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by Altaf Ansari
SignalR Real-Time ChatApp with Emoji / Smiley and sending file attachment
by Altaf Ansari
Integration of SignalR with ASP.NET C# WebForm Application in Real-Time Chat Application
by Vahid_N
PdfReport is a code-first reporting engine which is built on top of the iTextSharp and EPPlus libraries.
by pmpdesign
A lightweight C# library to add images and 'round rectangles' to a PDF on the fly and then securely embed the PDF in a web page

Latest Articles

by adriancs
Generate PDF from HTML with MS Edge
by adriancs
Easily route all pages at once in single line.
by gggustafson
This article revises an earlier revision of the Gradient Color Picker (V2). The incentive for the revision was a reader request for a larger number of initial color choices.
by gggustafson
Revises an earlier implementation of the Gradient Color Picker

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18 Sep 2018 by Altaf Ansari
SignalR Real-Time ChatApp with Emoji / Smiley and sending file attachment
20 Dec 2017 by Altaf Ansari
Integration of SignalR with ASP.NET C# WebForm Application in Real-Time Chat Application
14 Feb 2013 by Vahid_N
PdfReport is a code-first reporting engine which is built on top of the iTextSharp and EPPlus libraries.
2 May 2007 by pmpdesign
A lightweight C# library to add images and 'round rectangles' to a PDF on the fly and then securely embed the PDF in a web page
4 Dec 2007 by Ned Thompson
This article will demo how a free Flyout can help to save space on your webpage.
10 Jul 2008 by Alexandru Lungu
How to include JavaScript files in other JavaScript files.
16 Apr 2007 by Matt (D) Wilson
A simple command-line utility that validates XML files, implemented using MSXML via the VOLE COM/Automation driver library
30 May 2017 by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Understanding, designing, generating and plotting Kronecker product based fractals and offering web-pages supporting it.
26 Nov 2011 by Brij
This article discusses some problems with the earlier approach and discusses Identity federation
4 Sep 2007 by Brian Chavez
Slink is a code generating Framework that generates type safe URLs for ASP.NET. With Slink URLs, you increase code quality, increase maintainability, and get compile time checking of your URLs in all your ASPX pages (code-behind and non-codebehind).
16 Oct 2012 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
MS Test Result Viewer is a free open source library to convert MS Test result (.trx) file into HTML. It is also allowed you to perform MS Test on your test container project (.dll) file. This utility will work with simple command line arguments to generate test report in HTML format with excellent U
16 Feb 2013 by Marc Clifton
Sinking WebBrowser button element events and getting/setting input element values programmatically, without a web server.
4 Nov 2006 by Craig G. Wilson
How to flatten collections for an ObjectDataSource using the Adapter Pattern.
28 Dec 2008 by avsol
Use ASP.NET Routing to avoid 404 Not Found errors.
15 Aug 2009 by Ricardo Pineda Then
Shows how to serialize an object using binary serialization without using WCF.
17 Sep 2013 by Adam Zgagacz
User control for editing numbers writtem using different numeral base.
11 Jun 2007 by Mahdi Abdulhamid
SharePoint 2007 Flash Animation Web Part
13 Dec 2012 by GrahamMendick
A conversion of Project Silk to ASP.NET Web Forms using the Navigation for ASP.NET Web Forms codeplex project, concentrating on the navigational aspects
5 Apr 2015 by J.L. MacDonald
When supplied with a connection string and table name, this tool will read the field data types and create asp controls for you to copy and paste in your own project.
1 Dec 2022 by adriancs
Generate PDF from HTML with MS Edge
14 Jun 2021 by gggustafson
This article revises an earlier revision of the Gradient Color Picker (V2). The incentive for the revision was a reader request for a larger number of initial color choices.
13 Nov 2022 by adriancs
Easily route all pages at once in single line.
17 Dec 2013 by Member 9913858
An introduction to using FakeModel to create test aata for you.
14 Apr 2014 by Ondra Morský
Implement NLog logging with SignalR
8 Feb 2015 by Emiliano Musso
How to apply GA techniques fo solving problems in VB.NET. The example shows how to create solutions for a 2D maze, which will evolve to find the shortest path between two points.
