in JQuery Mobile
by Sumanyu Soniwal
An based Tagging System.
by Gregory Morse
Deriving VirtualizingPanel and OrientedVirtualizingPanel is not possible in WinRT but using some calculation strategies, an efficient emulation is possible
by Melih Mucuk
Creating a WCF Service with JSON data for use on iOS
by tSlappy
Creating an installer for Windows (Desktop) application in Visual Studio and Inno Setup
by Azim Zahir
This tip explains how you can create animated gradients in a Windows store app using DispatcherTimer.
by Pooja Baraskar
This tip will help you to get a basic understanding of Virtual Machines on Azure and guide you about how to create and run a Virtual Machine on Azure.
by D Sarthi Maheshwari
A suggested solution to create serializable Partition based ConcurrentDictionary (reducing chances of OOM errors, reduced memory consumption and adding capability to hold bigger KVP set in Dictionary).
by Philipp Sch
How to use an IStream-Interface with FFmpeg
by Clifford Nelson
A way to create a custom derived control with the XAML file attached like a UserControl
by Vaibhav M Nalwad
How to create dynamic instances using custom attributes with constructor values
by Apurba pan
Creating dynamic object from XML using ExpandoObject and put Intellisense using C#
by Carlos Conceição
This article how you can use TextToCalcExpression to generate Linq Expressions in runtime
by Farzan Hajian
This tip describes how to create and delete Linux swap files using a Python script
by Antonio Ripa
Need some mock data to test your app? MockData is a free library
by Arif Habib Shadan -
Accessing resources and creating and updating the resources in the Azure resource groups
by Israel Gebreselassie
This tip/trick shows you how to edit the web.config file dynamically .
by D Sarthi Maheshwari
A suggested solution to create Partition based Dictionary (reducing chances of OOM errors and adding capability to hold bigger KVP set in Dictionary).
by HUONG Minh-Luong
How to use PresentationMapper to generate presentation objects
by Asif_89
Giving multiple page effects using the Multiview container control of ASP.NET.
by Zain Ul Abidin
How to create a Wifi HotSpot with the help of CMD and C#
by Datalogics Inc.
Options to turn Java code into executables that can be used from a programming language
by Arkadiusz@inquiry
CRichEditCtrl does not take the return
by Kashif_Imran
This tip shows how to crop images at the center with desired width and height in .NET (ASP.NET, Windows Forms, WPF, etc.)
by Dominic Burford
Cross-platform mobile development vs native development
by asiwel
Construct a confusion matrix or crosstab for binary or multi-level classifier training or validation data in C#
by Jean Carlo S. Passos
CRUD over Association Entity that maps to association tables
by VijayRana
CRUD Operation in MVC with MongoDB
by Muddassir Mohammed
Create a CRUD screen using ASP.NET MVC, dapper and jTable in 10 minutes
by CafedeJamaica
Cryptography Class for Certificates
by honey the codewitch
Easily reuse source from entire projects at the source level instead of the binary level
by Tomaž Štih
Simple trick to implement csharpish properties in modern C++
by honey the codewitch
Easily create single source file drop-ins from multiple C# source files
by Mehul M Thakkar
Dynamic version number in query string of file reference in link tag for CSS
by Ilija Poznić
Adding class selector to WPF
by Alok Gupta From Bangalore
This article is targeted to people who are involved in designing of web based applications and want to give rich look and feel of web based application in all browsers using CSS3.
by W. García
Turn Microsoft Office applications into a masterpiece for cleansing, reshaping, managing and analyzing data from CSV files. No more intermediary spreadsheets, no more headaches due to DLL updates that make your implementations stop working, the pure VBA solution is here.
by Nirav Prabtani
CTE Query for optimizing complexity of query in sql server
by _Flaviu
A memory CTreeCtrl like object, but resident in memory only
by Prakash Lekhak
Dynamic SQL to get the list Table names
by Sums Mohs Eds
A brief discussion of when to use cursors and when to use sets.
by shash kant
How to develop a custom App Chooser to show SMS and Whatsapp in Chooser dialog
by Alex Culea
Shows how to create a window that behaves like a context menu
by Fayaz7Wonders
Custom control to check v-id or email ID in a domain.
