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C# 4.0


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by Igor Ladnik
Wrapper to facilitate usage of TCP sockets
by Sacha Barber
It would probably be like Cinch, an MVVM framework for WPF.
by Roman Kiss
This article describes a design, implementation and usage of the Custom Routing Manager for managing messages via Routing Service built-in .Net 4 Technology.
by Adam David Hill
All the juicy tricks and scandalous shortcuts which helped us ship our competition game on time

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by Elmue
An easy to use 3D control which can be integrated into an application in a few minutes
by NikStar
Using OutgoingMessageProperties and OperationContextScope to implement authorization by http header for WCF client that communicates with non WCF-based web services.
by Siddhartha S.
WPF smart client demo of nitty gritty of MVVM for a real life LOB application
by Shivprasad koirala
Understanding two terminologies - reflection and dynamic keyword

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C# 4.0 

22 Jan 2014 by Igor Ladnik
Wrapper to facilitate usage of TCP sockets
4 Sep 2009 by Sacha Barber
It would probably be like Cinch, an MVVM framework for WPF.
29 Apr 2010 by Roman Kiss
This article describes a design, implementation and usage of the Custom Routing Manager for managing messages via Routing Service built-in .Net 4 Technology.
7 Jan 2013 by Adam David Hill
All the juicy tricks and scandalous shortcuts which helped us ship our competition game on time
29 Mar 2010 by Nish Nishant
An ExifReader class in C# that supports custom formatting and extraction. StyleCop compliant code, with demos for WPF and Windows Forms.
6 Nov 2010 by defwebserver
How using the Silverlight DataTrigger allows you to run a process and then raise another when using View Model (MVVM)
15 Sep 2014 by Daniel Vaughan
Create best-in-breed cross-platform MVVM apps using Calcium for Xamarin.Forms.
30 Dec 2009 by Razan Paul (Raju)
Animation technique based on Clip property of UIelement in WPF
12 Oct 2013 by Kenneth Haugland
Implementation and theory behind TLM modelling for acoustic wave propagation with 2D and 3D view. Also includes a raindrop and boat wake simulation.
8 May 2011 by defwebserver
An example of a Silverlight 4 View Model Style video player that is not just 'skinable' but fully 'designable'.
25 Feb 2016 by J.Starkl
A windows-service which can handle different operations in separate threads and which can be controlled by a small GUI program
24 Mar 2016 by Wolfgang Foerster
3D Tools for the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
4 Jun 2012 by Espen Harlinn
Release the random artist inside you
14 Aug 2014 by Sacha Barber
Angular.Js / Azure / ASP MVC / SignalR / Bootstrap demo app
3 Jul 2012 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
Learn how to create a Windows Phone crosswords game taking advantage of online internet resources
14 Aug 2014 by Sacha Barber
Angular.Js / Azure / ASP MVC / SignalR / Bootstrap demo app
19 Jul 2018 by Ajcek84
PSAM Control Library ported over to WPF
11 Sep 2011 by Anshul Mehra
This article provide APIs & functionality so that Excel Quits after automation
31 May 2010 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
Silverlight 4 has the feature to talk with Excel or any other application using the COM API. In this article, I will guide you to understand this feature step-by-step.
10 Jun 2012 by Vitaly Tomilov
Simple way of mapping HttpHandler requests into controller/action
10 Oct 2012 by Andrew Rissing
An intuitive-fluent API for generating Linq Expressions.
8 Jan 2011 by Xiaojie Liu
A Silverlight color picker (looks like ComboBox), more like the one used within VS 2010 property browser for editing color-type
15 Feb 2017 by Wolfgang Foerster
A class which helps to easily move and rotate a camera in a 3D scene
1 Mar 2010 by The Manoj Kumar
A Visual Studio 2010 extension for creating numbered bookmarks.
6 May 2010 by defwebserver
A Silverlight file manager that allows drag and drop multiple file uploads
21 May 2012 by Zimin Max Yang
Dynamic table mapping for LINQ-to-SQL, suitable for data horizontal partitioning (Shard).
31 Jan 2014 by Dirk Bahle
How to create a start page based on AvalonDock [2.0].
18 Dec 2015 by Mohamed Kalmoua
This article describes how you can deploy your application using ClickOnce and Windows Installer technology.