13 Jul 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
A simple demo that explains how to do calculations in a GridView using JavaScript.
16 Aug 2009 by Farooq Kaiser
In this article, I will explore handling unknown actions. A Controller.HandleUnknownAction method gets called when a controller cannot find an action method that matches a browser request.
24 Aug 2009 by MatthewCasperson
An introductory look at the JavaScript CAKE library, which allows you to build up the HTML5 canvas element like a vector image.
17 Dec 2011 by GrahamMendick
Progressively enhanced ASP.NET Web Forms version of Knockout tutorial sample
23 Jul 2014 by Saad_Mahmood
Expression Blend - Playing with Sample Data (WPF , Windows Phone)
22 Dec 2014 by Turay Melo
This is an alternative for "Creating an Outlook 2010 Add-In"
23 Feb 2009 by David Meng
Introduces a way to create a key column in a SharePoint list.
3 Sep 2014 by _yaRus_
Frontend design for ASP.NET web applications
23 Jan 2016 by Fredrik Schultz
Introduction to Kaliko CMS - an open source content management system for ASP.NET
21 Feb 2016 by Abdullah Al-Muzahid
This is a RAD tool which can be used to generate codes for CRUD operation in ASP.NET and C# automatically based on Database Model Diagram.
26 May 2010 by AlexCode
A way to audit your business objects using NLog.
27 May 2019 by Alexandros Pappas
Example of a self hosted WCF service over HTTPS with transaction
28 Mar 2009 by Hesham Desouky
A How to that demonstrates how to use RsClientPrint ActiveX control to print reports from Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
8 May 2009 by Thomas Scheelhardt
Provides an implementation of an ImageButton that will grey out when disabled
20 Sep 2010 by Florian DREVET
Brings you the ability to personalize your configuration files per developer, per machine, per configuration...
17 Jul 2013 by Tom Glick Philadelphia, US
Run-Time Stored Procedure Processing (get input values, return GridView/Excel File)
5 May 2009 by Shou Takenaka
This article describes an idea of the ASP.NET page transfer method that can be called like the Response.Redirect method and works as cross-page posting.
10 Dec 2016 by gfazzola
In this article I will explain the implementation of an infrastructure to host and manage windows services in a practical and interactive way.As a practical example of the solution will be implemented a dynamic ip update client of DucDNS
6 Dec 2020 by Xomega Team
How to write multi-platform UI framework independent presentation logic
13 Jun 2005 by IronSpeed Inc.
Taking full advantage of the built-in infrastructure services of the Microsoft .NET Framework - without taking months to learn new languages, APIs and protocols - is one of the most pressing challenges faced by enterprise application developers today.
30 Mar 2005 by SoftWidgets
Spell Code is a must-have add-in for all VS.NET developers looking to check the spelling of any text inside the .NET IDE. Check spelling in any code window, Windows Form, UserControl and ASPX, ASCX, HTML and RESX files.
10 Jun 2005 by RescoDeveloper.Net
Resco MobileForms Toolkit is a set of .NET controls designed specifically for mobile devices.
30 Aug 2005 by Petr Palas
Create professional web sites with this new, flexible CMS for every .NET developer
3 Apr 2006 by brian dunnington
An AJAX library with easy-to-use callback functionality.
5 Sep 2006 by Inventu Corporation
Jump-start your projects with our rapid Web Service generation tools for existing Mainframe, AS/400, iSeries, and UNIX applications.
1 Nov 2006 by Lou Franco
This article will show you how to use the Atalasoft DotImage AJAX-enabled Web Image Viewer and Web Thumbnail control to navigate multi-page TIFFs, add controls to call clean-up routines, and update the browser without a post-back.
2 Nov 2006 by JetBrains s.r.o.
Convenience, speed, and ease of use set dotTrace Profiler apart from the many profiling tools built for the Microsoft .NET platform. dotTrace lets you locate performance bottlenecks in your application, optimize memory usage, or find memory leaks – faster than you could ever imagine.
5 Feb 2007 by Pman75
A 2 tier menu generator that can be navigated forwards and/or backwards.