by Gaurav Raosaheb Raut
Custom CSV formatter in ASP.NET Web API
by Gautham Prabhu K
Perform custom disk clean up when hard disk free space goes low
by RajuBhupathi
Custom dynamic behavior using DynamicObject
by Rapuru Amarendra
This tip explains how to create custom helpers in ASP.NET MVC4 step by step clearly. It will be very helpful for those who want to learn ASP.NET MVC as beginners.
by Mack Ait-Aoudia
Add an HTML helper and make it available to your entire application
by Ajeet 75
Demo to show how to use HubName and HubMethodName attributes in SignalR
by valeriyabobko
A simple example of using custom tile server for Android maps using OSM (Open Street Map) library
by Surendra Adhikari SA
Implimenting a message box that closes automatically using thread.
by Shailendra Singh Deol
Create Custom Message Box in WPF XAML
by Anushan Tennakoon
In this article I am going to explain an approach of implementing custom pagination for an ASP.NET MVC application.
by Aliaa Ezzat
Custom paging control for repeaters
by HardikPatel.SE
Paging using AJAX
by HardikPatel.SE
Paging and Sorting with AJAX
by Chamila Nishantha
This tip describes how to create your own printing functionality rather than using built in print functionality on Microsoft Report Viewer.
by Ashish Suman
In this tip, we will try to understand why, when and how we should implement Custom Routes.
by tumbledDown2earth
Using dynamic or ExpandoObject is a breeze to dynamic data WebAPIs, but when serializing to XML, it can cause a brain damage sometimes :)
by Acharya Raja Sekhar
This tool helps a lot while capturing more number of snapshots. Example: Developers can use this tool to capture the UTR and save all snaps at the end to a Word document or save as individual images.
by Kishor Deshpande
Methods which facilitate the conversion from string to value type
by Daniel Lo Nigro
Custom strongly typed HtmlHelpers in ASP.NET MVC
by Opata Chibueze
This tip demonstrates how to wrap text in WPF - similar to using &shy or <wbr. in html
by David Fine
Using Attached DependencyProperty to prevent closing of Popup embedded in ToggleButton
by paul1167
A Skeleton of a Single File Generator: Create, Register, Apply
by sri senthil kumar
Custom Treeview control useful when multilevel hierarchical data need to be displayed and setting default can go at any level and providing access to each level then this can be the right choice.
by RickZeeland
Creating a custom ListBox by overriding the PrepareContainerForItemOverride() method of the ListBox with a custom routine.
by Mohsen Afshin
A custom FolderBrowserDialog with Non Special Root Folder
by rakeshcodeproj
Show the Awareness/Notification Modal dialog based on the cookie and display the content from a list with a single java script file
by Ahmed Alaa El-Din
I customized StickyGridHeaders to work on any data and group by any data.
by Hicham El Horri
Customized ToolTip [for WinForms]
by jnegron215
This tip will describe how to add a new Panel type to a customized version of the bootstrap framework.
by Ramesh_Joshi
This tip shows how to customize PDF created with the jQuery DataTables plug-in.
by VaibhavTiparadi
Quick and easy way of customizing the WIX Installer
CyberGod KSGMPRH is an open source antivirus which is designed to work under Windows operating system. It comes with a DOS Engine helping developers to customize the anti-virus engine as they please.
by Akmishra0719
Daily reminder using SQL Agent and SignalR
by Vijaykumar Vadnal
We will discuss about how we can combine Dapper.NET and DapperExtensions to configure DAL to execute normal queries as well as Stored Procedures.
by Gihan Liyanage
Simple Dapper.NET Example with MVC
by Daniel Santillanes
Using ServiceStack's ORMLite framework as part of your MVC project's database access
by Bart Ducal
Universal data change tracking solution for auditing SQL Server databases
by Raja.Krishnasamy
Data Driven Testing in MSTest by using Excel as data source and Named Region as table name instead of sheet name
by Monotosh Roy Mon
XML Serialization & Deserialization for converting our object to XML and XML to Object
by GJI
Small class to easily pivot data in a simple data table.