12 Mar 2014 by Petr Ivankov
Interoperability between 3D graphics and calculations
10 May 2009 by DaveyM69
Allows changing of the default MIDI out device in Vista and Windows 7
11 Oct 2011 by Enrique Albert
Baseline WCF Distribution Layer - Decoupling of WCF Services and ViewModels.
13 Jan 2012 by MarkLTX
A subclass of the WPF TextBox control that displays an ellipsis when the text doesn't fit.
2 Jul 2016 by defwebserver
You can easily create a Bot and deploy it on Facebook.
6 Nov 2010 by JeroenVonk
This article describes how you can asynchronously control your SqueezeBox server
21 Jan 2015 by Syed Umar Anis
ExcelXMLExport is a Microsoft Excel 2010 / 2013 Add-in that generates XML data from Excel sheet.
25 Jan 2013 by FatCatProgrammer
StarReport: WPF-less GDI+.NET report component.
11 Nov 2018 by Christian Vos
SOLID principles: The Liskov Principle, a simple example in C#
15 Dec 2014 by Hassan Mokdad
In this article I will demonstrate two things: First a very basic and simple code snippet to show how we can use task factory to make our web applications more responsive, the next part will be on how to use the SignalR to broadcast messages from the Web Server to all the clients connected.
13 Apr 2016 by Simon B.
How to localize an ASP.NET MVC application and read all text from a database while still using DataAnnotations.
19 Jul 2009 by Jammer
An article showing an extremely simple implementation of CompositeWPF.
9 Jun 2012 by FatCatProgrammer
Balanced Binary Search Tree (BST) (Search, Delete, PrintInOrder, PrintPreOrder, PrintPostOrder,DepthFirst, BreadthFirst, BalanceTree)
27 Jun 2012 by freedeveloper
A small control to control paging in Windows Presentation Foundation.
6 Aug 2012 by _DanV_
How to dynamically add controls on a hierarchical structure on MVC.
3 Dec 2012 by Adam David Hill
Sensor-controlled XNA tunnel game with VR head-tracking.
19 Jan 2013 by padmore
Getting started recording audio to WAV with WASAPI in Windows Store apps
27 May 2014 by thomai87
A responsive two dimensional spreadsheet-like control
27 Jul 2015 by dgb77
Library to enable simple & secure client/server communications
31 Aug 2016 by Sheshnath Kumar
This article will find out a solution to serialize/deserialize object by reference at server and client, also will serialize/deserialize objects having circular references.
23 May 2010 by defwebserver
A simple Silverlight application that uses RX Extensions to communicate with an oData service.
29 Apr 2012 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
How to create a pronunciation test tool using Silverlight and Python
17 Aug 2012 by sbarnes
This article covers some details and issues in making an application used with Internet Explorer to download only unique images to a chosen folder. DUIapp creates and maintains an index in the folder to include unique and exclude duplicate images selected from IE web pages.
31 Jul 2017 by Dirk Bahle
This article explains how to take advantage from look-less WPF controls through inheritance
4 Nov 2009 by Larry Aultman
How to catch and handle ASMX based SOAP exceptions in a WCF client.
9 Oct 2010 by Stefan Savev 2
Describes how to dump information from the C# parse tree
8 Nov 2010 by Versile
A How-To Guide for replacing the integrated ClickOnce technology built into Visual Studio, and control the install/update process using Visual Studio tools
13 Dec 2012 by Vijay Tanwar
Convert Word documents, Excel sheets to HTML files using Microsoft Office Interop API and render the result back to a client browser.
11 Feb 2013 by DahlSailRunner
Really effective logging using Enterprise Library and just a little custom code.
28 Mar 2016 by ntg123
Using binding over Graphic-elements to template Tabcontrol to a folder's Cardboard-splitters look
3 Apr 2017 by Edgar Maass
Display a Point Cloud grabbed by the Microsoft Kinect v2 in a OpenGL control
17 Nov 2018 by MarkWardell
Undo/Redo Commands implemented with Minesweeper game example
25 Oct 2012 by Enrique Albert
WPF Validation using the IDataErrorInfo interface combined with Validation attributes
26 Jul 2011 by Arjan van Dijk
Developing a small generic re-usable model using the highly flexible DC technology resulting in a fully functional mini-application
25 Jun 2012 by Matthew Searles
Similar to KAXAML's.