4 May 2007 by JetBrains s.r.o.
Are you spending most of your development time coding the simplest things by hand? Discover high gear .NET development, made possible with ReSharper 2.5, and join thousands of C# and ASP.NET developers who are benefiting daily from boosted productivity and a more enjoyable coding experience.
10 Apr 2007 by Petr Palas
Do you spend days and nights developing dynamic web sites in ASP.NET? Do you need to simplify your job, get more sites done and gain more clients? Kentico CMS for .NET will help you.
10 May 2007 by Paul Glavich
ANTS Profiler provides you with a quick and easy way of identifying performance bottlenecks within your .NET applications. Additional support for the latest .NET 3.0 features, the Vista operating system, and Visual Studio integration, cements ANTS Profiler as a leading tool in performance profiling.
20 Apr 2007 by NineRays
Use of Spices.Obfuscator as a Tool for Protection and Optimization of .Net Applications. Current use of obfuscators expands their role in the development and handling of .Net applications.
2 Jun 2007 by
Learn more about the Mashup creator, Popfly space, and the Web page creator.
12 Jun 2007 by Lou Franco
Atalasoft decided to create web versions of their WinForms imaging controls. This case study outlines the requirements and analysis used to determine which technology was used in order to get migrate functionality to the browser: AJAX vs. Java vs. ActiveX vs. Flash.
6 Jul 2007 by JetBrains s.r.o.
Are you spending most of your development time coding the simplest things by hand? Discover how you can code faster and better with ReSharper 3.0. The latest version of ReSharper brings yet more productivity-boosting tools for Visual Studio and offers full-featured Visual Basic .NET support.
15 Jun 2007 by JetBrains s.r.o.
The newest version of our intelligent profiler is out, offering an expanded arsenal of memory and performance profiling tools and ready to handle many more profiling scenarios
16 Jun 2007 by NineRays, Mark Sochan
Most .NET software projects can easily be tampered, exposing your software to security risks and theft of intellectual property. This article shows different techniques used to protect .NET code and determine the best protection for you. 9rays.Net offers you Spices.Obfuscator to these ends.
7 Aug 2007 by Joel De Guzman
Do you read Science Fiction? Have you read a story that involves parallel computation or multi-core processors? Tell our Threading for Multi-Core Developer Community about it and you can win cash prizes. It's easy to join. Spend your summer wisely and join the Reading for Multi-Core Contest.
17 Jul 2007 by FF77
V.2. Code corrected - This project contains a Web Custom Control for rendering images directly from the database. Can be used with image fields, with text, date, or number fields (it generates an image containing the text), and with URL fields (like a regular image control).
1 Aug 2007 by paoloden
How to build your first pure Java application and deploy it on Linux using the Visual Studio 2005 development environment, Grasshopper 2.0 and ASP.NET 2.0 controls
11 Oct 2007 by Miles Gibson
Iron Speed Designer builds database, forms, and reporting applications for .NET – without hand-coding. Quickly create feature-complete custom applications that integrate Web pages, controls, data access, validation and security. Accelerate development and eliminate infrastructure programming.
12 Oct 2007 by Joel De Guzman
Do you love a good puzzle? Show off your threading skills on problem sets ranging from sudoku puzzles to dorm room assignments. Take the challenge to win monthly prizes and the chance to take home an Apple MacBook Pro*.
9 Jul 2009 by dougturn
Provides an overview of data lists from the perspective of a developer. This content is part 2 of the MOSS content from
7 Aug 2009 by ShofarNexus
This review compares the use of a popup verses a new page to allow users to select options.
29 Dec 2009 by Matthew Baxter-Reynolds
This article acts as an introduction to those looking to work with BootFX - an Open Source .NET application framework.
7 Apr 2010 by John Wigger
A utility class allowing you to deal with form data as a collection.
22 Mar 2013 by Pablo Fernandez Duran
This article will show you how to use the CodeFluent Entities UI producers. From the same and unique model you can generate screens that will be rendered in the targeted platforms of your choice. You will see how CodeFluent Entities is totally UI-agnostic.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Being a new web developer can be hard. There are way too many technologies and frameworks to learn and it is very easy to get lost in the sea of buzz
11 Jul 2014 by Jeffrey T. Fritz
I’ve been reviewing Novalys Visual Guard for the last 2 weeks, and found some really interesting nuggets in this package that would make my network administrators stand up and take notice.