by Bertin
It is often important to have general guidelines when putting together a Data Analysts Team.
by Henka.Programmer
WPF Control allows to create complex data table with cell merging, columns merging, complex columns and rows merging
by Yugal Pandya
Database driven N-Level Dynamic Menu Control using C#.NET and SQL Server with stylesheet CSS
by Muhammad Ahmed Azam
"Database Driven Dynamic Menu Control"
by databaseobjectmodel
A Sample ORM project
by Nilesh Patil Miraj
Binding a database table to a GridView and exporting the GridView data to an Excel text file. An Excel file is used to store information.
by Alejandro Garcia
Databinding enumerators to DataBound controls.
by mohammad amiri
this tip discuss about showing datagridview data to crystal report using c#
by Jaume González
How to convert any datareader into generic list.
by Robby Tendean
ExcelLibrary implementation sample to convert DataSet to Excel file in VB.NET
by Robert Hutch
Hi,another alternative is this Excel C# / VB.NET component that has limited free version that can be used in commercial applications and unlimited professional version.Here is an Excel VB.NET code how to export DataSet to Excel:Dim ef = New ExcelFile()For Each dataTable As...
by Igor Krupitsky
This article shows how to get ADO.NET DataTable out of Excel
by Alexandros Pappas
This project measures performance of the DataTable.Merge method.
by svijay_kumar
Data table with images to Excel using Open XML SDK
by Chinh Vo Wili
This is simple creating datepicker directive using AngularJs and Bootstrap
by Amol M Vaidya
A simple Data Connection Library to avoid rewriting code when the DB changes
by Adriaan Booysen
This is the DbEnum that is used with the EntityFrameworkCore Seeding article
by Sonali Agarwal
There are different types of Database Management System models used for organizing the logical data. Relational model is most popular and widely used model in DBMS.
by Patrice Dargenton
Database Administrators need to compare database structures. DBReport shows only (and all) significant information that makes sense for daily administrator work.
by Tawani Anyangwe
A dead simple HTML Sanitizer (and HTML Parser) you can use to clean user HTML input.
by Gabriel Larco
Debug PHP applications under IIS Express
by Vivek Goyal
Debugging Java JNI and C++ code in COM based application
by Yochai Timmer
Debugging C++ projects in release. Finding the lost object information
by Arpit Mandliya
It explains decorator design pattern in detail with example.
by Ivan Perevernykhata
A bit of street magic with JavaScript closures and jquery callbacks
by Hassan Alrehamy
JSON Deserialization in depth concept and Dictionary mapping. Special Thanks to Dr. Coral Walker
by aadharshkannan
This gives you a modified version of Seadragon to run in Windows 8 Metro UI.
by Firnas
A way to define display names for class members in BE class that can be used as table headers.
by Andrey Kornich
Ever wondered how you could change/maintain common assembly properties for every project in a Visual Studio 2017 solution based on .NET Core 2.0 in one place?
by Purbasha Ghosh
Leverage lazy loading with Unity DI framework
by david pretham
Windows Native API application
by Alexey Shtykov
To write a perfect and fast make files
by Sunny Makode
There are several contents available on the internet that talk about injecting dependencies through .svc file's markup [in WCF service application] and it's easy when you have a WCF service application. But, it is equally easy to do that even in your WCF Library project (without .svc).
by Jean Paul V.A
Deploying a Workflow as a WSP file.
by Darek Danielewski
This article demonstrates how to safely dequeue items from a shared table
by OriginalGriff
Abstract base classes are a very good idea - but when that base class is a UserControl, Visual studio gets very unfriendly. It is possible, and it's not difficult: you just have to know how to do it.
by Parthasarathy Srinivasan
Mutliple observables / subjects with multiple observers in C++
by Prakash Tripathi
This tip talks about the queries developers get when using design patterns in software development.
by Umesh Khandelwal
Design the WCF service without implementing interface
by Vinoth Kumar J
Designer debugging in WinRT
by Pusparag Subudhi
When working with Rest clients, there are numerous steps involved in passing Headers, Parameters, Deserialization of response, etc. These codes get repeated several times if a proper design is not created around the Rest client.