6 Nov 2012 by Yvan Rodrigues
A head start for App Innovation contestants
17 Sep 2014 by Daniel Vaughan
Create a Xamarin Forms tabbed page or carousel page by binding to a collection of ViewModels; extending beyond the current capabilities of Xamarin Forms.
26 May 2016 by Wolfgang Foerster
A WPF 3D simulation to visualize the phase space trajectories of a double pendulum
2 Aug 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Gives an introduction of how to create SQL CLR managed objects in SQL server.
21 Feb 2012 by Christian Leutloff
Comparison of the Excel Object Library and the native C# library NPOI to extract information from .xls files.
31 Jan 2014 by Dirk Bahle
Integrate AvalonEdit with text editing options into AvalonDock [2.0]
13 Aug 2014 by Marc Clifton
Using AlchemyAPI, we create visualizations of keyword and sentence relationships so the user can extract meaningful concepts quickly and efficiently.
29 Sep 2013 by Amit Bezalel
Transfering subtitle synchronization from one subtitle file to another
28 Jul 2010 by Ernesto Herrera
Integrate Reporting Services with your Silverlight Line-of-Business applications.
15 Sep 2010 by Yury Goltsman
Extending functionality by wrapping entity using DynamicObject. Improving performance of Reflection by using cache and expressions
2 Feb 2012 by Dean Oliver
How we can harness the power of MEF and extend it by way of generics.
6 Apr 2012 by Matthew So (Hong Kong)
Use the GOLD Parser to define a language for mapping between two business entities, create a parser using the bsn-goldparser engine, and generate an assembly using CodeDom.
10 Jun 2012 by Roman Kiss
This article describes the design and implementation of the Message Mediator for connectivity pipeline hosted on the Windows Azure.
19 Jun 2012 by Burak Ozdiken
How to make a custom panel control like in Visual Studio 2008 for a Windows Forms Application using the .NET Framework.
23 Aug 2012 by Harald Heide Gundersen
Geocoordinate positioned Xna model viewable thru Photocamera
5 Nov 2012 by Paulo Zemek
Extend your objects at run-time and create really loosely-coupled applications.
12 Apr 2013 by Jonathan Nethercott
Describes an algorithm for calculating the equation of a line in an image using orthogonal linear regression.
14 Nov 2013 by shijo joseph
An extension methods library which could do the equality comparison operations easily
18 Jun 2012 by Mark Kruger
API which shows a Selection Overlay and notifies the caller when it's resizing and notifies the final rectangle.
21 Jan 2013 by Kerem Guemruekcue
This short article shows how to use an undocumented internal class method from the System.Deployment.Application.Win32InterOp namespace to get a PE images manifest resource.
8 Jun 2013 by Phil Lee NZ
A strategy for keeping sensitive configuration values, such as connection strings, out of your source control repository, but still available to your app both locally and in the cloud. We're looking specifically at Azure websites and GitHub.
16 Sep 2013 by Nick Kopp
Ultra high quality frequency domain image rotation on a GPU.
8 Apr 2014 by Claude He
CCTreeMiner: An algorithm for Subtree Mining Problems
12 Aug 2014 by Qwertie
SparseAList and some AList benchmarks
28 Nov 2009 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
This article demonstrates the all new right click feature of Silverlight 4.
9 Apr 2010 by Sean Goodpasture
A look at how to compile and use the Xapian search technology on Windows, and its pitfalls.
29 May 2010 by defwebserver
An example of Silverlight 4 OData Paging with RX Extensions.
27 Apr 2012 by FenRunner
This is an alternative for "A Universal WPF Find / Replace Dialog"
18 Jul 2012 by Ajosh Palis
The purpose of this article is to illustrate a context menu that renders in cricular shape.
9 Jun 2013 by Roman Kiss
This article describes how the Azure Lease Blob can help the composition of the business model during the runtime in the distributed event-driven pub/sub architecture.
5 Jun 2013 by gan.gary
Create dynamic columns in listview control
26 Oct 2013 by defwebserver
You can consume your backend OData Visual Studio LightSwitch services in AngularJs