16 Jan 2015 by Emiliano Musso
Definitions and examples of a genetic algorithm; Visual Basic sample for an icon generation through a model and a random initial range of solutions.
28 Jun 2005 by Daniel Cazzulino [XML MVP]
An in-depth exploration of the features and the power of .NET Component Model architecture, its integration with the IDE at design-time and the possiblities it opens through extensions at run-time.
3 Apr 2019 by Mahsa Hassankashi
Best approach for having more secure channel to transfer user information throughout the web
28 Dec 2011 by Evoluteur
A look at the minimal metadata needed (database mapping and user interface) for generic CRUD applications using the example of a to do list.
26 Apr 2006 by Salvatore Vetro
Ensuring a crisp boundary exists between objects, enabling greater reuse and system maintainability.
28 May 2007 by Sau Fan Lee
11 May 2011 by saxenaabhi6
To get a 3D model and a marker moving on Google earth and map respectively, showing the live tracking of GPS
10 Oct 2013 by Rion Williams
This post will cover how to get the number of lines of code within your application in both premium and non-premium versions of Visual Studio through either the integrated Code Metrics tools (Premium-versions only) or by leveraging a crafty Regular Expression and without having to resort to USI.
31 Aug 2007 by Jon Rista
Maximize your understanding of the .NET 2.0 configuration framework, avoid common pitfalls, and gain insight into the details of how configuration works in various scenarios and environments.
16 Jan 2010 by Uwe Keim
A small set of general-purpose classes for using in .NET applications (2.0 or higher)
11 Jun 2011 by Omar Al Zabir
Web 2.0 AJAX Portal built using jQuery, and ASP.NET 3.5. It offers Silverlight widget framework. Middle-tier built on Workflow Foundation. Data Access Layer uses Compiled Linq to SQL. Uses Enterprise Library 4.1 and Unitiy, offering Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control. All hot stuff!
25 Dec 2008 by Samir NIGAM
This article describes how to manage states of the Checkboxes inside the GridView in different pages.
11 Jul 2014 by Arindam Jha
Understanding of complex jQuery Datatable tricks and Save it's state in SQL Server with a basic concepts of jQyuery template. Sample Application used .NET 4.5, Entityt Framework.
16 Aug 2005 by Omar Al Zabir
Comprehensive guide to development of .NET 2.0 Smart Clients working with existing Service Oriented Architecture based XML web services, fully utilizing the Enterprise Library
8 Nov 2011 by Brij
This part mainly discusses WIF and demonstrates a sample step by step
15 Nov 2010 by Brij
This article discusses a very cool feature of jQuery that is Client Templating
25 Dec 2009 by Lionel LASKE
Learn how to synchronize your OneNote notebooks on Windows Azure and access it from your iPhone or your Palm Pré.
11 Jun 2008 by Billy McCafferty
This article describes best practices for leveraging the benefits of NHibernate 1.2, ASP.NET, generics and unit testing together.
1 Jun 2008 by DonSn
The Evaluation Engine is a parser and interpreter that can be used to build a Business Rules Engine. It allows for mathematical and boolean expressions, operand functions, variables, variable assignment, comments, and short-circuit evaluation. A syntax editor is also included.
8 Dec 2008 by Brian Pursley
An article that introduces SharePoint web part development by creating a simple contact form web part.
28 Apr 2007 by craigd
Remove Binary Serialization to solve Medium Trust problem; index OpenXML document formats in ASP.NET/C# free search engine
10 Jun 2006 by Chris Wuestefeld
Create Code128 barcodes for WinForms or ASP.NET.
10 Jan 2018 by Amir Jalilifard
In this article, you are going to learn about P2P Network and Windows Communication Foundation to share your files between peers through a P2P network.
13 Apr 2011 by Brij
This article gives a brief idea about state management and discusses the variuos approcahes for handling it in a Web Farm/Web Garden scenario.