by Sam@112
Real-time push notifications for network connected distributed system
by Venkat Chaitanya Kanumukula
Tableau is one of the powerful reporting tool which is on the market for over a decade. Here's a quick tour in designing BI reports with Tableau using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3/ Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.
by jack dson
Let's play around a little with color transition effects and find out the nitty-gritty of designing gradient backgrounds with CSS3.
by Afazal MD 3104209
VC 4 Display Mode. Different view selected based on Desktop or Mobile browser request
by Ivan0001
You have too many icons on your desktop? Well, this will solve your problem. With this program, you can organize your desktop, create categories and add programs/documents to category.
by Evgeny Pereguda
Simple article about using of Desktop Duplication API for capture desktop screen WITH image of cursor
by JRCoderMan
Detects a double-click via an initial and subsequent OnMouseDown event
by Mahdi Nejadsahebi
With this algorithm, we can detect amount and knoll of an arc
by Mahdi Nejadsahebi
Detect knoll of an arc.
by WaqaarRasool
Heartbeat Implementation in WCF Service in C#
by Dennis Baberich
A simple check list on what to look out for when developing a website
by Salar Hafezi
Through this tip, we develop a Java class named TimeUtil to extend Java's built in Date class so we can work with local times in our application.
by Muhammad Muddasar Yamin
This tip is about the development Leap Motion integrated Windows 8.1 metro apps using C#
by Leri Buiglishvili
Little and programmer-friendly library for device recognition for mvc 4 web apps.
by CorvetteGuru
A few fun Dictionary utiltities.
by Snesh Prajapati
Difference between attr() and val() in jQuery
by jsd24
The difference between CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY of SQL XML
by Rapuru Amarendra
This tip presents the main difference between int.Parse(), Convert.ToInt32() and int.TryParse().
by AjithKp560_
Java Implementation of Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm
by Sanjay H Modi
Sign data using private key from a certificate
by RickZeeland
Console app to scan a VS directory and create a simplified directory tree
by Vinod Viswanath
Are you annoyed of the "Restart now" message in Windows? Here is a solution for that.
by AnthonyMG
WPF ComboBoxItem disabling
by Roberto Carlos Beyra
Disk Space Alert for Server Backup with email-notification
by Daniel Ben-Sefer
Album Example - 5.68 MBIntroductionI often have the need to show pictures with captions as seen above.My objective is to be able to do so dynamically, so that all I need to do is to create a folder on my PC whose name equals the title of the page ("Sample Pictures" in the image...
by Azim Zahir
This tip demonstrates using the Select command to display a bar chart.
by peymanabolghasemi
by peyman abolghasemi , Display DB info
by José Cintra
Tips for creating mathematical cross-platform applications in JavaScript and display formulas and other content with MathJax and JQuery Mobile.
by Jose Segarra
Graphically display objects and their relationships
by Bohdan Stupak
How to perform distributed lock between multiple instances of a microservice with Redlock.Net
by Andrew Admire
Create a distributed P2P TMTO Hash database
by Jose A Pascoa
Part 1 - Using DMath from C#
by Tyronne Thomas
DNS resolving and parsing IP address in Metro Style applications (WinRT).
by Jaume González
Dock height of DOM elements by extending JQuery objects
by Chamila Nishantha
Following article describes how to add a gridview and a horizontal scrollbar without depending on the screen resolution
by Jean Paul V.A
In this article we can explore the underlying aspects involved in enabling the New Document feature in a Document Library.
by #realJSOP
Yes, you CAN document your stored procs in C# code.
by Michael Breeden
Using JSON to simplify, solve and enhance SQL Database issues
by cynthia_dunlop
Service virtualization undeniably benefits the development process, but it can be both a blessing & a curse for developers. Learn how to minimize the burden on development to achieve maximum acceleration of delivery cycles.
by Dave Clemmer
Using to develop some unit tests, using Fact and Theory form of testing, including happy path tests and tests expected to throw exceptions
by andyharman
Temporarily freeze time by injecting a thread-safe time bubble into your C# code.
by Azadeh Kianpour
Jalali (Persian) calendar for Dojo.
by Thang Believe
Using Excel to generate random domain names
by Simon_Whale
Two ways to double buffer a DataGridView
by Arjun Singh Faguda
Download any file from website through console application in C#.
by Nipesh Shah
Issue in downloading file from
by Sujith Karivelil
This article Describes Connectivity to Gmail using IMAP, and also guide you to download and save mail content along with attachment.
by Erika Chinchio
In this article I will explain how to automate the process of downloading files with the open/save dialog box, protected by authentication.
by Rohit Kejriwal
Downloading Files from SharePoint Server to Network Drive
by Kumar Naveen
Getting current logged user Images who logged from ASP.NET application
by Muhammad Rashed Otahbashi
How to implement Drag and drop files and Images feature in ASP.NET MVC App
by Jibesh
Simple Drag and Drop functionality in a dialog.
by asutreja
Dragging List items within DevExpress MVC FormLayout control to re-arrange/order by end users
by Amin Esmaeily
This tip is about how to make our WPF controls moveable at runtime
by Vincenzo Barone
This tip shows how to make a multiple controls drag effect in winform.
by Clifford Nelson
This is a simple popup that includes drag capability. The code should be helpful to anyone looking to create a control drag capability.
by Dave M. (Member 10734106)
Reusable draggable JavaScript panel with dynamic content
by Ankush Bansal
Trick to draw a border of any color and width around any winform control
by Silvia Campo
X axis grows to the right, but Y axis grows to the bottom... not the top
by Biruk Abebe
How to completely take control of drawing a custom application window including the captionbar, menubar, toolbar, borders and statusbar in MFC Single document interface (SDI) applications using the MfcSkinSDI class.
by Arnault Bonafos
ScrollBars improvement
by Pinakpani Dey
Microsoft’s Model-View-Controller with Razor View Engine and JQuery make drill-down hierarchal data very easy to develop for web application.
by Matthew Taylor
How to remove Microsoft SQL Server triggers associated with a custom schema.
by Jaume González
To inherit an Entity Framework class, to extend it, bind to data and unmap it from DBContext.
by Akshya Dash
Ths jquery plugin helps to store the values that are being changed in the DOM input elements of a webpage for future reference and restoration.
by Sunil_Sebastian
Duplicate Notifier for a List using ObservableCollection.
by David Lee 145
How to make dynamic DTO with ExpandoObject
by Florian Braun
This is another approach to dynamic compilation of objects and their usage via Interfaces.
by vinNET
Enabling the dynamic compression. How to configure the same in IIS6 & IIS 7
by Chris Maunder
For IIS7.5, an alternate method to enable compression is to run the following commands in a terminal:To enable compression for both dynamic and static content:C:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv\Appcmd.exe set config -section:urlCompression -doStaticCompression:true -doDynamicCompression:true...
by Member 10872251
Cascading DropDownList in ASP.NET MVC
by Krishnendu Ghosh
Dynamic Generation of Client Proxy at Runtime in WCF using a Single Factory
by AndyLock
Dynamic, one class fits all factory with no need for specific implementations.
by Fernando Callejon
Did you ever dreamed about compiling a string like "x => x.Property.Array[3].Property" and actually get a value from it?
by philong89it
Dynamic list in LWUIT
by Bob Crowley
How to use a CASE statement in ORDER BY to avoid dynamic SQL
by RahulAJoshi
Dynamic paging in grids
by Chetan Naithani
Transforming dynamic row-level data into columns
by Moheeb U.
Here, I have tried to figure out some basic concept about dynamic query.
by Thomas Corey
Dynamically sort query results using LINQ expressions and reflection with sorting and paging using VB.NET.
by Thomas Corey
Dynamically sort query results using LINQ expressions and reflection with sorting and paging.
by ss9o9o9o
Transferring backup files from a remote SQL Server and Dynamic SQL Connection with Restore utility.
by Yesy
dynamic WPF theme by zip
by Clifford Nelson
This article presents a way to display totally dynamic data in a windows grid using a dictionary.
by Sebastian Sosna
A simple program which lets you browse containers of your Active Directory
by BIUser_2011
Configure Excel dynamically in foreach loop container
by Dipankar Hazari
How to populate a dynamically created menu bar from the database according to user credentials using C# .NET and ASP.NET.
by Randy Kroeger
Created a POC that dynamically builds a predicate using Expression and Reflection.
by Narendra Singh Rathore
Here, we are getting all/filtered images from our directory to our .aspx page
by CharlieFoolsTheComputer
Constraining a form/dialog to a single monitor
by Kinyanjui Kamau
I have written this tip to help developers automatically set Crystal Report parameters from variables in code (WinForms) at report run time.
by Orjan Westin
Simplifying the use of dynamically sized C structs
by Er. Rahul Jain
This tip explains how we can modify SharePoint App package properties like Remote end points, app clientId, and Custom action URL, etc.
by B. Clay Shannon
Call a RESTful method from Android without breaking, or in any wise damaging, a sweat
by honey the codewitch
This tip demonstrates how to create an app that only allows one instance to run at a time
by #realJSOP
When you have a customized DbContext constructor.
by Johnny L Washington
Capture data changes in history table
by DerekT-P
Use .NET function to evaluate your custom formulae
by Robert Bettinelli
Easy JSON Recursion in VB.NET with nested levels
by ravgill66
Use LINQ to XML to split an XML file into a number of smaller files
by metastruct
SFTP Files using PLINK as a process in C#
by Viktor Kovács
Parallel foreach loop implementation for nested loops
by Prince Tegaton
This entails how to easily add mobile website feature to your ASP.NET website/app
by Ahmed Elkafrawy
An easy way to simulate keyboard press & release keys to another application
by Max Vagner
Converting mainframe EBCDIC to ASCII format
by SoundersFan
How to edit templates in VS XAML without the bloat
by SymfonyDriven
Editing tree structures is a common problem in web development
by cjb110
How to configure columns of abstract entities.
by saadishahin
A quick psedu-code for EF Core that's equivalent to modelBuilder.Configurations.AddFromAssembly in entity framework
by Amin Esmaeily
This trick is about how to effectively reduce reserved memory by process.
by Youqi Ma
Using a controller to manage dynamic control form events and creation.
by honey the codewitch
A relatively safe, simple, yet high performance technique for using lists as dictionary keys.
by Daan Acohen
Easily interact with OpenAI’s API in .NET applications using the ConnectingApps.Refit.OpenAI NuGet package for streamlined, resilient, and loggable calls.
by Mircea Sirghi
The article exposes some useful functions for making Eggplant easier.
by lessthanoptimal
With the release of v0.24, EJML is now under Apache 2.0 license and supports fixed sized matrices.
by Miller Nguyen
This article will show you how to implement a complete solution of electronic signature by using HTML5 canvas in ASP.NET (VB).
by Muhammad Muddasar Yamin
The article is about launching elevated processes through command line
by Kishan Zunjare
Configure different email provider sources using the Provider design pattern
by MustafaIqbal
This Article is written for those who need help for sending simple email or also Verificetion type Email..
by Dhyanga
Emailing the list of checked rows emails list from the gridview rows on a single button click
by Emiliarge
Simple WebBrowser (IE) class in Pure C++
by Robin Rodricks
Learn how to integrate the CefSharp open-source web browser into a C# WinForms app
by CatchExAs
Emulate Human Mouse Input with Bezier Curves and Gaussian Distributions
by Mauricio Orejuela Bohorquez
Emulating HTML Text boxes Value attribute in VB.NET text boxes
by Haftmann, Henrik
12 years too late but now it works: A replacement driver for giveio and dlportio for 64-bit Windows
by Massimiliano Peluso "WeDev Limited"
Enable/Disable control on a web page using MVC Razor view engine and Extension Methods.
by skprasadu
In this article I have demonstrated using a simple Java Keystore to achieve 2 way handshake.
by mhano
The class allows you to encode / decode 4, 9 or 17 bit (for example, 1 through 31 bit unsigned int supported) integers to and from a byte[].
by Lama Barri
A library for packing / unpacking 7bit user data for SMS according to the GSM 03.38 standards.
by kennysun
encrypt all stored procedures in SQL server with powershell
by Srinivas Kalabarigi
Encrypt data before sending via QueryString and decrypt upon reception in the target page.
by atul123321
How to Encrypt And Decrypt a field without writing any frontent code .
by Mateen Khan
If you want to know how to encrypt data using Elliptic Curve Algorithm in C#, then this tip is for you.
by Preetam U Ramdhave
How to develop connection string encryption on the application config file.
by Tim Cadenbach
Edit, Run and Develop JS Code directly within JavaScript
by kjburns1980
This tip provides code for an enhanced version of the JTabbedPane which allows the developer to add toolbar buttons to the beginning or end of the tab set.
by Jack Ross
A nice CLI for managing the BMC trouble ticketing service
by Brady Kelly
A quick and easy way to ensure that your Code First DB Initializer is always run when your app starts, not just on the first data access operation
by debasish mishra
Running Enterprise web services in Azure
by Daniel Miller
This tip provides a simple solution to automate the generation of entity and mapping classes for Entity Framework.
by Mack Ait-Aoudia
Entity Framework 6: Update an entity with a many-to-many relation
by DiponRoy
How to handle database scheme changes with normal SQL scripts, without migration in Entity Framework code first
by Fiyaz Hasan
This article shows you how to work with database triggers in entity framework core using a third party library.
by Dholakiya Ankit
Logging database operations in Entity Framework and handling Exceptions
by OrlandoCurioso
An EF base DbContext that provides detailed information on current and totalized changes
by Christopher R Davis
Use model driven development with a MySql backend
by Sherjil_Ahmed
Mixing DB-First and Code First Approach for using SPs in EF-Way
by User 4324523
This tip attempts to solve ProviderManifestToken issue
by MdAsifBd
Separate entity class mapping using Fluent API
by Debopam Pal
How to bring data from Entity model to Excel file using LINQ.
by PIEBALDconsult
A Dictionary that is constrained to hold only the defined members of an enumeration
by Vahe Karamian
In this video, we explore how to place GameObjects in a Unity scene and apply basic geometric transformations.
by Vahe Karamian
In this video, we'll explore the essential steps for planning your game mechanics and rules, laying the foundation for engaging gameplay.
by Vahe Karamian
This tutorial is great for developers looking to design compelling game mechanics and integrate them seamlessly into their Unity projects.
by Assil
Simple implementation for "Retry Design Pattern" and also "Circuit Breaker Design Pattern" and merging them together
by saurabhsharmacs
This tip demonstrates how to use ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) in ASP.NET MVC and WebAPI.
by Dusara Maulik
Error notification service which helps make application more error free
by MJ Ferdous
The list cannot be displayed in Datasheet view
by honey the codewitch
A rundown of some common tricks and pitfalls when working with SD readers for IoT gadgets
by Duncan Edwards Jones
How an event sourcing / projection based system allows you to fully unit test the business code the application will use without mocks
by Lalit_Chandra
In JavaScript, triggering of events is different in IFrame and Parent Window.
by hemanthk119
Neural Network taught to play Nokia 3310 type snake game, by proper selection and mutation
by ehab_nour
Processing SAP generated Excel file as a report to get some information
by Abhishek Shrotriya
Export to Excel feature in Angular 2+ applications
by ArindamSarkar
Tips and tricks to quickly find out how to manipulate Excel using .NET Managed Code
by Anurag Gandhi
An Excel macro that generates SQL insert script that can be executed against database directly
by JamesFaix
Automated build tool for ExcelDNA projects to add referenced libraries to packed ExcelDNA add-in
by Dominic Burford
Exception handling in WCF
by dragonfly lee
How to exchange date time between C# and C++
by JakeG
WIX template for wrapping EXE with a MSI installer for easier deployment with group policy
by apis3445
With C# and the Windows API, you can execute a program in a second monitor.
by Bert O Neill
Execute SSIS Package in C# or SQL Sproc
by Fiyaz Hasan
This article shows how to execute JavaScript code from ASP.NET core server-side using NodeServices.
Connect to remote socket via System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect method with timeout controlled by System.Threading.Timer
by K Barakathulla Khan
Programmatically connecting to AS400 and executing commands